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May 15, 2024
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My name is Sage and I am interested in studying astrophysics in college when I graduate hs and then go on to work in a lab when I'm done in college. I wanted to try to find a community of people who share interests so I came here to make friends and learn more.
May 15, 2024
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Sage, what are your main interests? Planets? Star types? Galaxies? Big Bang? Observation?

Cat :)
I really wanna study the Big Bang more, it’s one of my biggest questions in life. I also want to learn more about anomalies and the math behind the universe (I love math). I’m not really interested in biology and planets but it’s still pretty cool.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Be careful about the Big Bang. It is completely against established science, such as the Law of Conservation of Matter (matter/energy), although who is to say that this applied at t = 0. This t = 0 should be distinguished from BBT (Big Bang Theory) which ceases to be science about a trillionth of a second short of t = 0. This is because science (Einstein) has equations involving division by zero which mathematics requires to be infinity.

My personal view is that BBT is ridiculous. I favour a cyclic Universe, of which there are several variant theories. Instead of the singularity (which is the centre of the scientific problem - requiring infinite temperature and density) there is a NON-infinite nexus, leading to another phase of the Universe. Critics say that there is a "philosophical" problem, in that there must have been a start somewhen.

But see this:

anomalies and the math behind the universe
Division by zero = infinity

Ask away if you have any questions on this.

Cat :)
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Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought that if the mirror were a number it would be zero:
(t=+1(past history)|t=0|(future history)t=-1)
(+infinity |0|0| -infinity)

(+1(+n)/0 = (+1(+n)|0|-1(-n)))
(-1(-n)/0 = (-1(-n)|0|+1(+n)))
Achtung! Split the universe in two (+1,-1), or would it be three due to -- with -- a trojan ("The total of matter and energy in the universe equals (reduces to) zero ('0').
May 15, 2024
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Oh nice, I’m definitely going to read up on that so that I can broaden my research. I knew there were other theories but it’s hard to find the other ones when the BBT is the most talked about. Thank you l


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Oh nice, I’m definitely going to read up on that so that I can broaden my research. I knew there were other theories but it’s hard to find the other ones when the BBT is the most talked about. Thank you l

This has been moved to Cosmology, as

More on the Big Bang - what was before t = 0?

as this is not the correct thread. Please see there.

Apologies for the need of this further correction. Cat :)
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Jan 13, 2024
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Hi...I'm Joe and a bit long in the tooth. I sat on our front porch with my dad looking at the nightime sky for Sputnik to pass overhead (not realizing the implications as I'm s
Did your parents name you that? :D jkjk....I am sure that's not your real name, I assume you named yourself! On that note I think if a huge asteroid was headed for us I don't think they would tell us because of the panic that would happen.

ure my dad did), saw the broadcasts of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo launches (and tragedies), the moon landings, the Voyager missions, the Space Shuttle missions (and tragedies) and so much more. A staunch fan of "Forbidden Planet", "When World's Collide", "The Day The Earth Stood Still", the entire Star Trek franchise, the Star Wars neverending saga. I so truly wanted to be an astronaut when I was in second grade that my teacher funneled every bit of information that she could find into my hands.

But, I became an engineer instead. Long retired after 40 plus years...and i enjoyed looking for opportunities to implement scientific discoveries into the real world. I still try to keep abreast of the progress of actual science in the current world.

Have a great day! Enjoy them while you have them and use them well.
Hi...I'm Joe and a bit long in the tooth. I sat on our front porch with my dad looking at the nightime sky for Sputnik to pass overhead (not realizing the implications as I'm s

ure my dad did), saw the broadcasts of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo launches (and tragedies), the moon landings, the Voyager missions, the Space Shuttle missions (and tragedies) and so much more. A staunch fan of "Forbidden Planet", "When World's Collide", "The Day The Earth Stood Still", the entire Star Trek franchise, the Star Wars neverending saga. I so truly wanted to be an astronaut when I was in second grade that my teacher funneled every bit of information that she could find into my hands.

But, I became an engineer instead. Long retired after 40 plus years...and i enjoyed looking for opportunities to implement scientific discoveries into the real world. I still try to keep abreast of the progress of actual science in the current world.

Have a great day! Enjoy them while you have them and use them well.
Welcome to SDC! I too am a retired engineer with 40+ years experience. I didn't see Sputnik but I remember the Echo balloons.
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Jun 2, 2024
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Hey space fans! I'm Kim and I'm the reference editor for I'm a general science and space nerd. Feel free to ask me anything, and if I don't know the answer I will probably know where to find it :)

I don't have a whole lot of space swag, but my uncle retired from the Johnson Space Center a few years ago (he's an aerospace engineer and built parts for the ISS!), and he used to give everyone in my family NASA T-shirts for Christmas, so I have a pretty decent collection. Here's a ridiculous picture of me sporting an Apollo 11 shirt this summer on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

what the?
Jun 17, 2024
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Hi. I'm Xenal Khan. My profession is Aviation. Very much interested in secrets of Universe. Social media gives me this chance to explore my interest through this unique forum. Hopefully, the friends in this forum accept me as newbie & will share ideas to satisfy my thirst of exploring the Universe.

Jambo Bwana!

Jun 12, 2024
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Hi guys, I hope I am not resurrecting an old thread. I love space, it has always been very interesting to me.
I have mixed memories of manned spaceflight like Colombia and Challenger but also vague memories of success like the Apollo and of course the recent SpaceX as well as Virgin Galactic. It may seem odd that I am not mentioning space programs closer to me, but I believe the U.S.A is most technologically advanced in manned spaceflight. I am really looking forward to joining the community here, which seems to be warm and friendly. I live in Slovenia so I might not have the same perspective on some countries space programs but, nonetheless I am very exited.

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