Question Condensates

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This link has the raw image.

I think it’s impossible to sync or phase thousands of antennas at different locations from the surface of an accelerating sphere. Call me cynical. I am, but technically is what I mean.

Making the composite creamy with puffy trails and a crosshatching background.

I find it difficult to discern a laser beam like linear flare. Maybe it’s my eyes again.

Which is moving faster, the puffs or the puffers? Looks intermittent to me. With quite a time span.

BH cycling? Does ours cycle? Our bubbles might be remnants of it. It might have started flaring and we not know it yet.

Would love to see the raw image from those the other sources. Artists seem to have a lot of liberty.

Or imagination. I do admit a bias for these “artist impressions”.
What does it all mean?
Scientists continue to research to understand the properties of compact matter.

[Submitted on 28 Oct 2024]

Pi in the Sky: Neutron Stars with Exceptionally Light QCD Axions​

Mia Kumamoto, Junwu Huang, Christian Drischler, Masha Baryakhtar, Sanjay Reddy

we present a comprehensive study of axion condensed neutron stars that arise in models of an exceptionally light axion that couples to quantum chromodynamics (QCD). These axions solve the strong-charge-parity (CP) problem, but have a mass-squared lighter than that due to QCD by a factor of ε<1. Inside dense matter, the axion potential is altered, and much of the matter in neutron stars resides in the axion condensed phase where the strong-CP parameter θ=π and CP remains a good symmetry. In these regions, masses and interactions of nuclei are modified, in turn changing the equation of state (EOS), structure and phenomenology of the neutron stars. We take first steps toward the study of the EOS of neutron star matter at θ=π within chiral effective field theory and use relativistic mean field theory to deduce the resulting changes to nuclear matter and the neutron star low-density EOS. We derive constraints on the exceptionally light axion parameter space based on observations of the thermal relaxation of accreting neutron stars, isolated neutron star cooling, and pulsar glitches, excluding the region up to 5×10−7≲ε≲0.2 for ma≳2×10−9eV. We comment on potential changes to the neutron star mass-radius relationship, and discuss the possibility of novel, nuclear-density compact objects with θ=π that are stabilized not by gravity but by the axion potential.
Jan 2, 2024
What does it all mean?
Axions may be real even if not yet detected (they are theoretically extremely weak in interaction with ordinary matter) and are considered a dark matter contender. In trying to answer it seems they are needed (?) as part of 'standard theory'.

It seems to be a way in which the presence of axions in neutron stars could constitute a validation of standard theory by showing how things may work. But if you really are interested you better check this out I do not want to mislead.
""The chiral symmetry breaking leads to a shift in the guiding center coordinates of the Landau orbitals near the step edge, thus resulting in a distinct chiral flow of the spectral density of Landau levels. This study underscores the pivotal role of topological defects as sensitive probes for detecting hidden symmetries, offering profound insights into emergent phenomena with implications for fundamental physics.""

The plot thickens.
One of the most important properties of Condensates found in the cores of Black Holes is that they explain a variety of Galaxy Formations and star formations.

[Submitted on 21 Nov 2024]

Dark universe inspired by the Kaluza-Klein gravity​

Kimet Jusufi, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano, Ahmad Sheykhi, Daris Samart
We explore the potential implications of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravity in unifying the dark sector of the Universe. Through dimensional reduction in KK gravity, the 5D spacetime framework can be reformulated in terms of a 4D spacetime metric, along with additional scalar and vector fields. From the 4D perspective, this suggests the existence of a tower of particle states, including KK gravitons with massive spin-0 and spin-1 states, in addition to the massless spin-2 gravitons of general relativity (GR). By assuming a minimal coupling between the self-interacting scalar field and the gauge field, a "mass" term emerges for the spin-1 gravitons. This, in turn, leads to long-range gravitational effects that could modify Newton's law of gravity through Yukawa-type corrections. We draw an analogy with superconductivity theory, where the condensation of a scalar field results in the emergence of massive spin-1 particles producing repulsive forces, along with an increase of the gravitational force due the correction to Newton's constant. Assuming an environment-dependent mass for the spin-1 graviton, near the galactic center the repulsive force from this spin-1 graviton is suppressed by an additional attractive component from Newton's constant corrections, resulting in a Newtonian-like, attraction-dominated effect. In the galaxy's outer regions, the repulsive force fades due to its short range, making dark matter appear only as an effective outcome of the dominant attractive corrections. This approach also explains dark matter's emergence as an apparent effects on cosmological scales while our model is equivalent to the scalar-vector-tensor gravity theory. Finally, we examine the impact of dark matter on the primordial gravitational wave (PGW) spectrum and show that it is sensitive to dark matter effects, providing an opportunity to test this theory through future GW observatories.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electromagnetic Vector Fields (Jets) or (Vortex manifolds), are all created by the core properties of condensates.

[Submitted on 24 Nov 2024]

Towards a parameter-free determination of critical exponents and chiral phase transition temperature in QCD​

Sabarnya Mitra, Frithjof Karsch, Sipaz Sharma
In order to quantify the universal properties of the chiral phase transition in (2+1)-flavor QCD, we make use of an improved, renormalized order parameter for chiral symmetry breaking which is obtained as a suitable difference of the 2-flavor light quark chiral condensate and its corresponding light quark susceptibility. Having no additive ultraviolet as well as multiplicative logarithmic divergences, we use ratios of this order parameter constructed from its values for two different light quark masses. We show that this facilitates determining in a parameter-independent manner, the chiral phase transition temperature Tc and the associated critical exponent δ which, for sufficiently small values of the light quark masses, controls the quark mass dependence of the order parameter at Tc. We present first results of these calculations from our numerical analysis performed with staggered fermions on Nτ=8 lattices.
Research into the formation of dipolar vector fields that form Jets from active black holes and Star hourglass images is the stepping stone in understanding the ongoing Universe.

[Submitted on 13 Dec 2024]

Existence and asymptotic properties of standing waves for dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with rotation​

Meng-Hui Wu, Shubin Yu, Chun-Lei Tang
In this article, we study the existence and asymptotic properties of prescribed mass standing waves for the rotating dipolar Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential in the unstable regime. This equation arises as an effective model describing Bose-Einstein condensate of trapped dipolar quantum gases rotating at the speed Ω. To be precise, we mainly focus on the two cases: the rotational speed 0<Ω<Ω∗ and Ω=Ω∗, where Ω∗ is called a critical rotational speed. For the first case, we obtain two different standing waves, one of which is a local minimizer and can be determined as the ground state, and the other is mountain pass type. For the critical case, we rewrite the original problem as a dipole Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a constant magnetic field and partial harmonic confinement. Under this setting, a local minimizer can also be obtained, which seems to be the optimal result. Particularly, in both cases, we establish the mass collapse behavior of the local minimizers. Our results extend the work of Dinh (Lett. Math. Phys., 2022) and Luo et al. (J. Differ. Equ., 2021) to the non-axially symmetric harmonic potential, and answer the open question proposed by Dinh.
Transient Condensates
BE condensates at very low temperatures.
Neutron Stars formed from Neutrons compacting.
Core Of Neutron Stars are believed to be formed from compacted Quarks.
Confinement is the Key process.

[Submitted on 7 Jan 2025 (v1), last revised 9 Jan 2025 (this version, v2)]

Constraints from Gamma-ray Burst Phenomenology on the Hypothesis of Quark Star as the central engine of Gamma-ray Bursts​

Xin-Ying Song
The existence of a strange quark star (QS) predicted in the Bodmer-Witten hypothesis has been a matter of debate. The combustion from a neutron star to a strange QS in its accreted process in a low-mass X-ray binary is proposed to be a scenario that generates gamma-ray bursts (GRBs); the baryon contamination of the outflow is very low and mainly from the masses of crusts (Mcrust) of QSs. A special subset of GRBs detected in the past 16 years are collected and used to estimate Mcrust under this assumption of QSs as central engines. Correspondingly, Mcrust is calculated in the frameworks of several models for cold dense quark matter (MIT bag model and Nambu-Jona-Lasino model with or without the impacts from the formation of color superconducting condensates being considered), for comparison with the observation. In conclusion, we find that the GRB samples have so far failed to provide positive support for this hypothesis.
[Submitted on 30 Dec 2024]

Z2 topological orders in kagomé dipolar systems: Feedback from Rydberg quantum simulator​

Pengwei Zhao, Gang v. Chen
The mutual feedback between quantum condensed matter and cold atom physics has been quite fruitful throughout history and continues to inspire ongoing research. Motivated by the recent activities on the quantum simulation of topological orders among the ultracold Rydberg atom arrays, we consider the possibility of searching for topological orders among the dipolar quantum magnets and polar molecules with a kagomé lattice geometry. Together with other quantum interactions such as the transverse field, the dipolar interaction endows the kagomé system with a similar structure as the Balents-Fisher-Girvin model and thus fosters the emergence of the Z2 topological orders. We construct a Z2 lattice gauge theory to access the topological ordered phase and describe the spinon and vison excitations for the Z2 topological orders. We explain the spectroscopic consequences for various quantum phases as well as the experimental detection. We further discuss the rare-earth kagomé magnets, ultracold polar molecules, and cluster Mott insulators for the physical realization.
Condensates are real and research in this field is fundamental.
In explaining many formations out there and beyond.

[Submitted on 16 Jan 2025]

Supersolid dipolar phases in planar geometry: effects of tilted polarization​

Daniel Lima, Matheus Grossklags, Vinicius Zampronio, Fabio Cinti, Alejandro Mendoza-Coto
The behavior of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in planar geometries is investigated, focusing on the effects of the polarization orientation. While perpendicular polarization produces a phase diagram with hexagonal, stripes, and honeycomb phases ending at a single critical point, the presence of an in-plane polarization component transforms the critical point into three critical lines, separating two phases at a time and changing radically the appearance of the phase diagram. All transition lines contain first- and second-order regions, while the phase diagram itself shows a resemblance with those displayed by quasi-one-dimensional dipolar systems. Finally, we investigate the effect of introducing an in-plane polarization on the structural properties of the phases and determine the superfluid fraction. Our results show that this process induces an axial deformation on the hexagonal and honeycomb phases, resulting in an anisotropic behavior in the long distance properties of the system like superfluidity. We expect that the rich phenomenology observed provides motivation for new experiments and theoretical works.
Condensates are found in areas that we think cannot occur.
Future rocket fuel will be designed via condensate.

[Submitted on 4 Jan 2024]

Deconstructing Photospheric Spectral Lines in Solar and Stellar Flares​

Aaron J. Monson, Mihalis Mathioudakis, Adam F. Kowalski
During solar flares, spectral lines formed in the photosphere have been shown to exhibit changes to their profiles despite the challenges of energy transfer to these depths. Recent work has shown that deep-forming spectral lines are subject to significant contributions from regions above the photosphere throughout the flaring period, resulting in a composite emergent intensity profile from multiple layers of the atmosphere. We employ radiative-hydrodynamic and radiative transfer calculations to simulate the response of the solar/stellar atmosphere to electron beam heating and synthesize spectral lines of Fe I to investigate the line-of-sight velocity fields information available from Doppler shifts of the emergent intensity profile. By utilizing the contribution function to deconstruct the line profile shape into its constituent sources, we show that variations in the line profiles are primarily caused by changes in the chromosphere. Up-flows in this region were found to create blueshifts or "false" redshifts in the line core dependent on the relative contribution of the chromosphere compared to the photosphere. In extreme solar and stellar flare scenarios featuring explosive chromospheric condensations, red-shifted transient components can dominate the temporal evolution of the profile shape, requiring a tertiary component consideration to fully characterize. We conclude that deep-forming lines require a multi-component understanding and treatment, with different regions of the spectral line being useful for probing individual regions of the atmosphere's velocity flows.
[Submitted on 29 May 2024]

Exact results, transient generalized Gibbs ensembles, and analytic approximations for spacetime propagators of massive, real scalar fields in one spatial dimension​

Tobias Boorman, Bernd Braunecker
The massive, real scalar field described by the Klein-Gordon equation in one spatial dimension is the most elementary example of a bosonic quantum field theory, and has been investigated for many decades either as a simple academic theory or as a realistic emergent many-body theory in low-dimensional systems. Despite this, the space and time behavior of its propagators have rarely been in the foreground, and although exact results are known, there remain gaps in the description and a lack of an in-depth physical analysis. The aim of this paper is to address the deficits by providing a comprehensive discussion of the results, and to show that this old theory still allows for several new results and insights. To start, known results are rederived in full detail, with an added discussion on how exactly space and time variables need to be extended to complex values to ensure analyticity throughout spacetime. This procedure shows also how singularities on the lightcone need to be regularized to remain compatible with the analyticity and the physical limit of a vanishing mass. An extension to nonzero temperatures is provided by considering the contact of the field to a nonrelativistic thermal reservoir, such as is necessary for emerging field theories in condensed matter systems. Subsequently, it is shown that the transient, short spacetime propagation can be understood in the context of the modern development of a generalized Gibbs ensemble, which describes a massless theory with an effective temperature that is set by the Klein-Gordon mass and the physical temperature. Finally, an approximation scheme is presented that captures the non-trivial mass dependence of the propagators throughout all spacetime but involves only elementary functions.
Cores made from Quarks, Partonic, and Axion Matter can form an event Horizon.
When matter enters, matter breaks down to Atoms, which break down into Protons and Neutrons, Protons gain an Electron and change to Neutrons, Neutrons will compact, but! under extreme compaction Neutrons will break down to Quarks, Quarks break down into partonic matter, the partonic matter will break down to Axion matter break down to Neutrino matter.

A Singularity will never form.

The basic property of Condensates is a Dipolar vector field that expels matter from the core in the form of a jet. Many Jet images are observed: eg M87.

The attraction property forms vector fields that stop EMR from escaping forming an Event Horizon. This mimics a classical Black Hole.
The Jet is observed once it is away from the Event Horizon.

Experts have found water in the universe for the first time in history, and it could be one of the greatest achievements ever made Source: ECO News
Vacuum cleaners are questionable.
Condensates MIMIC Black Hole properties and attract matter by vector forces generated by the Core.
Condensates also expel matter via jets generated by the compacted core.

Black holes are more than just cosmic vacuum cleaners — they are powerful energy engines capable of redistributing vast amounts of power. Black holes spin and e… Source: SciTechDaily

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