From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Interesting but, to me, inaccurate cosmology!

The article obviously implacably refuses to accept that there is such a physic as macrocosmic superpositioning! The galaxy could be showing up the sheer existence of horizon universe infinities (the MULTIVERSE) from beyond the closed-up 'set' of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon of the Universe! A split screen picture of two or more realities existing in one place . . . one of them, a finite potential on display of a background infinity of such! Another way of looking at it and seeing it, "Spooky action at a distance"!

The discovered galaxy doesn't necessarily connect in any way, in its own space and time, to the fixed horizon that in its (the Horizon's) superposition is probably 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, beyond the galaxy. In other words, sitting in a superposition here and now, vis-a-vis that distant space (though probably not that particular distant galaxy) where we are, at the same time in the same space (same position), sitting. Schrodinger's Cat, don't you know! Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, don't you know! A predictable breakdown of relativity (in the complexity of the chaos in space, time, and quantum (chaos)), don't you know!

I obviously have a vastly different philosophy of physics and cosmology, particularly of space and time, thanks to rooted career, studied, and intuitive background, than many do. Sometimes it takes different backgrounds to see the ground.
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Aug 14, 2020
Thinking more about what I described regarding the space and time of that galaxy, vis-a-vis the Horizon at 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, from it within its own realized "observable universe" space and time(!), above in #701, among other posts of many, I have a brand new/old definitive name for the that place, that territory, where "the map is definitely NOT the territory!" The brand new/old definitive name for the macrocosm should be and will be, at least by me, "Chaos"! Which describes the invisible un-observable infinities, the invisible un-observable paralleling horizon universes, the invisible un-observable "spooky actions at a distance," the realized and realizable "break downs of relativity," on and on the disorganization of the "observable universe" organization, to perfection.

After all, the microcosm is already realized to be, and often called, "quantum 'chaos'!"
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Aug 14, 2020
At my age and being retired I take naps because I usually can. But the mind seems never to cease working. I woke up realizing the finer and ever finer "fine structure" of a 2-dimensional 'Flatland' self-similar fractal zooms "Mandelbrot Set"-like macrocosmic-microcosmic unity that is infinitely dimensional in the constant of change and motion for simply being infinitely fine in structure (1/0) . . . and a set! Geez!

Go fine . . . and finer . . . and finer... asymptotically in structure!

In structural zooms expansion, in structural zooms contraction, of a mounting "fine structure", 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, 6-d..., 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6.... whatever to infinities!

To be continued..., possibly.
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Aug 14, 2020
"Too much of a good thing!" ((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.

Universally, the land of "Nowhere" exists only in the land of "Everywhere!"
Universally, "Nothingness" exists only in "Everythingness!"
Thus, you can get "Somewhere" from "Nowhere" . . . and "Something" from "Nothing."
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Aug 14, 2020
Out from #702-703:

"Chaos" and/or "Frontier of Chaos" ("Chaos Frontier") is, I'm realizing the more I contemplate it, simply too cerebral, confusing, and, in fact, NOT mysterious and encompassing enough, for what I want to get across as opposite universe to the "observable universe."

A descriptive, "the invisible universe," already in use here and there will be the simplest and best alternate to the "observable universe" and I can add on to it at will, "the invisible macro-micro-cosmic universe of Chaos" . . . or even more simply, "the invisible large universe of quantum chaos."

Just the "invisible universe" will do me best for most. It fits the bill.
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Aug 14, 2020
1.) Universe.
2.) Antiverse.
3.) Multiverse.

4.) Gone.
5.) Antigonish (by William Hughes Mearnes):

(Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish, he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don't you come back anymore!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away...
-- by William Hughes Mearns)

"Last night upon a stare,
I saw a verse that wasn't there
It wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish, it'd make up its damned 'Schrodinger Cat' mind..."
-- by Atlan0001 . . . via 'Antigonish' by WHM.
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad #707, some more play on physics and metaphysics:

"If you fight dragons long enough you become a dragon: if you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche.

"If you fight dragons of logic and metaphysics long enough you become a dragon of logic and metaphysics: Stare into the Cosmic Abyss, the Cosmic Abyss will stare -- and much more than stare -- back into you." -- Atlan0001, via Nietzsche, among others.


Aug 14, 2020
It takes a vastness of mass-energy in accelerating contraction to achieve the heat of the Planck heat. It takes a vastness of mass-energy in accelerating expansion to achieve the cold of near absolute zero.

It takes little to no mass-energy effort at all into it to achieve the disorderliness of equilibrium, just a closed systemic negative of disordering entropy (or an open systemic, thus ordering (thus "cosmopolis"), frontier positive of "the Wild" (as in "the Call of the Wild")).

A realization: Drive, internal to external, a mass continuously up in acceleration and eventually, inevitably, the mass will take on a life, an energy, of its own in continuous acceleration of the mass. Witness that in the universe at large!
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Aug 14, 2020
----- Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe -----

/\ <---> horizon universe infinities <---> /\
-> universe -> |->antiverse<-|<-universe <-
\/ <---> horizon universe infinities <---> \/


Aug 14, 2020
"Is the universe still making new galaxies?" is an article in 'Article Commentary'. Because of the above diagramming, among other things posted in so many posts on this thread, I'm posting an answer here:

The universe doesn't age! Its very name, "universe," points to a "constant of turnover" rather than something "created." How many billions of years does it take to turnover completely one turn (thus, "universe!") should be the real question? 13.7-billion years? 26.7-billion years? The universe was never "once upon a magical time" created! It is always in turnover, thus always in creation and recreation, and recreation...!

Now, the infinities driven collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of closed up superposition Planck (BC) (BB) Mirror Event Horizon is in constant infinities driven creation, the other and paralleling creation I sort of diagrammed above in post #711. When time is a circular wheel always turning in place, how many directions are there to the arrow of time round the circle, round the wheel, of time turning?! Modern physicists in this day and age of frontier-less closed (Iron Curtain closed) systemic decline of world civilization cannot seem to conceive of any wheel of time (verse) turning. They have a total mental block that goes perfectly with late (very, very, finitely old) age . . . or so it seems!

"One turn" of the wheel is finite . . . the total of the wheel's turns is infinite! The total of offset-parallel paralleling wheels turning is an "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe"!

I have no problem, no trouble, whatsoever with split "superposition" screens and the metaphysic of "infinity." Others do like it's a ton of brick complexity and chaos always falling on them! Their Cosmic All of Everythingness has to be all finite . . . perfectly finite . . . even to an (existence of infinity) infinity denying physic of "boundaryless finite"!
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Aug 14, 2020
I've been seeing some articles where some astronomers think they are seeing almost transparent Dyson Sphere enclosed stars. Having been anti-Dyson Sphere since the beginning of coming across it, and pro-O'Neill cylinder / Stanford Torus independent Personal Colonies (PCs), I immediately dismissed those superscale closed systemic death wish and deathtraps of any species.

But can what is being witnessed, if they are actually being witnessed, have to be Dyson Spheres as such?! Why not 'Cosmic Energy' re-transmitters established in points of energy transmitters and transmission spherically around the stars to transmit the solar energy via quantum entanglement to distantly outlying colonized and trans-shipment points of these star systems?! Energy availability as if all the continuously extending / expansionist far reaching outlying posts and points were at once inner systemic for energy purposes!

Now, that I would NOT have the slightest problem with!
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The assumption here is that all of the starlight is caught by solar cells. As always, nothing is 100% efficient, so the back sides of the solar cells would be hot. An astronomer looking from miles away would see an excess of infrared as compared to visible light.
About a half dozen such suspicious sources have been found.
The problem is a cloud of dust can do the same thing.


Aug 14, 2020
The assumption here is that all of the starlight is caught by solar cells. As always, nothing is 100% efficient, so the back sides of the solar cells would be hot. An astronomer looking from miles away would see an excess of infrared as compared to visible light.
About a half dozen such suspicious sources have been found.
The problem is a cloud of dust can do the same thing.
Whose technology and physics are you talking about, Bill? Ours, 2024CE, or alien, ????CE?
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Aug 14, 2020

In case you didn't know it or just forgot, "small", and "large", too, is relative!

I've claimed "wormholes" represent the open, the opening, system. Like "personal computers" and essentially independent servers, versus mainframe systems, represent the open, the opening, system. And, one day, personal colonies (such as Stanford Torus colonies) and local and wide area networking of them (cosmopolis) will represent the open, the opening, system!

The further . . . again, a simply interesting theory I don't necessarily follow regardless of its talking "Mirror":

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I am simply summarizing what Earthly scientists are holding up as the "standard explanation". It has not been vetted by the Cosmic Council nor the sub-committee on "Crazy Earth People".


Aug 14, 2020
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

One of the things that should be easily transferrable from the microcosm to the macrocosm is Heisenberg's "uncertainty principle" for all movers, all travelers. Light's coordinate point past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME does not describe, at all, SPACE (hyperspace . . . and in all its other various forms and dimensions it takes that I've described before) , or the spontaneous entangled, entangling, concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) eternal instant. Heisenberg's "uncertainty principle", whether down and in into the microcosmic or up and out into the macrocosmic universe does.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

"Communication across the revolutionary divided is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.


Aug 14, 2020
SPACE, whether microcosmic or macrocosmic has proved naturally manipulative and, thus, can be artificially manipulated if and when the traveler has the means and other abilities. Potential straight lines (wormhole's tunnels) cutting through all light-times' curvatures, are present, but not at all observably visible (all being future history visibility a traveler can contract, can cut, can manipulate, acceleratively at speed).

The straightest of all lines through SPACE would have a knowledgeable and able traveler powering under constant acceleration cross -- jump -- an infinite distance of SPACE in no time at all. As with Hawking's "Grand Central Station of Universe," at once Einstein's "mind's eye" trip's destination, it puts all SPACE next door in your immediate vicinity. Hawking's (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) GCS of U clock's immediate vicinity. The time Einstein realized there (t=0), though not the clock itself nor the Station itself Hawking once realized and described.
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Aug 14, 2020
I'm having a big problem reaching an infinite density result in my visualization! A matter / antimatter (universe / antiverse) development and collisions result of accelerating contraction and crunch keeps intercepting it, now, disallowing it and forcing equal and opposing accelerating expansion! Equal and opposing! Entropic equilibrium of complexity and chaos! Each within and of the other!!!! The existence of several fundamental forces, operating together in unity as well as opposing in their disunity, among other physics and metaphysics, disallowing even the possibility of discontinuance!
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
One needs to understand that there are very large differences between the macro and micro scales.

One might only consider between the micro (e.g., subatomic particles) and macro (e.g., galaxies) to understand this. Complexity differences between, e.g., quarks and human brains come to mind.

It is vital to illustrate how the principle applies to relatively intelligible physical situations since it is indiscernible on the macroscopic scales that humans experience.

Cat :)


Aug 14, 2020
One needs to understand that there are very large differences between the macro and micro scales.

One might only consider between the micro (e.g., subatomic particles) and macro (e.g., galaxies) to understand this. Complexity differences between, e.g., quarks and human brains come to mind.

Cat :)
We aren't on the Planck (BC) (BB) scale, though it is far deep in direction and magnitude within us and just the same out and away! Neither infinite nor infinitesimal is local-relative . . . and whether anyone cares to realize it, "finite", as the ultimate root of both, encompasses and contains, all interchangeably, both "infinite" and "infinitesimal"!

It is a bad mistake, a very bad mistake, to think and believe there is an absolute difference between macrocosmic and microcosmic scales! The microcosm models the complex and chaotic invisible macrocosm we CAN'T and DON'T observe . . . and vice-versa ("quantum chaos")!
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Deleted member 1146189

I'm having a big problem reaching an infinite density result in my visualization! A matter / antimatter (universe / antiverse) development and collisions result of accelerating contraction and crunch keeps intercepting it, now, disallowing it and forcing equal and opposing accelerating expansion! Equal and opposing! Entropic equilibrium of complexity and chaos! Each within and of the other!!!! The existence of several fundamental forces, operating together in unity as well as opposing in their disunity, among other physics and metaphysics, disallowing even the possibility of discontinuance!
Apologies if I am way off the mark here. Suppose, as the bodies within the universe accelerate, ever faster, towards the speed of light, mass does not tend towards infinity but as temperature increases, matter increasingly breaks down as do those forces, in a mirror of BBT, leading to a state similar to that inferred at the start of Big Bang. If the process were to carry on, heading towards time and dimensions, ie movement, might that imply a phase change and contraction to c.absolute zero? - maximum temperature and volume to minimum temperature and volume across 1 unit of planck time and length?
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Aug 14, 2020
Apologies if I am way off the mark here. Suppose, as the bodies within the universe accelerate, ever faster, towards the speed of light, mass does not tend towards infinity but as temperature increases, matter increasingly breaks down as do those forces, in a mirror of BBT, leading to a state similar to that inferred at the start of Big Bang. If the process were to carry on, heading towards time and dimensions, ie movement, might that imply a phase change and contraction to c.absolute zero? - maximum temperature and volume to minimum temperature and volume across 1 unit of planck time and length?
Minimum temperature, thus minimum energy, means nothing more than equilibrium of temperatures and energies. I claim that it takes the enormous energy of accelerating contraction to Big Crunch to achieve the smooth continuous manifold of Planck Horizon's Planck heat . . . and the equally enormous energy of accelerating expansion to Big Cracking, Big Grains (quantum mechanics' "discrete quanta"), so to speak, to achieve near absolute zero of temperature. In either direction and magnitude of branching from the trunk of equilibrium, enormous energy!

I say there is no such thing as an entropic drift to absolute zero, absolute cold, of temperature! It takes just as much energy as it takes in the equal but opposite direction and magnitude of temperature!

I'm betting on Hawking's "Life Zone," our zone, of universe for the zone of the disorderly string vibrational random drift of equilibrium of temperatures and mass energies!
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