Re: LRO/LCROSS Mission
OK, now the LCROSS part of the mission.
After pushing LRO to the moon, LCROSS and the Centaur booster go on their own way together. The vents are opened on the booster so the tanks are completely drained of LH2 and LOX..
About 4 hours after launch, control is turned over to the LCROSS spaceraft which does all the steering after that.
Hydrogen was discovered at the lunar poles at low resolution with the 1998 Lunar Prospecter mission and Clemntime, but it is not known what form it is in. LCROSS is designed to sample the interior of a carter which is always around -200C.
Basically, the Centaur booster is used as a 2300 kg impactor hitting the surface at 9000 kph, while LCROSS trails 600 miles (4 minutes) behind also traveling at 2.5 kps. The impact of the Centaur into a crater should eject the material from inside, then LCROSS will fly through the debris before it impacts as well.
Everything is real time (and in fact the images from LCROSS will be streamed live on the web!) since the craft will be destroyed.
This will occur on October 9th. It will be observed by observatories an Hawaii, the US west coast, the HST, LRO, and other lunar spacecraft with a wide set of instruments.
It carries the following suite of instruments.
A near infrared spectrometer (actually 2, one looking at the sun, 1 at the impact)
A UV/Visible spectrometer.
2 other IR cameras.
A 3 color visible light camera (that's what will be streamed)
A total luminance photometer (to measure the impact flash)