"Saiph is correct in stating that no known particles have negative mass or energy for that matter. When 'negative energy' is used, it is simply a descriptive tool and not physical in nature. Particles/anti-particles are only opposite in charge or spin of the particle.<br />That clears up a lot."<br /><br />A virtual particle does not really exist except in the math of Quantum mechanics. It represents a transitional state of a particle relative to its' energy state in a system. <br /><br />"Now... when this happens near the event horizon of a black hole, sometimes one of the particles gets boosted away from it's anti-particle." <br /><br />Particles and antiparticles are very similar in that they have mass ans spin and may have charge/color. The antiparticle is the evil twin of the particle which has nothing to do with the virtual particle. The virtual particle represents a simple math problem......... subtract 2 from 4 and the sum is two but and this is the antiparticle where did the other 2 go???<br /><br /> <br />"The particle boosted away becomes real and observable containing mass or energy as it was not destroyed by being annihilated."<br /><br />Here you are talking particle/antiparticle when you say annihilated. Hawking was talking particle/virtual particle and in this sense he was explainging there was a net loss in the vacuum energy in the creation of the particle and hence the virtual particle has to exist even if we can't see it. The problem here is that QM breaks down here as well as GM. We are at the event horizon...... The two systems don't relate well at the energy of an event horizon.<br />Nonetheless, this is not pair prodution and the energies represented at the event horizon should be insufficient for pair production and at the event horizon except for the gravitaional energy density of the BH all other thermodynamic properties are irrelevant as they are hidden from the particle. There are two problems here...... 1 is that there should be no net loss in that