Nov 4, 2024
This theory involves our theory of gravity to be close to correct much like a scientific calculator. While 1/3 is always 1/3 u cannot state this as .33 repeating the answer will never equate.

In my chemistry theory the earths magnetic field keeps gravity from falling in by magnetic push from the sun. The earth is a magnetic kite in the suns magnetic reach but when the earth gets to close it is pushed away due to heat of chemistry and then pulled in by gravity when cooled by space.

This magnetic field interaction I am calling an electromagnetic field kite. The earth is a kite around the sun rather than just gravity.

With my theory of two layers of EMFs evolving I theorize that there should be one strong push of magnetic force going down through a thin high voltage layer of electricity with one more additional emf to pull electricity in that direction

My theory is if you can push off electrons with EMFs then the right combination of layered electricity and EMFs pushing electrons into another emf may give us an emf kite
Nov 4, 2024
The layer of electricity should have many small gaps close enough for electrons to travel. If there are a lot of open electricity then maybe the emf can push off in the direction of the opposing emf
Nov 4, 2024
In theory you could test this at the space station with an emf a taser and an object however as my idea develops it may require the second emf to pull the pushed electrons. If you were in space place one emf pushing on its side and another emf pulling on the other side. Place a small object between EMFs and now activate taser between EMFs to see if object is moved.
Nov 4, 2024
By testing this in space you could get how much mass is moved by electrons. Testing this on ground may require really high voltages even for small objects. However my initial experiment will involve two 1/16 disc of plexiglass. The problem with this although I anticipate I will get minor lift with my attachments on top I do not think I will have high enough voltages to reach orbit. Basically the flow of electrons between the two EMFs act as rocket fuel. It is possible that this will only be beneficial in space.
Nov 4, 2024
This is much like a cathode ray tube however it is only truly similar when the rotating craft with 3 humps has no atmosphere left to push off. At higher voltages I predict rotation speed will be sufficient to reach higher levels of atmosphere while at tremendous electrical power the emf actually emit a bolt of electrons as push in outter space
Nov 4, 2024
I would like my craft to have a remote to reduce spin and come back down. Eventually I would like to test a small 1 foot rotating craft I theorize I will need heavier components but after I test the lift due to the 3 humps. Once I am satisfied with the atmospheric levels of lift I will try to incorporate the emf propulsion off electricity generated from the same source. This is a perpetual flying craft because the more electricity you put in the more it produces using various sets of 3 in 6 different positions I will use the rmf board to incorporate rotation while smaller EMFs are genrating rotation and also combing to form one top layer of emf to push on the electricity. The bottom layer does not rotate but pulls electricity from middle down and out the rotating craft.
Nov 4, 2024
I theorize wires will melt with the amount of electricity generated. I have a possible solution that requires a 2 inch thick cylinder of copper. By wrapping thick enough wire around the cylinder you might still generate an emf. And when voltage gets too high the cylinder absorbs plenty of heat.
Nov 4, 2024
I also want to attach a source that can make the current travel opposite. These my friends are called breaks. You should not fly without them. Jokingly
Nov 4, 2024
I was hypothesis the capability of potentially accidentally harnessing too much emf propulsion. I believe it will shoot away but also come back just like the law of gravity. This is if it works and it’s possible some day I was thinking what could go wrong. With speeds faster than gravity a decent size craft may magnitate faster somewhere elesewhere
Nov 4, 2024
Since the generator has already been done, I think I will try the emf kite with two plexiglass circles without a center to form a saucer. I will have to explore circuit boards for rmfs in order to generate my initial lift from thrust. But I calculate the nikola Tesla number of “3” humps will provide adequate lift for a battery pack. I am going to enjoy trying to build a remote toy saucer. I probably will not pursue any experiments but I love imagining the possibilities.

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