Moon Colonization

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once again, NASA this and NASA that. <br />The effective way to become relevant, is to start a rocket company or to get employed in one. Many are hiring ( Blue Origin for example )<br /><br />


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>What I see here is a collection of individuals who place a higher priority on maintaining their ability to feel superior to the general public than on doing a single darn thing to make tomorrow's reality different than today's reality. Those who control the discussions here have self-selected themselves as if preserving that capability to feel superior is paramount. If folks here want to believe they are so much better than the general public, they should prove it by making a difference.<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br />Alright spacester, this petty and ultimately unproductive sniping has got to stop. Again, in all sincerity, I ask you ... why do you continue to pitch up here at Uplink if you find the moderation so abhorrant, so devoid of positive direction? Quite aside from the fact you appear to be demonstrating an alarming and entirely incorrect read of that situation, I'm genuinely surprised your strength of conviction allows you to remain here in good conscience.<br /><br />I politely request that you stay on topic, and confine your remarks to what you are doing to effect the positive outcome you are seeking.<br /><br /><br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />SpaceKiwi - MCT<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p><font color="yellow">The results will be that non-NASA folks will be there to greet them on arrival.</font><br /><br />This sort of glib comment although amusing can be counterproductive. It's tantamount to an associate of a mountain climber that just scaled his first 14,000 foot peak making a claim that that novice climber could put together an Everest expedition that would scale Everest faster than if Edmund Hillary started assembling an expedition. <br /><br />The space enthusiast community has very limited influence over Congress. I think it is important to adamantly support NASA and these private ventures. At some point we can support the private ventures by becoming stock holders. In this way perhaps lunar bases and visits might be spurred if stock holders believe there is a profit potential. In the meantime you just have to hope that a few rich billionaires with mostly partially built and proposed playthings actually seek to go play on the Moon long before they've ever achieved anything as far as ROI on their existing toys. <br /><br />NASA on the other hand can probably do this by 2020 unless us tiny and probably growing tinier avid support group becomes so jaded that Congress simply says, "aw the hell with it." <br /><p><hr /></p></p></blockquote>Don't forget the Chinese....<br /><br />And BTW, my "glib comment" will not be counterproductive -- or productive. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I was wondering? Do to China and Russia kind of working together and Europe and Russia working together. That their could be forces that could lay the ground rules and inforce them! With out us being involved. Where there to be a disagreement that did not go our way. (There are many that would like it to go that way even some in this country.) This could put us at an extreme disadvantage.<br />Also considering that the prevailing ideaology would be communism. I feel we have a choice go for it or no longer be relevant. So with this in mind do you think the defense department is working on its own way to work in space alone or through nasa and if yes dose that speed up the funding and there for the process?


spacester:<br />Ever hear of a self-fulfilling prophesy? Are you keeping up with Congress this year? Do you WANT NASA funding to be minimal?<br /><br />Me:<br />First off, regardless of whether I'm wrong or right. I'm not known to anyone in Congress, therefore my opinion is irrelevant one way or the other. I made that statement based on two things.<br /><br />A budget history that reflects negativity on the part of a public unwilling to finance human spaceflight at better levels.<br /><br />And most Democrats who think the same way (Barbara Mikulski not one of them).<br /><br />If you actually ever read any of my posts on human spaceflight, you might actually find I'm trying to get the positive out by first tackling the negative. Thie idea that we should spend the money on space right here on earth prevails long after its been demonstrated to be a hollow argument. But it prevails nonetheless because there is no high level pro human spaceflight voice despite organizations such as NSS. Can you name a grass roots human spaceflight advocate who has the visibility and fame of say, John Walsh or Jerry Falwell? Individuals who are well known champions of their causes.<br /><br />I have also stated that maybe private enterprise will succeed in getting economical access to low orbit. NASA may not be the only answer here, especially if Congress is unwilling to properly fund it.<br /><br />I also based these on factual data, not positive or negative rhetoric. Do you know what NASAs record budget was, or when it was? Try 1966 at $32 B dollars in 2006 dollars. Do you know when NASAs budget was deeply slashed? 1973-74 time frame and I say deeply slashed because most gov agencies cry when they have to take a 2% cut. NASA is the only agency I can think of that has been slashed 50% and still survives as an agency. All this should tell you something and should also suggest that the reason I made the statement is that after four decades of the same old...I don't see any reason to believe anything i <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


spacester:<br />What I see here is a collection of individuals who place a higher priority on maintaining their ability to feel superior to the general public than on doing a single darn thing to make tomorrow's reality different than today's reality. Those who control the discussions here have self-selected themselves as if preserving that capability to feel superior is paramount.<br /><br />Me:<br />Unfortunately, your way off mark if your referring to me as maintaining self superiority and who are you to simply assume that I haven't done anything. One of my activities for promoting space is writing and illustrating. Thats my way of doing it but unfortunatelty, nobody thinks that what I do is that important and I have talked to plenty of folks over the years...decades about human spaceflight. Starting with you know my position on human spaceflight and lunar mars missions? Why I think establishing a mars base for on site research of martian microbiological organisims should we discover any? From what I see of your wild assumptions, I'd say its safe for me to say you don't know squat about my human spaceflight position or know squat about what the general public thinks about it.<br /><br />spacester:<br />Show me a single Mod or MCT here who presents a positive and pragmatic vision for our future in space.<br /><br />Me:<br />Clearly a demonstration of bias towards what you seem to think we think is important. The opinions of MODs or MCTs is quite varied and I suspect you know this. If not, start actually reading what some of us have said about human spaceflight instead of blasting out rhetoric about feel goodisms and negative attitudes. The hard reality was best described by anvel and I quote anvel "The space enthusiast community has very limited influence over Congress. I think it is important to adamantly support NASA and these private ventures." and he or she is quite right. NASA and even human spaceflight is not as popular as it was in the 1950s or 60s which is <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


BOBO12345:<br />I was wondering? Do to China and Russia kind of working together and Europe and Russia working together.<br /><br />Me:<br />The DOD has not expressed interest (At least not publically) in putting humans in space because much of what they do there is doable with unmanned craft. That could and would change in the face of any dramatic leap in progress from the Communist world just as it did when the Russians put Sputnik up and that would increase NASA funding to be sure.<br /><br />Apollo was basically an extended response to Sputnik which resulted in the record budget I mentioned earlier. Apollo funding peaked in 1966 at around $5.5B dollars (About $32B dollars in 2006 terms). By 1966 however, the tide was beginning to change when noteable anti human spaceflight Senators Mondale and Proxmire began to vocally complain about money being spent on human spaceflight. The press also began to change in their coverage. This was captured nicely in the Apollo 13 segment of the Tom Hanks production of "From The Earth To The Moon".<br /><br />Another scenario comes to mind, and that is that private enterprise will hopefully be in a position to provide access to space on an economical level for the DOD. Imagine an SS-1 derivative as a military vehicle in a scout or rapid response sort of role althought the derivative would probably need to be capable of achieving orbit. This all assumes the military does not have a secret manned program in development or operation and if that is the case, one day we will know about it and there will be another human spaceflight capability on hand as a result. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


I'm shure it is posted all over the forum, but what is the 2007 or 2008 budgets for nasa?<br /><br />Ianke<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


qso1:<br /><br />Never mind.<br /><br />I give up.<br /><br />I gave it my best shot. I'm worn out, I need to move on.<br /><br />You evaded my challenge. Congrats. You must be so proud. <br /><br />I stand by my observation, but have been forbidden from expressing it again. So I will do so elsewhere. These are my last words here on the subject. You can have the last word.<br /><br />If any of you have the courage and intellectual integrity, come find me and we'll talk this over without censorship. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>First off, regardless of whether I'm wrong or right. I'm not known to anyone in Congress, therefore my opinion is irrelevant one way or the other. I made that statement based on two things.<br /><p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />You got to wonder who does read here!<br /><br />I started a thread inquiring such:<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


Add to that is whatever manned mission DOD would have they would probably, (may already have), just added it to a shuttle launch. As I recall, Shuttle Discovery was rumored to be a shuttle for military missions. <br /><br />But you should also consider that many astronauts are military. So DOD has had and seems to still have an interest in putting men in space (actions speak louder than words). <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


Ianke:<br />I'm shure it is posted all over the forum, but what is the 2007 or 2008 budgets for nasa?<br /><br />Me:<br />Glad you fact, the link below will give you the entire budget history of NASA. I still have to cross check this with my Almanac data but several of the numbers I recognized right off as corresponding to the Almanac which gets its data from OMB.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


spacester:<br />I give up.<br /><br />Me:<br />Thats unfortunate really, I always liked debating with people here including you. I really am not out to prove superiority...God if only you really knew me and what an F...d up mess I am. I do understand if you feel the need to move on and I also understand you standing by your observation. However, if someone forbade you from expressing it, it wasn't me. I don't believe in censorship and welcome any future contribution you may wish to make. Maybe you just need a short break from SDC.<br /><br />More importantly, having the last word is not important to me but since your giving it to me. I'll say this. I think the majority of us including you, have human spaceflights best interests in mind. We shouldn't end up in what now appears to be a p*****g contest. We should try to find out who the leaders are among us and get that person out on the forefront of human spaceflight. The human spaceflight spokesperson as it were.<br /><br />We could use a Ronald Reagan like great communicator to champion the return of humans to the moon. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


holmec:<br />You got to wonder who does read here!<br /><br />Me:<br />Your right about that but I've only been posting for little over a year and if a Congressman saw anything I said, they'd still only know me as Qso-1.<br /><br />But there is certainly potential with these postings. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>
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