For those trying to decide which side to join, here, evidently, are the options:
Scenario #1
Scenario #2
So. Those two scenarios are your choices. I know which one Occam would have picked.
Scenario #1
- 1. The US could not meet JFK's deadline, especially after the Apollo 1 fire. Viet Nam was threatening Richard Nixon's presidency. He needed a distraction. The go-ahead for a hoax was approved. Not clear why this would help Nixon or divert attention from Viet Nam (Nixon loved the war, and hated the space program? Cronkite hated the war, but loved the space program?), but the hoax disciples are a bit squishy on this point.
2. NASA sends the money to the Soviet Union to have their numerous tracking stations play along, and agree to lose the space race. Not sure why the US had the money, when the point of killing the program was to divert money to Viet Nam, or why the Soviets would agree to lose such enormous prestige at the height of the Cold War, but, the hoaxers are a bit vague on this.
3. All photographs taken by probes and signals received by amateurs are fakes, because they are all part of the conspiracy. All future probe photos will be fakes also, because this hoax is really, really, well funded. Not sure how the amount of money to keep the hoax afloat could go unnoticed, but the hoaxers aren't talking.
4. China and Japan are now a space faring countries, and all (including Russia) agree to keep the hoax a secret because, well, can't figure this one out (hoaxers need to provide a bit more rigor here). In any case, when China or Japan or anyone visits the moon and the lunar sites, they will bring back either stage props to further promote the lie, or, fake landings of their own since it's impossible for humans to go to the moon in the first place.
Scenario #2
- Apollo went down exactly as witnessed.
So. Those two scenarios are your choices. I know which one Occam would have picked.