NASA's current plans has the CEV only launching on the Ares I, and it containing a small rocket to pull the CEV away from the Ares I should an abort be necessary during boost.<br /><br />My question is this: <font color="yellow">Would there be any difference in the success/failure of using this escape method if the CEV was placed on the Ares V instead of the Ares I?</font><br /><br /><br />The reason I ask is that there has been some grumblings about the cost and technical issues of the stick for the Ares I, and some have suggested doing away with it and just go with a Apollo-style launch with the CEV on top of the Ares V. This has got me thinking about safety issues.<br /><br />It seems that the Ares I would be simpler than the Ares V, and therefore a failure is less likely for an Ares I (fewer things to possibly fail) during the boost phase. Similarly, it seems that the pulling a capsule away from the Ares I would be more likely to be successful than pulling the capsule away from the larger Ares V.<br /><br />However... I also know intuition is often wrong. Any thoughts?