Favorite sci-fi movies that I have NOT seen :)

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bdewoody":17n7c3jn said:
Now that I am hip to the theme here how about "Outland". I saw it in the theatre when it first came out but a lot of people I talk to today have never heard of it.

Another is "ZARDOZ" which nobody mentioned.

Outland was a good B flick, Zardoz was just awful. Amazing that Connery was in both.

ps - I think one of my first posts here on SdC was trying to get the name of the movie that corresponded to my vague rememberance of the following scene. I think CE got it.


bdewoody":3j5f54j8 said:
Now that I am hip to the theme here how about "Outland". I saw it in the theatre when it first came out but a lot of people I talk to today have never heard of it.

Bit of a western in space, not OK

Another is "ZARDOZ" which nobody mentioned.

Haven't seen it.


JonClarke":uespjd8z said:
bdewoody":uespjd8z said:
Now that I am hip to the theme here how about "Outland". I saw it in the theatre when it first came out but a lot of people I talk to today have never heard of it.

Bit of a western in space, not OK

I enjoyed Outland. :( Yes, it was a bit of a Western in space but, it was also a "whodunnit" with "corporate intrigue" and a failed "Sheriff" out to prove his worth, perhaps. I liked the story elements.


K-PAX - Starring Kevin Spacey. It's not your usual bit of Sci-Fi, a man in a mental institution that say's he's from another planet.. But, I enjoyed it and, as usual, Spacey did an excellent job. It's a little bit slow but, it's good for a little over an hour of entertainment. Science Fiction? Well, that depends on how you look at it. Certainly, there's a sci-fi element involved, depending upon what part of the storyline you wish to believe...


I'm a big fan of 50's sci-fi movies. Some of better ones (that I don't think have been mentioned) are:

"The Thing From Another World" (1951) - James Arness as the thawed vegetable terrorizing a polar military outpost. (John Carpenter's remake was even better IMHO.)

"Invaders From Mars" (1953) - Another one that was remade, but the original is the real deal.

"Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers" (1956) - The original paranoia classic. Accept no substitutes.

"The Incredible Shrinking Man" (1957) - Incredible special effects too.

"Village Of The Damned" (1960) - Okay, it's a 60's release, but anything with George Sanders is worth watching.

Some others that are more guilty pleasures would include: "Invasion Of The Crab Monsters", "Caltiki - The Immortal Monster", "Not Of This Earth", "Beginning Of The End" and "From Hell It Came".


a_lost_packet_":3bpdg1nf said:
JonClarke":3bpdg1nf said:
bdewoody":3bpdg1nf said:
Now that I am hip to the theme here how about "Outland". I saw it in the theatre when it first came out but a lot of people I talk to today have never heard of it.

Bit of a western in space, not OK

I enjoyed Outland. :( Yes, it was a bit of a Western in space but, it was also a "whodunnit" with "corporate intrigue" and a failed "Sheriff" out to prove his worth, perhaps. I liked the story elements.

Sorry, I meant to say it was OK. But cliched. But so was Avatar, and people seemed to like that.


gastronome":39kjvqx7 said:
"Village Of The Damned" (1960) - Okay, it's a 60's release, but anything with George Sanders is worth watching.

That was quite good, a passable adapation of "The Midwich Cuckoos".


Mee_n_Mac":33t7w39t said:
bdewoody":33t7w39t said:
Now that I am hip to the theme here how about "Outland". I saw it in the theatre when it first came out but a lot of people I talk to today have never heard of it.

Another is "ZARDOZ" which nobody mentioned.

Outland was a good B flick, Zardoz was just awful. Amazing that Connery was in both.
He was in Highlander 1 and Highlander 2... :)

Mee_n_Mac":33t7w39t said:
ps - I think one of my first posts here on SdC was trying to get the name of the movie that corresponded to my vague rememberance of the following scene. I think CE got it.

Ah! The Quiet Earth.

Another interesting old NZ movie: Sleeping Dogs
(the 1977 movie with a slight 1984-ish theme. Not to be confused with the 1998 C-grade space scifi )

Come to think of it, you guys might not know Peter Jackson's early movies either, before he had hollywood-sized budgets. Overacted horror comedy, but fun. I think the term splatstick was actually coined to describe them.


Being cooped up in what is basically a hospital I have borrowed a bunch of movies from my brother. One of them is "THX1138" which was George Lucas initial screenplay. I have tried twice to watch it but I guess it's too highbrow to me.


(Giant Ants live in LA sewers after A-bomb tests with Matt Dillon leading the charge.
(Giant Robot Mooshes Mexico)


BTW, the HHGTG (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) movie I thought was quite good considering the....ummm... "complexities" of Douglas Adam's books, which I had just read. I seldom think much of the movies after the book, but this was a pleasant exception.

So Long, So Long and Thanks for all the fish.....


bdewoody":31e8s92j said:
Being cooped up in what is basically a hospital I have borrowed a bunch of movies from my brother. One of them is "THX1138" which was George Lucas initial screenplay. I have tried twice to watch it but I guess it's too highbrow to me.

That's one of my favorites. Obviously, it's before George Lucas thought he was a god.. if there ever was such a time.


If you've never seen The Monolith Monsters, it was one of the better flicks from the Golden Age of Bad Science Fiction


Also, Kronos was another fave from that era:



Hm .. i should check this part of SDC more often ..
I'll just drop some titles that seem missing - first check through my 'Films' folder :

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

District 9

Kin Dza Dza
Kin Dza Dza - Part One

Nochnoy dozor [Night Watch] (2004)

Tank Girl

Volkodav iz roda Serykh Psov

Now i have some serious downloading to do, since i missed some of the very promising titles mentioned in this thread ..


District 9 was excellent and quite original in a number of ways.


I haven't seen Kronos in a long time a great cheesy Sci Fi Movie.

Tank Girl was entertaining, a comic book come to life.


Tank Girl! Great movie. Inevitably someone will hate it because it wasn't like the book ;)

I just watched that Kin Dza Dza (part 1) link.. quite cool! And definitely exactly the sort of thing I would never have found.


kelvinzero":23usgp2a said:
I just watched that Kin Dza Dza (part 1) link.. quite cool! And definitely exactly the sort of thing I would never have found.
Koo. Koo koo, koo argh tsak koo koo :
Kin Dza Dza - Part Two

Oh, and i'm already at the second post in this thread, since i saw everything else before, just finished Kaena, which i missed. You should not miss it, it has a very nice idea and implementation.

For those of you who missed Titan A.E. now is better than tomorrow. I was not so impressed by Silent Running, though it is a kind of basic knowledge, the rest are classics, and i will find out about Ice Pirates in about an hour. Cast is very promising.

And looking a bit ahead, i think i will check Dark Star just one more time, there were some legendary discussions with the bomb, which i don't know by heart anymore ..


Some I enjoyed were:

Stranded - From Spain, crash landing on Mars.

Lifepod - Classic lifeboat survival... in space...

Lifeforce - Interstellar super-hot vampire, plague, London in ruins.

Don't know if any of them are too well known. Most my other favorites were already mentioned in this thread.


One movie most may not have watched was Philidelpha Experiment. It was based on a real experiment that has been sensationalize by some hard core believers, (nuts), The experiment was suppose to see if they could make the ship the Eldrige, invisible to radar in WWII, but has since taken on a life of it's own by saying they wanted to make it totally invisible to sight.

It did make several interesting shows for late night radio with Art Bell. I was fond of calling Coast to Coast, the Far Side Show because of the nature of the topics, callers and guests to the show . Art even had a person that said he was actually one of the sailors or scientists who was caught up in the time travel and has since taken several trips to the future. But by the show date he was getting a little to old to really tell it.

But back to the movie, the first one was a keeper. It stared Michael Pare(?), someone I just found out was one of the students in Greatest Amer. Hero. Because of the experiment, he was thrown into 1985(?), and they opened up a rip in time and the future was in danger of being sucked into the vortex. So, Michael had to stop it by going back to the original ship and closing down the project.

Don't really bother with the sequel, it really WAS a second rate show. They took a stealth fighter back to Nazi Germany, hoping to change things I guess.


Campy movies I love (mostly because I grew up with them)

When Worlds Collide
The Roddenberry movies - Genesis II, Planet Earth, Strange New World
Demon Seed
Forbidden Planet
Silent Running
2001 - 1968 and the special effects and props are still better than a lot of scifi release since.
Battle Beyond the Stars
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