Has anyone ever thought about how energywawes which move gravity, working with some energywawes which move some other planets gravity.<br /><br />I have a idea and with this idea example photons expanding all a time and same time photons open energywaves and with this energywaves photons push themselfs far a way same way what photons expanding/getting bigger.<br /><br />This new idea dont need a gravity at all.<br /><br />So, you have understund, that Sun expanding all a time and sun open energywaves where is photons and neutrons. Also neutrons expanding and open energywaves and neutrons moved movedenergy for earth atoms by atom to atom.<br /><br />And this energyswaves what sun open working with energywaves what earth open.<br /><br />Thats you have to remember.<br /><br />Onesimple<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />