I meant damage going down to the heat resistant felt, sorry...<br /><br />Go back a few years...Columbia was hit with foam, no one made it a point to look, almost literally out the window (read: using the camera on the canadarm) to peek over the side of the cargo door, and yet there was an actual, physical hole in the RCC panel. Damage has happened in the past. We were used to seeing shedding (plus NASA wasn't too keen on anyone speaking up about safety at the time, according to CAIB). Anything, including a 1 in a million chance, can happen. What may appear to be harmless (like the foam hit on Columbia) could be catastrophic. Even if the Endeavour gouge wasnt filled in completely, it would had some sort of barrier from the innards to the heat. Tests showed a 10 degree variation between what the felt could handle, and the temp of reentry....10 degrees!!?? For something the size of a hockey puck, it doesnt take much to heat 10 degrees. I'm willing to bet the folks on board the shuttle had some off camera talks amongst each other, perhaps even some last-good byes, just in case. I know I would have been a little nervous on the way in. Hell, I was nervous sitting here watching nasa tv.<br /><br />Sure the media might have blown it out of proportion, but if the repair had been done, and endeavour was destroyed, at least that effort was there. Granted, the STS would be doomed, and the crew would be lost, but at least the knowledge was there. <br /><br />Nothing was done, and had part of Endeavour's internal structure failed, what then? "Oh well, back to the drawing board"? Even if it weren't lost, but did suffer the interior structural (spar?) damage, (as someone else said elsewhere on this board) that means she's on the disabled list, possibly to the end of the STS. we're down to 2 shuttles...the ISS more than likely may not get finished, and certainly not by 2010.<br /><br />Exploring is about trials and errors, but accidents do happen. Good training and a good safety team make <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>