Not sure if this should be on this part of the forum - but it's all about who did what or not in Vietnam on the free space <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> Sorry for the out of date film review, but I was bored and watched it just now.<br /><br />Ok, the film, Armageddon. Cool for a NASA buff like myself (given some of the sights - VAB etc.) but woooooow it is about as accurate me taking a pee in a pub after 10 pints <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Anyone know what was going on with the NASA advisors (Even former head Goldin was involved apparently) when they had "fire in space" and messed up the launch sequence (Throttle up, then roll programme, eek lol - SRB and ET seperation at the same time) where as they got some of the Shuttle pre-launch pretty much bang on from memory (ET fueling).<br /><br />Was this Hollywood basically saying "Thanks for the advice, but......." to the NASA guys?<br /><br />I have a feeling Shuttle Guy watched this film as a comedy <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> But to anyone who doesn't know Jack about NASA, it's still something that makes you think NASA is cool (which it is).<br /><br />(Mods, please move if its really not meant to be on this area. Cheers).