If the CEV gets killed the main reason will not be merit. It will be the politics of blowing holes in the middle of deserts in the Middle East, just like the follow on plans for Apollo were killed by the governments blowing holes in the middle of rice paddies in Southeast Asia (Viet Nahm). If this kills government spending on manned space, and you then have to count on pure private spending. We just might get back to LEO (by we I mean the US, Russian, ESA, and China will still go on) in the next two decades. The moon by 2050, and Mars?<br /><br />Try to get this through your little snide, sarcastic mind, THE PURE PRIVATE EFFORTS REQUIRE DIRECT PROFITS!!! There is no idealism, there is no investing beyond immediate returns! <br /><br />The current leader in this area is Burt Rutan, he is far more realistic than the rah! rah! supporting people on this forum are! He knows that it will be 2008 before Virgin Galactic can offer trips to sub orbital space. And that is if everything goes perfectly (and a fellow by the name of Murphy will see to it that it doesn't, just ask Elon Musk). It is going to take several years of reliable flight, with no accidents to build up enough confidence in investors that they will even start to fund the far more expensive orbital efforts. Also, unless you are going to use a heat shield (which required a capsule type of vehicle) or a delicate and difficult to maintain TPS system like the shuttles, you are just going to burn up in your efforts to reach orbital velocities (especially on the way beck to Earth like the Columbia). So there is going to have to be a whole lot more research (expensive stuff, flight research) in the hypersonic area, with an emphasis on propulsion, and thermal protection. If the Air Force, or NASA doesn’t do it such research funded by pure private efforts could take decades in itself!<br /><br />So that is about 2010, then Burt has also stated that it quite probably take some ten years or more to get back to orb