Interesting but, to me, inaccurate cosmology!
The article obviously implacably refuses to accept that there is such a physic as macrocosmic superpositioning! The galaxy could be showing up the sheer existence of horizon universe infinities (the MULTIVERSE) from beyond the closed-up 'set' of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon of the Universe! A split screen picture of two or more realities existing in one place . . . one of them, a finite potential on display of a background infinity of such! Another way of looking at it and seeing it, "Spooky action at a distance"!
The discovered galaxy doesn't necessarily connect in any way, in its own space and time, to the fixed horizon that in its (the Horizon's) superposition is probably 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, beyond the galaxy. In other words, sitting in a superposition here and now, vis-a-vis that distant space (though probably not that particular distant galaxy) where we are, at the same time in the same space (same position), sitting. Schrodinger's Cat, don't you know! Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, don't you know! A predictable breakdown of relativity (in the complexity of the chaos in space, time, and quantum (chaos)), don't you know!
I obviously have a vastly different philosophy of physics and cosmology, particularly of space and time, thanks to rooted career, studied, and intuitive background, than many do. Sometimes it takes different backgrounds to see the ground.

James Webb telescope confirms the earliest galaxy in the universe is bursting with way more stars than we thought possible
The light from the most distant galaxy in the known universe suggests that there's something off about our current cosmological models, a new James Webb Space Telescope study finds. The explanations remain elusive.
The article obviously implacably refuses to accept that there is such a physic as macrocosmic superpositioning! The galaxy could be showing up the sheer existence of horizon universe infinities (the MULTIVERSE) from beyond the closed-up 'set' of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon of the Universe! A split screen picture of two or more realities existing in one place . . . one of them, a finite potential on display of a background infinity of such! Another way of looking at it and seeing it, "Spooky action at a distance"!
The discovered galaxy doesn't necessarily connect in any way, in its own space and time, to the fixed horizon that in its (the Horizon's) superposition is probably 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, beyond the galaxy. In other words, sitting in a superposition here and now, vis-a-vis that distant space (though probably not that particular distant galaxy) where we are, at the same time in the same space (same position), sitting. Schrodinger's Cat, don't you know! Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, don't you know! A predictable breakdown of relativity (in the complexity of the chaos in space, time, and quantum (chaos)), don't you know!
I obviously have a vastly different philosophy of physics and cosmology, particularly of space and time, thanks to rooted career, studied, and intuitive background, than many do. Sometimes it takes different backgrounds to see the ground.
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