hull metal inclusions and ion engine idea

Jan 29, 2020
This is about a ship with three sapphire hulls or a probe with less to an outer planet orbit. There are various radiations to consider, and meteorites. Electron radiation is conducted away better by metals than by ceramics. It isn't strong enough to worry about the whole hull being melted by a point source. Your wire or sheet risks being melted and breaking or forming insulator voids so the conduction path through the sapphire should have a high cross section and be of a high enough melting temp material. If point sources are the main threat, local refractory metal nanoparticle inclusions would keep a ceramic ring (the brackets) around the point source from melting.(o). Ion radiation sources are there at various eVs:
a) Through the crystal plane they can travel easier. It will be necessary to shield the plane surface edges by stacking a different grain atop, or adding metal wires.
b) Both nuclei and electrons interact with ions to stop them, causing lattice damage. There is enough heat and electricity generated to not want a long conducting wire lest an "o-sized" source melt a whole hull section. Electrically and heat conducting metal ovals mm to decimeters long, will conduct away from the ion impact to where the max radiation safe conduction length away from the impact is. Along these rays from impact, will be refractory nanoparticles to prevent excess heating locally.
c) There are fracture and local explosion risks from ions. Tough materials are conventionally preferred as they stop crack fronts, but they tend to be ductile and thus their bonds slide and rip during a bad radiation event, vacuum pressure, or meteorite impact. Here, our single grained sapphire will have one (of 3) especially weak grain plane. We will place visible pacman clips of ductile metals along the perpendicular plane to maybe all 3. At shallow tangents the crack is likely to skip to, lesser pacmans will be placed having clamped the future crack. Where compression from heat is an explosive risk, voids are engineered to permit some give.
d) Longer-term ion damage results in new plates being attached to the outer hull.
For meteorites, there is catastrophic impact damage. Ideally the outermost shell has jagged crystal planes to crumble it, while a ductile interlaced mat absorbs the initial shockwave and transfers it around the ship. IDK which mats are space-worthy. Refractory nanoparticles towards the outer hull help keep the sapphire's material properties mostly colder/better. Towards the inner hull, an issue becomes cracks leading to depressurization. Here, tough inclusions, maybe Tungsten, are best.
For ion engines, using electricity metamaterials seems fire/blackout risky, but might function as turbo-chargers. You'd want a curved ion exit to aovid micro-meteorite tail-pipe impacts.
Jan 29, 2020
I'd like nanotech to diffuse slowly, so I picked two states share with. Maybe Boeing or a NY state actor can work with my hometown lawyer. I envision 2-5 regional actors competing for a contract spec. For a biological payload probe to Jupiter orbit, Boeing might make a bid, they might work with a regional university able to make lesser pressurized space modules in a joint bid, Montreal might make a bid, and I dunno, a vertical helicopter NY company might already have LEO construction capability and make a bid.
So, secret but not too secret for most stuff.
Jan 29, 2020
...there is already nanotech in NY and Quebec. For 1/2 the suppliers I would courier small stuff too, and the other half I'd sell/lease/trade lesser equipment to. Here, the rays of conductors would come as a kit along with the ray surrounding refractory particles. Top contractor. The simpler refractory and inner hull toughness inclusions might go to a lesser bidder perhaps sourcing from Boston. The lattice building would be Quebec City but it is needed to be removed in parts for extreme damage as well as thermal cycling cracks, so the assembly might be somewhere not too far away. The electricity sheets/wires might also purposefully break apart part of the hull on extreme impacts to absorb some of the impact energy in new cracks and fractures. The step of adding these swiss cheese sheets and lasering the holes between the to-be-clamped breakaway slabs is able to be exported perhaps to Hydro Ontario; you want to diffuse electricity space solutions. The testing is NASA.
Sending insects to Jupiter orbit and returning samples is lots of university IP. Space agriculture too. I envision BC building lesser pressurized habitats but in concert with Boeing can maybe make manned ships. Bio-equipment isn't safe to design in BC; would be made in NY or Quebec. The jagged outer hull armor can likely be melted on and given to the second weakest bidder. The crack clamps are classified for Quebec City (not for military but might enable the broken Italian Mars rotor bearing); for other materials might be incredibly useful.
If there are laminar layers from inner to outer, of differing composition, it should be feasible to transport the under construction hull from regional city to city for work. I would trade technology with NY or Washington to build giants freezers and cryogenic testing equipment in Edmonton.
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