Meteor explosion in Hungary

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I was watching Tv when a big lightning came. I thought it was just the full moon. Then next day i saw on the net this: ... o_tuzgomb/

The article is in hungarian, but in one sentence: The hungarian Scientist said it was an about 1 meter wide meteor. There are three videos on the page, but there is a new one with the whole thing, not just the lightnings. I will link it when will be on the net.

I have a "meteor phobia", so i say now, thanks for God, it wasn't bigger.

(sorry for my bad english..)


more news now:
5 independent earthquake measuring system had registred singns in that time, so the scientists sais it was impacted. There was two signs, first become from blast, the second comes from the impact. The crater thought to be between Kassa ( old hungarian town, nowdays it belons to Slovakia) and the Hungarian Border. The search goes on, there is no rocks or crater found yet.


It looked like it struck the earth, or at least some fragments! Very interesting...Are you going to look for the crater or meteorites?

(And that TV announcer is hot!)


Yup, the news anchor was a super hotty. :lol:

Very good link, thanks for posting. I couldn't tell if the brightness near impact was because of the lens of the camera or because it actually flared up that brightly, but it was a heck of a show anyway.


I didn't see anything in the videos that unequivocally showed there would be a meteorite fall or an impact, though it cretainly can't be ruled out.

Do you have a link (preferably in English) that describes the seismic data?


Thanks guys, a lot of people from foreign countries says that the hungarian girls are in the top of the world. :D

Dear Wayne!

I haven't got english link yet, it was publised on, thats the second largest news portal in Hungary. The scientist from the University of Technical Science, HU sad the seismic info's so i think, it wasn't a hoax. I will send you the link ASAP.


So, here are the new data: ... video.html

Soory it's in hungaran, but there is a picture about the datas on the link

Cervenica (Kassá NW 45 km( slovakian)), Piszkéstető (Mátra( hungarian), Tarpa (Tiszahát( hungarian), Draganu (Bihar-hegység), Kolonické sedlo (Vihorlat), Niedzica (Tátrától ÉK), Kalwarija Paclawska (Polland), Budapest (Sashegy( hungarian), Mórágy, Sopron ( hungarian)

so in three countries was detected. The short translate of the article:

Gabor Timar from the Eotvos Lorand University , Geophysics an Space Science said, that the data of the hungarian , slovakian and the Hungarian Scientific Academy shows that one or more pieces Could have reached the surface.

Just the slovakian Cervenica's observatory detected the second sign, a shock between 1 and 2 on the Richter scale. So the crater must be somewhere around Cervenica ( it was a hungarian city before 1920, before the Trianon trial, when a big part of the country was given to neigbour countries). The first, smaller sign Wolud be the impact, the second one the blast ( the blast is slower than the impactor) .


Any updates?

For a reminder of we might find in Hungary, here is the Sept 15 2007 meteorite crater near Carancas Village in Andes of Peru:


Thanx lekszikov, just looking for details. I've seen about 8 videos so far. It appears the lightcurve had 2 bright bursts and may have taken place near Hungary/Ukraine/Slovakia border region. Those two bright bursts could explain the two seismic records.

If an impact really was detected, that would be extremely rare. Can you tell me what time of night the event took place?

Unfortunately, the International Meteor Organizations Vide Meteor Network doesn't have coverage that far east, so there won't be any calibrated images that can quickly, easily, and accurately be used to find the path.


It was from 23:24:30 till 23:25:00 Central European Time (Gmt+2 h because of the winter time ( if im true) in summer Gmt +1 h) In that time there was cloudy weather so the trajectory is not well known. In this article there are two pictures about the possible curve. ... ag_felett/

The search for the crater or meteorit goes on, but it is a terrian full of hills, and hard to explore. I think the crater won't be enough big to explore from satelites, maybe with plane or something. But i think it would be too expensive to make it...

Here you can find the original seismic data directly from the Hungarian Seismology Institute ... masok.html

Stations TRP( Tarpa) , SOP (Sopron) Psz (piszkesteto) has detected the shocks. Click on the station, You have to adjust the time and date, and the data will be there.


It's always Fun to translate with google. My favorite sentence : I really was an explosion! thats cool.
In the hungarian : It was an explosion.


ROFL, my favorite line:
"The next day my wife asked who was secretly in the night to rest" :lol:

BTW, I notice that in good Maistream Media fashion, the previous article with the maps had a paragraph in there about Roswell :(


átszáguldott= crossed

Földrengésmérő = earthquake measuring station

Hype, celebs, everything for more cliks. Thats a litle bit of Hungary:-( There was a poll too: What was it? A, Ukraine spyplane ( just a joke, we are ok with them) B, Bruce Willis Bruce won.


lekszikov":nqro7sw3 said:

Wow, that's awesome! That newscaster sure is hot!

Oh, and the meteor explosion was awesome too! ;)

How many airbursts have been documented with such clarity? It would seem to be a slim chance to capture one, at best. It's hard enough to capture a meteorite, especially one as bright as that. But, to actually capture an airburst? Would this be a common fate for most meteors?


a_lost_packet_":27j6rnrf said:
lekszikov":27j6rnrf said:

Wow, that's awesome! That newscaster sure is hot!

You are not wrong there A-L-P. :shock: :lol: :shock:

a_lost_packet_":27j6rnrf said:
Oh, and the meteor explosion was awesome too! ;)

How many airbursts have been documented with such clarity? It would seem to be a slim chance to capture one, at best. It's hard enough to capture a meteorite, especially one as bright as that. But, to actually capture an airburst? Would this be a common fate for most meteors?

That's very true. That footage will be of immense scientific value.

I assume that no fragments have been found as yet??

Andrew Brown.


Personally, I don;t find the newsbabe very hot at all, but to each his own :)

As for the scientific value of the videos, so far I haven't seen any that are particularly valuable.

Yeah, there were a couple of bright flashes through cloud layers. I think that about sums it up, unfortunately.


MeteorWayne":s6mvoyig said:
Personally, I don;t find the newsbabe very hot at all, but to each his own :)

You don't understand. She's a woman in a low cut dress with ample assets speaking a foreign language. You know what that means? You can't understand what she's saying! PERFECT! No need to even pretend to listen! :D

As for the scientific value of the videos, so far I haven't seen any that are particularly valuable.

Yeah, there were a couple of bright flashes through cloud layers. I think that about sums it up, unfortunately.

I was reading up a bit, looking for similar vids of confirmed airbursts and couldn't find much that was confirmed. But, there were plenty of seemingly confirmed reports of airbursts. One factor I found interesting, and completely logical, was that seismic confirmations can help determine the altitude of the burst, to some extent. High altitude = low detection probability. Just another variable that could be measured for but.. at least its something.


I have a bad news man!!! Her husband came from England, and she speaks english almost perfect. She wrote a book about her two face life, in England and in Hungary.

There were some news about fragments found near Kecskemét but not confirmed yet. I think it's just for the 15 min in the media...(Kecskemét = Hungarian City)

Here is a new article. They made some calculations from the Earthquake signs, and the time to register it. The area signed with red circle is the most possibile place for the inpact. ... l=hu&tl=en


lekszikov":zd8g1o7c said:
I have a bad news man!!! Her husband came from England, and she speaks english almost perfect. She wrote a book about her two face life, in England and in Hungary.

NOOOooooo! Another perfect fantasy ruined by the timely interjection of reality! :)

There were some news about fragments found near Kecskemét but not confirmed yet. I think it's just for the 15 min in the media...(Kecskemét = Hungarian City)

Here is a new article. They made some calculations from the Earthquake signs, and the time to register it. The area signed with red circle is the most possibile place for the inpact....[/quote]

Thanks for the article! I noticed they seem to refer to the possibility that some impact may have been detected by seismographs? Am I understanding that correctly?


Some more, including video and news reports, with Google translate links :

From :
Meteorite Found in Slovakia from 28FEB10 Bolide 1APR2010

(link from the above article)

Astronomers have found the remains of meteorite Vysné Klátova
Slovak astronomers have managed to find a mysterious meteorite fragments by the 28th februára dopadol neďaleko Košíc - v blízkosti obce Vyšný Klatov. February ended near Kosice - near the village Vyšný Klatovy. Objav označujú vo svojom fachu za jednoznačnú svetovú udalosť roka. The discovery marked its fachu a unique world event of the year. Zo 40- tisícov meteoritov, ktoré doteraz ľudia našli na Zemi, je košický v histórii astronómie totiž len 15. The 40 - thousands of meteorites that have found people on Earth is the history of astronomy in the Košice is only the 15th na svete, o ktorom budeme vedieť, skadiaľ z vesmíru vlastne prišiel a kade lietal. the world about which we know skadiaľ actually came from outer space and flew vats.

Vyšný Klátov / Stara Lesna. "Ešte si ani celkom len nevieme uvedomiť význam, čo sa nám podarilo dostať do rúk," hovorí astronóm Slovenskej akadémie vied Ján Svoreň. "Still not even quite know only realize the importance of what we were able to get their hands on," says astronomer John Slovak Academy of Sciences Svoreň. Ten s kolegami priznáva neopakovateľné emócie z fascinujúceho nálezu. He and colleagues recognized the unique emotions of the fascinating findings.

The first fragment found astronomer George Toth 20th marca pri dedinke Vyšný Klátov neďaleko Košíc. March to Vyšný Klátov village near Kosice. Hneď na to s kolegami a študentmi vo vojenskej rojnici počas šiestich dní doslova prečesali okolitú lúku a les. Once it with colleagues and students in a military skirmish line for six days literally prečesali surrounding meadow and forest. Podarilo sa im zozbierať 64 úlomkov meteoritu o celkovej hmotnosti 3,92 kilogramu. They have collected 64 meteorite fragments on the total weight of 3.92 pounds. Najväčší mal vyše 11,8 centimetra a 2,19 kila. The largest had more than 11.8 inches and 2.19 pounds. Najmenší len 8 milimetrov a 57 gramov. Smallest only 8 mm and 57 grams. Pôvodný meteorit vážil tony. The original meteorite weighed tons. Pri prechode atmosférou však jeho drvivá časť zhorela. In passing, however, the overwhelming atmosphere of burnt.
Not the best job possible with Google translate, i'm afraid, but i think, most of it can be understood.
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