As I've said many times before, nothing travels faster than the speed of light!

Superman stands on the Moon, the fastest thing in the universe, super, super, fast (fast enough to seemingly teleport instantaneously point A to point B). With his x-ray vision he spots a piano falling from a window of a ten-story building just about to smash and crush a cat below, an animal he loves dearly (he is a cat lover). Standing on the Moon, he sees the cat still alive and if he moves instantly to the scene, he thinks he will save the cat.

He moves seemingly instantly to the scene, seemingly teleporting instantaneously with no loss of time that can be measured to the scene, only to find the piano has beaten him to the sidewalk and killed the cat. How did that happen with superman speeding so infinitely fast, essentially teleporting instantaneously (for all intents and purposes) from point A on the Moon to point B on Earth? someone might wonder. It happened because the cat on Earth was already dead when superman on the Moon observed it to be alive . . . already dead, at the very instant superman was observing -- per and from the speed of light -- he would have enough time to save it if he traveled infinitely fast to save it. He traveled faster than the speed of light, someone might think wrongly, to the scene (in traveling infinitely fast, but still a bit of time) and was nowhere near fast enough to save the cat.

Any travel, any travel at all, even at the smallest fraction of a second, a split second, from anywhere in the universe to anywhere else in the universe, even a billion, ten billion, light years apart, is no travel faster than the speed of light. Traveling histories, ascending universes' light-time histories, any point A in a universe to any unobserved and unobservable real-time point B ('dark' 0-point real-time to 'dark' 0-point real-time) whatsoever in a universe, however fast the travel, is never faster than the speed of light. Just to move period is to travel a history, forward a history, ascend a light-time history point to point in the universe, never traveling faster than the speed of light.

To accelerate to the speed of light is to accelerate toward or into black hole's mass gravity. An ultimately final arrival in a bad situation of gravity (black hole) . . . and an "ultimately final arrival" that is always a localized event, occurring in a closed or closing acceleration system whether the accelerator at Cern, or the black hole center of the Milky Way Galaxie.
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