From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
In 'Chaos Theory' there is the set of two fractal zooms planes (levels) that follow one upon the other . . . one with the other. The plane of smoothing out, the smooth as silk, and the plane of graining, the lumpy coarse grain chunky, a fundamental binary base2 '1' ('Unity') and/or '0' ('Chaos'). Then there is the third and Trojan dimensionality . . . the overlaying, inlaying, embedding each into the other without ever messing up the separate and equal status of each of the set of two fractal zooms planes (levels) that follow one upon the other . . . one with the other; A fundamental binary base2 '1' ('Unity') and/or '0' ('Chaos').

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Aug 14, 2020
In an asymptotic (asymptote) relational scenario, time is the longer, more massively weighted, more gravitationally tightening, curvature rather than the shorter, straighter line possible. Thus regarding light the only observable of the two lines of an asymptotic pairing, and is always the reality of the time dilation (time dilated) map of the territory and never the territory itself. An accelerated expanse of territory -- expanse of the real of universes -- always advanced in space and time (you could easily picture in the mind's eye, a picture "faster than the speed of light") of the observed and observable map of the territory (always time dilated / always slowed with growing distances away farther and ever farther behind the times of an entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME SPACE NOW (t=0) universally instant moment).
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Aug 14, 2020

Take a slide rule slip stick and the diagram of "asymptote" and slide the straight line over to cut the curving line in half, 1/2 (as Alexander the Great cut the knotted curves of the Gordian Knot in half). By the same means, the observable distances of the universe, themselves in reality bending, folding, tightening curves of universe, can be cut in half ('1' / '2'), again and again, and again (warping, tunneling, contracting the accelerative expanse in an equal but opposing accelerating contraction of that same local-relative expanse of universe)!

All it takes, brute force-wise, that is, is continuous accelerative driving (a constant such as 1/2g, 1g, or 2g's, only! of accelerative powering). Relativity will break down as predicted . . . and another relativity build up as equally but oppositely predicted . . . the speed of light never being approached (there is only one way to approach the speed of light and no traveler, including Einstein, could survive that blackhole! That crushing magnitude of massing gravity (| | | | )>(| | | |)>(||||)>(||)>(|)>SPOL(!)).
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Aug 14, 2020
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.


Aug 14, 2020
"Repetition being the heart of instruction."

An Earth-human galactic traveler travels from Earth circa 2100CE to a planet in the galaxy that is self-similar to what the Earth was one-hundred million years BCE. One filled with dinosaurs and other creatures reminiscent of Earth, and its sun, of the time period.

The traveler continues his space frontier travels and comes across a dying sun and a planet that would be self-similar to the Earth circa five to seven billion years later than 2100CE. It has some life, but a life going nowhere at all but to inevitable mass extinction.

The traveler has space traveled. The traveler has time traveled, distant time reversal and distant time forwarding. He comes across all sorts of parallel universes within a multiverse universe, a macrocosmic Schrodinger cat-like functionality, the cat's box, all inside of the Milky Way galaxy.

At every point of his travel he has taken a reading of the most distant Horizon of the the larger Universe (U) and found it always the same Planck Big Background Mirror Event Horizon. Were he to take that same reading, ten billion x six trillion miles from the Milky Way circa 2100CE Earth time, his reading of the Planck Big Background Mirror Event Horizon would be identical to the readings he reads from the Milky Way galaxy, but the Milky Way galaxy would be long lost to him in a great curvature of SPACETIME past-future histories (t=+1). It, the Milky Way circa 2100CE, Earth time, would exist as an unobserved and unobservable SPACETIME future-past history at-a-distance (t=-1), at a great distance, to this space and time (ever both directions of SPACETIME (past-future / future-past histories) traveler.

The entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME SPACE NOW (t=0) instant moment locked to the Planck Big Background Mirror Event Horizon ever being careless of SPACETIME's histories.


Aug 14, 2020
I have such a hard time dealing with people who flatly refuse to think 2-dimensionally, much less 3-dimensionally and more.

Take for example "time dilation." An observer observing a traveler, an object, going away at any distance observes light "time dilation" occurring as space and spacetime (light-time) distance stretches out between. To the lazier scientist, that is it, that is all there is to it . . . for all observers however situated to the traveler, to the object!

I hate to smash the lazier scientist's 1-dimensional thought processes but there is at one and the same time an equal and opposite existing to the dimension of "time dilation!" All observers forward of the traveler, the object, will observe that equal but opposite dimension.

The traveler, all travelers, will observe it both ways. Time dilation to the rear in the background going away, space and time stretching out, relativities breaking down. And the equal but opposite to the fore in the foreground in the oncoming space and time shrinking, time speeding up as relativities build up!

It's a two way street, including time reversal, not a one way street . . . and other physics if being approximately equal, the clocks on the unobserved spots from a distance will clock identically the same passage of time (thus another Newtonian, Planck, and Einsteinian, Schrodinger and Heisenberg, "spooky at a distance")!
Jan 2, 2024
It's a two way street, including time reversal, not a one way street . . . and other physics if being approximately equal, the clocks on the unobserved spots from a distance will clock identically the same passage of time (thus another Newtonian, Planck, and Einsteinian, Schrodinger and Heisenberg, "spooky at a distance")!


Aug 14, 2020
Fundamental binary base2, '1' and/or '0'.
Fundamental binary base2, 'Unity' and/or 'Chaos'.
Fundamental binary base2, 'Strong' and/or 'Weak'.
Again: Fundamental binary base2, '1' and/or '0'.
The aethereal set of following (and overlaying, inlaying, embedding (Trojan)) fractal planes: Smoothing out (smooth as silk (so to speak)) and/or graining in (coarse grain chunky (so to speak)).
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Aug 14, 2020
The big opposer to the (Once upon a magical time) Big Bang Theory is INFINITY!!!! and Infinity's closed up superposition set, the relative reality of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) Big Background 'Mirror Event Horizon' of 'Unity' (the unsigned '1') (Coming and going! All apparently coming one way from distantly out of SPACETIME's most distant points and lines of a fixed Horizon . . . all apparently going the other way distantly into SPACETIME's most distant lines and points of a fixed Horizon)!

You can never observe infinity, but you can to a certain extent observe the potential of it in and to the non-finite (the unsigned '1') 'working' Horizon of it (accelerating in potential expansion to a predestined infinity)!!!! "Spooky action at a distance", as Albert Einstein put it without quite realizing the possible magnitude of meaning.


1.) Regressive recession of infinities of -- quantum discrete quanta -- local-relativities to the working (superposition) Horizon . . . . 2.) Progressive procession of infinities of -- quantum discrete quanta -- local-relativities from the working (superposition) Horizon.

1.) Lower to higher energies (going away to the Horizon (-->>)) . . . . 2.) Higher to lower energies (oncoming from the Horizon (<<--)).
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad#1009, plus...:

And what follows the post, this post below, to the above:



Aug 14, 2020
"Flyover Country!"

How do you get to an accelerating contraction of space, an apparent accelerating expansion of your space, where you and the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty really externally deal in a contracted "flyover country"?! Inter-world? Inter-planetary? Interstellar? Inter-galactic?

How do you make the world, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, into relative external Lilliputian points of "flyover country"?!


a.) "Flyover country":
b.) Traveler's space:


a.) "Flyover country":
b.) Travelers space:

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Aug 14, 2020
Life has been around on Earth for a few billion years. Mankind has been around on Earth for two-million years. The oldest human on Earth, out of eight-billion humans, is said to be 117 years old. The oldest known life on Earth are trees said to be thousand or two-thousand years old.

There is turnover of time in the universe. The oldest star. The oldest galaxy A newborn star. A newborn galaxy. The working Horizon of the Universe (U) is sourced from infinity . . . and sources infinity . . . a Schrodinger cat both in and out of the box and entangling. From the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of Horizon comes the earliest SPACETIME of the universe, the makeup of universes, nonlocal, non-relative, Horizon. And to the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of Horizon goes the universe, go the universes, returning in time reversal, nonlocal, non-relative, Horizon.

A traveler of SPACE and SPACETIME would observantly pick up on what is distantly and constantly appearing to him ahead, an opening system, from out of the Horizon and pick up on what is distantly disappearing behind him closing in time reversal toward the same Horizon. A traveler is always centered (center point) in Horizon, a universe entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment. Stephen Hawking's "Grand Central Station of Universe" with its grand clock dead centered in and over the Station and always at (t=0) in time, just where Albert Einstein found it (t=0) when he took his mind's eye trip to the speed of light.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is teh heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"History always repeats in its large aspect, though rarely in its fine detail." -- Will Durant.
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Aug 14, 2020
"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle


From a non-finite dollop of finite potential, a logician could infer the probable existence of infinite and/or infinitesimal without ever having seen, heard, or reached one or the other. -- Atlan0001, among many others.


Infinity is a matter of quality as well as quantity. --Atlan0001, among many others.
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Aug 14, 2020
"Repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Gravity supposedly has eleven and possibly more dimensions to it. Infinity has its draw, its quality, of gravity to the open, the opening -- infinite -- system (regarding the box of the finite-closed system could be seen as being a non-relative exactly equal but opposite push gravity, a form of anti-gravity or the dark energy of an accelerating expansion of universe). Newton's apple was falling to the open, the opening, system. You see the opening system whenever you are in an aircraft at 30,000 feet looking to the ants 30,000 feet below you in "flyover country". Then you move toward them, an accelerating expansion of picture; the system opening up before you in accelerating expansion of picture and opening system, gravity, in fractal zooms structure of universe, really drawing to the cosmopolitan infinity and not to the quantum physics of mass ground.

But since the several hundred years of faithfully believed myth will never be done away with, the above will just have to be considered as additional dimensionality to gravity rather than the true dimensionality of gravity. Gravity, after all, bends and curves wrapping around the awesomely greater local-relative forces of quantum physics when in close -- and closer -- vicinity proximity to them.
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Aug 14, 2020
Ho! Ho! Gotcha, I do believe!


At a certain point the hottest heat in the universe smooths itself out . . . it washes itself out and can go no further! It will have no source then but itself (the problem being that an infinite density is at once a hole, a void, a vacuum)! Heat, like its exact equal but opposite cold, cannot possibly go to infinity!

The washout limit, the limit of smoothing out (its plane in the fractal binary of Chaos Theory), is probably the Universe's (U) constant of the Planck unit heat.

Think about it. At a certain point it is on a constant high energy plane, a constant self-similarity going nowhere but to the lower energy other plane of the rolling thermal binary, the grainy coarse grained chunky (its plane in the fractal binary of Chaos Theory).

The picture, the illustration containing the snowflake maintaining itself within the flame, hits the fractal binary base2 thermal (1, 0) that must exist for either of the extremes to exist, exactly.

Then, of course, there is the Trojan . . . the joker.
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Aug 14, 2020

Flatland is the fundamental thermal universe (1, 0) . . . interpreted thermally. Flattened flat (all 2-d thermal superficial surface, zero in volume (multi-dimensionally washed out)). Smooth, smoothed out, fractal plane (Chaos Theory). Flatlined.

It is an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)'.
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad#1016, #1017:

"Then, of course, there is the Trojan . . . the joker." Schrodinger's cat and the cat's box.

"Repetition is the heart of instruction" -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
Is the cat in the box, outside the box, or in two places at once (at the same time)?!
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Aug 14, 2020
Shades of Hawking's entity information existing entangled both inside / outside a black hole's event horizon, altogether all at once singularly a singularity tunneling through a singularity of wormhole between points A and B of universe . . . or crossing the horizon, or tunneling the horizon, between universe A and universe B.

Shades, also, of entity positioning in Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty.
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Aug 14, 2020
As usual, this applies very much here too in continuance of the model built, developed, and refined, refined, refined...:



"The perfect ending to the story is in the perfectly endless beginning to the story . . . and con'verse' ly (sic), vice-'versa'." -- Atlan0001 ("From a drop of water,...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle).
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Aug 14, 2020
Way to go people but you're both right and wrong:


To you, they are at superluminal velocity!

To them, you are at superluminal velocity!

Neither of you would be right! Neither of you would be wrong!

Simply mirrored and mirroring!


Locally, relatively speaking, the speed of light is the fastest possible speed there is!

At a distance, any distance, it is the slowest possible speed there is! ("Spooky action at a distance." -- Albert Einstein.)
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Aug 14, 2020
Speed's (velocity's) geometry does not deal in any truly straight line but deals in curvature. At the speed of light, you have flat lining to a constant. Thus, no speed existing faster than the speed of light.

You can contract space and time between points A and B by going outside of the curvature (it becomes "flyover country," so to speak), cutting through the curvature, leading the curvature of the observable universe via the straighter lines of the unobservable universe (invoking "spooky action at a distance"). But to cut the curvatures is pure navigation and is not travel faster than the speed of light (" the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles" -- Henry David Thoreau).


Aug 14, 2020
Repeating ("Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. Patton):

Some people still talk about two particles communicating instantly across distances, any distances including great distances. SPACE itself NOT being expansive or contractive or dividing into a multi-dimensionality.


Some understand the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty. One particle, including one spaceship, can be in two or more positions and/or velocities -- two or more spaces and/or times -- at the same time. SPACE itself expanding and/or contracting . . . and/or dividing, including the development of "flyover country."

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Aug 14, 2020

When someone says that anything is approaching the speed of light, relative speaking, in a different realization of what is occurring nothing actually approaches the speed of light but maybe light. What is occurring is that object relativity is disappearing, is breaking down . . . particularly, relativity is being lost! Or equally but oppositely, being gained or discovered!

Einstein, standing next to the railroad track watching the train go by at any speed, watched, observed, relativity building up in oncoming . . . and breaking down in going away. "Speed," differences in "velocity," changes occurring in positioning (assume Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty in operation macrocosmically as well as microcosmically), always was and is the build up and/or the break down of relativity. Nothing more, nothing less. The constant of the speed of light in a vacuum is the asymptotic (to infinity) flatline . . . is the eventual asymptotic (to infinity) flatlining in the line curve of an asymptote.
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Aug 14, 2020
The commercial version of Special Relativity and SPACETIME:

a relative point of time in a relative box of space.
(A coordinate 0-point of time in a Schrodinger's cat box of finite enclosed space (thus relative . . . being without any thought whatsoever to the infinite existence of 'Mandelbrot Set' to the....)).

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