Russian top space official once said, there is no way the Soyuz spacecraft is going to be launched from South America spaceport. The reason mentioned was that Soyuz need to be substantially modified to allow for launches from there - in part, because you need to take a lot of environmental precautions. And currently Russia isn't interested in upgrading Soyuz. Klipper is already in the federal space program, so all the (rather scarce) funds will go to Klipper development.<br /><br />Now, theoretically ESA can go to RSA and ask for specially modified Soyuz. But they'll have to pay the full price, since Russians don't see any use for that. And Europe won't do it - it's too much and just doesn't make sense, they have much better options with joining in Klipper development program.<br /><br />A variant of Soyuz rocket is going to fly from Kourou in a few years. The launchpad had to be modified for a newer version of the rocket and, again, for different environment (humidity, in particular). But on the other hand, together with these necessary upgrades other things are being done. Launchpad doesn't hold the rocket in the air, as all the other R-7 launchpads do. And, additionally, it allowes for much heavier rocket to be launched.<br /><br />It's a long story, but eventually one idea is that Kourou launchpad for Soyuze-descended rockets will allow to launch Klipper spacecraft. That is, if ESA will decide to pursue the joint Klipper development or use.