This thought came to mind when realizing that the speed of a gravity wave is equal to the speed of light to within 1% due to orbital decay. It has been shown that gravitational stress at different locations where gravity is different for that particular organism effects biological age. With General relativity at different distances from a known mass then time will vary.
Therefore realizing the 1% of orbital decay with the speed of a gravity wave to the speed of light. We should use Gravity Wave timing clocks for a true 24 hours, because with orbital decay and gravity waves vs light waves, light clocks tic .24 hours slower when referenced to gravity waves. Our time for this gravity wave light delay mishmash for a day is 23.76 hours! Therefore what you see is an illusion meaning light compared to gravity waves is not working a full day like gravity waves at 24 hours.
What is ironic is characterized by one of the five senses. The saying goes goes, "What you see is what you get", now as I explained is a incorrect when compared to a gravity wave. So spiritually knowing the eyes can deceive you. It is understood that some people depend so heavily on visual evidence yet all along could its measurement be just a a fundamental lag evidence?
Gravitational time dilation is a form of time dilation, an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers situated at varying distances from a gravitating mass. The lower the gravitational potential, the slower time passes, speeding up as the gravitational potential increases.
Gravitational time dilation - Wikipedia
The Gravitational Stress
Medicine takes into account the difference between chronological age (how many years since birth, also called « civil age », given that birth is recorded in the City Register of Births) and biological age (the health condition). It is to be emphasized that, unlike an accepted opinion, an individual in water does not escape gravity: he is not subject to gravitational stress.
On the Moon, a 72 Kg individual weights only 12 Kg. A long stay potentiates the biological aging of a visitor in proportion of the gravitational stress: for example, muscle loss is quickly observed. Of course, a reduction in the gravity rate has no impact on chronological aging of the visitors.
Not only microgravity is anxiogenic, but it becomes promptly etiogenic. Indeed, all observations show that it weakens systematically the physiology of extraterrestrial travellers, so that the stress accelerates their biological aging. Here are three illustrations.
Gravitational Stress & Biological Aging | Iris Publishers
The objective of the investigation is to analyse the informational operating-mode of the brain and to extract conclusions on the structure of the informational system of the human body and consciousness.irispublishers.com
PSR 1913+16 orbital decay
The speed of gravity (more correctly, the speed of gravitational waves) can be calculated from observations of the orbital decay rate of binary pulsars PSR 1913+16 (the Hulse–Taylor binary system noted above) and PSR B1534+12. The orbits of these binary pulsars are decaying due to loss of energy in the form of gravitational radiation. The rate of this energy loss ("gravitational damping") can be measured, and since it depends on the speed of gravity, comparing the measured values to theory shows that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%.
Speed of gravity - Wikipedia