Moon Landings Faked? (and all other space mission fakery)

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Archer17":2t4efrvu said:
Ishimura_":2t4efrvu said:
...But don't we have to go to the moon to do that :D
They'll point to things like Luna 20. What they fail to appreciate is that while they claim a bevy of limitations on our manned space program they have NASA and the PTB conducting a very sophisticated disinformation program that not only fooled foreign governments, but fooled those in this country that had the means to monitor communications during the lunar landing missions. So like other conspiracies involving the PTB we have an agency(s) that is supposed to be inept enough at coverups that they can see through it but good enough to keep the lid on tight enough for the rest of us.

Yes...I think counting on average citizenry's lack of knowledge about Radiation in the Van Allen Belts, as well as beyond, has paid off handsomly for NASA hasn't it! To the tune of 40 billion. And that's back in the sixties. That amount of money nowadays, could bailout banks!


CommonMan":b7zje6kp said:
You posted the radiation chart. I would also like YOU to provide information on which way the solar flares was going. Were they hitting the Moon or anywhere the Apollo 14 mission was at the time?

And what does this mean in your post to Yuri_Armstrong

Careful what you wish for bub. And also take care what statements you make about total strangers. IRL someone might beat the crap out of you for the same thing!!! I am not a Buzz Aldrin punching people because they nailed him to the wall as the milli vanilli astronaut he most certainly was!

Is this a threat? I am sure that many posters here would cover his back. And I am like Buzz Aldrin.
I await your reply. Yes I could look it up, but you stated it, you finish it.

A threat? :lol: And someone told me to settle down...LOL...

It's a statement of fact. IRL, people don't go up to people's faces and make the kind of comments they do on the internet! If they did, their gunboat mouths would overload their rowboat butts...It's a matter-of-fact, not a threat. However, your response, to my matter-of-fact comment is quite telling in and of itself. You are obviously too emotional to discuss this topic intellectually. Just as BUZZ got too emotional when a television person called him out. If Buzz had actually gone to the moon, such statements would have no effect on him what-so-ever. His outburst was very telling indeed. Just like the look on his, Armstrongs, and Collins faces during their post-flight press conference!


As for your original question...Let me pose one for you...Do you think NOAA records every single flare that comes from the surface of the sun? Or perhaps only the ones that will have an effect on us here on Earth and our equipment orbitting around us?

HINT: Your answer is in the question!!!!


Yuri_Armstrong":2tjv2o4z said:
"Their dosage data is fake!!!!"

I can also claim that your solar flare data is fake and provide nothing to support that claim. It would be exactly what you are doing.

Now, let's hear you explain the radiation dosages recieved by the astronauts. AFAIK the Apollo CSM had good enough shielding to protect the astronauts for 8 or 9 day missions. It's not like they were flying around with nothing to protect them. If you say that the 2.85 rem dosage the astronauts received on Apollo 14 is wrong, then provide something to substantiate that.

Also none of your videos are working for me. Let's hear this from YOU instead of links and youtube videos that you can't explain.

If you can't see the videos, they must be blocked in your system. Are you debating this from your work or school?

First the astronauts received no radiation doses because they were never in space. I've explained this to exhaust, but it seems you just aren't getting it. You keep asking me to prove stuff. How about you prove this statement of yours first, then I'll be glad to provide both EE Kovalev, and Van Allen's radiation counts for just the radiation belts alone. Then I'll be glad to provide the counts estimated during just your run-of-the-mill solar flare. BTW, NOAA recorded hundreds and hundredds of solar flares during the Apollo mission dates. So, be sure to bring your calculator so you can multiply the counts by the hundreds of solar flares. I'll even leave the MAJOR ones out for you so we don't have to debate the word MAJOR any longer! OKAY?

But first I want documentation/sources for this statement you made:
Yuri_Armstrong":2tjv2o4z said:
AFAIK the Apollo CSM had good enough shielding to protect the astronauts for 8 or 9 day missions. It's not like they were flying around with nothing to protect them.


Did Americans Walk the Moon 30 years ago???

According to Reuters reporting from Washington DC: – Cosmic rays are so dangerous and so poorly understood that people are unlikely to get to Mars or even back to the moon until better ways are found to protect astronauts, experts said on Monday.

More @: ... 5782008040

Did NASA Walk The Moon?:

Did anyone go to the moon? I personally do not know but going from what we know of American tendencies, if they really ever got to the moon in 1969, I wonder why NASA cannot go to the moon today 2008 nearly 30 years later.

30 years ago all scientists worth their salt knew about the Van Allen Cosmic Ray belts which are considered a trillion times more powerful and harmful than radio-active radiations from a million nuclear bombs. In other words, without adequate protection shield, anyone sent out there would become charred roast sooner than he can return.

Would arrogant and ignorant America have conquered the moon and then forgotten all about the Dollar earning potentials??? No my people, never!

If the American government knew the way to the moon, the US Marines would be patrolling the moon terrain to prevent terrorist infractions; Hollywood would have gone up there to make a really violent sex sodden titillating moon movie; Wall Street would be trading moon dust as futures, derivatives and commodity stocks; the tourist/foreign sex industry would have been promoting kinky sex for seven nights on the moon, specially packaged for swinger couples. Just think about it yourself.

US scientists suggested that it would take US at least 30 years from now to get back to the moon, which they had routinely visited between 1969 and 1972. What happened? Why can’t the USA fly away to the moon again?


Yep...Even the heavenly stoned rastafarians are starting to get it! ;) So what is taking all you space nuts so long?


So are you using them as a source because you are smoking the same things they are?


Quantum11":kyr3f8il said:
Archer17":kyr3f8il said:
Ishimura_":kyr3f8il said:
...But don't we have to go to the moon to do that :D
They'll point to things like Luna 20. What they fail to appreciate is that while they claim a bevy of limitations on our manned space program they have NASA and the PTB conducting a very sophisticated disinformation program that not only fooled foreign governments, but fooled those in this country that had the means to monitor communications during the lunar landing missions. So like other conspiracies involving the PTB we have an agency(s) that is supposed to be inept enough at coverups that they can see through it but good enough to keep the lid on tight enough for the rest of us.

Yes...I think counting on average citizenry's lack of knowledge about Radiation in the Van Allen Belts, as well as beyond, has paid off handsomly for NASA hasn't it! To the tune of 30 billion. And that's back in the sixties. That amount of money nowadays, could bailout banks!
Flawed reasoning. You assume that the people who don't care enough about the VAB, space weather, or the Apollo missions to do their own research would have to come down on the side of NASA. If anything, such ignorance would make the BS you're shoveling sound credible... that is, until they decided to look into it themselves. Then you have yourself a problem. When the 'average Joe' looks into the implications of your linked-to crap via independent research he'll see things that explain away your contrived hurdles and then what's an HBer to do?

Seems to me you might want to start working on an 'information highway' conspiracy. ;)


BurgerB75":2fqa5nsr said:
So are you using them as a source because you are smoking the same things they are?

I knew I could count on you of all members here to try and twist that one, and completely ignore the Reuters article! Congratulations, your role of troll is coming along nicely!


Quantum11":pj8h7q66 said:
Yep...Even the heavenly stoned rastafarians are starting to get it! ;) So what is taking all you space nuts so long?

Quite some source to use. Sourcing a stoner and then claiming they get it! :lol:


Quantum11":1qs4031n said:
BurgerB75":1qs4031n said:
So are you using them as a source because you are smoking the same things they are?

I knew I could count on you of all members here to try and twist that one, and completely ignore the Reuters article! Congratulations, your role of troll is coming along nicely!

Not a problem. For your next source will you be using a paper written in crayon by a mental patient?

Do you actually think you deserve any better? Your delusions know no bounds do they?

Edit: I always love it, LOVE IT, when the hoaxers complain about someone ignoring their "evidence". :lol:


quantum - you're a riot. First you state that there were solar flares during the apollo missions that were worse than the 'big one' in 1972 and then you supply information to prove yourself wrong - great.

Then you say:
Did Americans Walk the Moon 30 years ago???

According to Reuters reporting from Washington DC: – Cosmic rays are so dangerous and so poorly understood that people are unlikely to get to Mars or even back to the moon until better ways are found to protect astronauts, experts said on Monday.

More @: ... 5782008040.

And your proof is a dead link - priceless.

Hey, I'll bet Antarctica doesn't really exist it is just a hoax! :D


Of course Antarctica exists, it's where they will stage the fake Europa landing!! :shock:


Archer17":1kd2gfwh said:
Flawed reasoning. You assume that the people who don't care enough about the VAB, space weather, or the Apollo missions to do their own research would have to come down on the side of NASA. If anything, such ignorance would make the BS you're shoveling sound credible... that is, until they decided to look into it themselves. Then you have yourself a problem. When the 'average Joe' looks into the implications of your linked-to crap via independent research he'll see things that explain away your contrived hurdles and then what's an HBer to do?

Seems to me you might want to start working on an 'information highway' conspiracy. ;)

Assume? Why don't you go to a college...forget your average joe...Go to a college. Students studying anything but space-oriented fields. Ask them what they know about solar flares, the VABs, LEO, gamma-rays. Ask them what the word ISOTROPIC means. Ask them if they were aware that beyond our magnetosphere, there are several hundred MILLION solar particles in every square inch of space, every second.

You see, the reason that so many citizens wrote NASA after the Fox program aired, was because they finally got a GLIMPSE of the truth about the radiation in space. Fully armed with the real truth about space weather, they would laugh their butts off everytime someone tried to assert that men have been to the moon. Just as I do!

Nice little jab at the end though. And if you don't know already, information is suppressed all the time. It's how they keep fools and their money parted! Would you buy a pair of NIKE's if you knew CHILDREN were being exploited in sweat shops to make them? Maybe asking you that question is presuming on my part. You see, I just presumed that you gave a rat's butt about children having to work in a sweat shop so you could save some money on your already over-priced foot wear. :oops:


BurgerB75":27c12u64 said:
Not a problem. For your next source will you be using a paper written in crayon by a mental patient?

Do you actually think you deserve any better? Your delusions know no bounds do they?

Edit: I always love it, LOVE IT, when the hoaxers complain about someone ignoring their "evidence". :lol:

Let's see, the hoaxers are everyone involved in the Apollo program who knew what was really going on. I think hoax advocates is what you are looking for. Or maybe cultural vandals. That's a great one. Apollo fanboys is always my favorite for guys who don't ever look at the evidence which outs Apollo. Or one's like yourself who cannot debate using sources, or even looking at, speaking to the information itself. I know, it's much easier for you to behave like a troll. It takes no brains you see. And as I can tell by your posts, an abundance of brains is not your problem!


abq_farside":1kisc8ho said:
Quantum11":1kisc8ho said:
Yep...Even the heavenly stoned rastafarians are starting to get it! ;) So what is taking all you space nuts so long?

Quite some source to use. Sourcing a stoner and then claiming they get it! :lol:

How do you know that the author is a stoner? I threw that heavenly stoned part in the way an apollo fanboy throws in their baseless comments. Please do tell! Are you psychic?

For those who get it...I'm making a point! For those who don't, no amount of explanation will suffice!


origin":1tbbyndg said:
quantum - you're a riot. First you state that there were solar flares during the apollo missions that were worse than the 'big one' in 1972 and then you supply information to prove yourself wrong - great.

Then you say:
Did Americans Walk the Moon 30 years ago???

According to Reuters reporting from Washington DC: – Cosmic rays are so dangerous and so poorly understood that people are unlikely to get to Mars or even back to the moon until better ways are found to protect astronauts, experts said on Monday.

More @: ... 5782008040.

And your proof is a dead link - priceless.

Hey, I'll bet Antarctica doesn't really exist it is just a hoax! :D

How's this one working for you?J Actually try reading it. Maybe you'll awaken from your Apollo Fairy Tales?

Van Hoften knows from personal experience.

"My introduction to space radiation came first-hand as a crew member aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger in April 1984. 'What the heck was that?' I blurted out after seeing what looked like a white laser passing quickly through my eyes," van Hoften wrote in the introduction to the report.

"'Oh, that's just cosmic rays,' said Pinky Nelson, my spacewalking partner and space physicist. The thought of extremely high-energy particles originating from a distant cosmic event passing easily through the space shuttle and subsequently through my head made me think that this cannot be all that healthy. The truth of the matter is that it is not."

And that is happeneing well below the beginning of the Van Allen radiation belts bub!

Another of my favorite quotes from the article:

"You can put on very thick walls and they just won't protect you from that," van Hoften said

Okay, any of you clowns want to try and convince us that thin aluminum walls were sufficient shielding for the Apollonots?

As for the exists...that's where the NAZI Von Braun went to get all those priceless moon rocks you love so much!


Quantum11":zlh3hxcc said:
BurgerB75":zlh3hxcc said:
Not a problem. For your next source will you be using a paper written in crayon by a mental patient?

Do you actually think you deserve any better? Your delusions know no bounds do they?

Edit: I always love it, LOVE IT, when the hoaxers complain about someone ignoring their "evidence". :lol:

Let's see, the hoaxers are everyone involved in the Apollo program who knew what was really going on. I think hoax advocates is what you are looking for. Or maybe cultural vandals. That's a great one. Apollo fanboys is always my favorite for guys who don't ever look at the evidence which outs Apollo. Or one's like yourself who cannot debate using sources, or even looking at, speaking to the information itself. I know, it's much easier for you to behave like a troll. It takes no brains you see. And as I can tell by your posts, an abundance of brains is not your problem!

Ah yes, internet intellectuals such as yourself don't need reliable sources, just whatever you can grab with a 30 second Google search. I bow to your inferior intellect.



I await anyone of you to help convince me that this is an accurate picture of the sun, 93 million miles away, as seen from the atmosphere-free lunar surface!

Any takers?


Quantum11":p2n7pvka said:
I await anyone of you to help convince me that this is an accurate picture of the sun, 93 million miles away, as seen from the atmosphere-free lunar surface!

Any takers?

That is the problem right there. No one can convince you. It's not a problem of a lack of evidence but a closed mind on your part. You are so locked in a belief that mankind cannot accomplish what you believe is impossible that you refuse to think otherwise. Such is the way all the moon hoaxers think. There is no proof that you can't flip and twist to meet your needs. It takes the "special" kind of logic that you possess to be able to stare at the evidence and proclaim it fake.


Good point BurgerB.

Quantum, you're asking us to debate your religion with our science. No religious zealot will ever be satisfied with a scientific argument.


I've given you the evidence for the radiation suffered by the astronauts. You can scream that it's fake all day long, but if it is, then how much radiation do you assume they would have received? The Apollo CSM was shielded against radiation. A bit of metal and provisions can go a long way to blocking harmful space radiation.

This is sad that someone is even contesting this. I mean how could you even fake all of this? First we see the astronauts go into the Saturn V... you said that their voices didn't sound like they were vibrating as much as those on the space shuttle. But wouldn't distance from the rockets have something to do with that? I mean the astronauts were 360 feet away from the rockets on the Saturn V, but on the space shuttle you're much closer.

So then afterwards, what happened? Did they really just stay in LEO like you're claiming? That seems a little hard to fake because people all over the world would be able to see them at night time, and the multitudes of tracking stations all over the world would have to be in on this conspiracy as well. And how could Buzz, Mike and Neil all be in LEO while Buzz and Neil were faking it in the studio at the same time?

And what about re-entry, splashdown and retrieval? Where did the moon rocks they collected come from? Did they rendezvous with an unmanned lunar lander in LEO and collect the rocks from there? What about the moon dust engrained into their suits?

I can tell that you have never been to the Johnson Space Center or even read a book about the history of the Apollo missions. It took hundreds of thousands of people working on a massive scale to put together this huge machine that had a life of its own. The toils that all of them went through are far greater than those faced by any space agency today.

This leads me to believe that you have just been listening to the same pseudo scientific nonsense peddled by America haters for decades now. RESPECT your country's greatest accomplishment man! It is an incredible insult to say that the Apollo program was faked. Buzz's reaction to Bart Sibrel is not telling of anything. Sibrel was ambushing him and trying to make him swear on the bible that he didn't walk on the moon, a most grievous insult to a man who has been through so much. If you antagonize someone like that, what else could you expect?

You keep showing photographic anomalies which are easily explained and do not count as proof of a moon hoax. I haven't seen anything remotely convincing yet that would make me think we didn't land on the moon. And now with the LRO pictures out it is just getting ridiculous. How could a rational person possibly believe in a conspiracy this big and nuanced?


Quantum11":22ldxi25 said:
...Assume? Why don't you go to a college...forget your average joe...Go to a college. Students studying anything but space-oriented fields. Ask them what they know about solar flares, the VABs, LEO, gamma-rays. Ask them what the word ISOTROPIC means. Ask them if they were aware that beyond our magnetosphere, there are several hundred MILLION solar particles in every square inch of space, every second.

You see, the reason that so many citizens wrote NASA after the Fox program aired, was because they finally got a GLIMPSE of the truth about the radiation in space. Fully armed with the real truth about space weather, they would laugh their butts off everytime someone tried to assert that men have been to the moon. Just as I do!
Your insertion of CAPS aside, this still isn't adding up. Your first paragraph states the obvious: if people aren't interested in something and it's not shoved down their throats then they'll be ignorant of same. Your second paragraph makes my point in my last post - some of those ignorant of space weather, the Apollo missions, or VAB will find HB bull-crap credible as long as they don't bother to look into it themselves. In fact, knowledge of space weather, radiation, etc isn't even necessary for those with critical thinking skills to be skeptical of HB claims. Your moon conspiracy has a lot of Earth-bound loose-ends that you HB folks just can't seem to tie up.

Quantum11":22ldxi25 said:
Nice little jab at the end though. And if you don't know already, information is suppressed all the time. It's how they keep fools and their money parted! Would you buy a pair of NIKE's if you knew CHILDREN were being exploited in sweat shops to make them? Maybe asking you that question is presuming on my part. You see, I just presumed that you gave a rat's butt about children having to work in a sweat shop so you could save some money on your already over-priced foot wear. :oops:
Was that supposed to be a counter-jab or do you always think of sweaty children in the middle of a moon-hoax discussion? Anyway, I'd like you to tell the audience how your 'information suppression' conspiracy works. Do they assign the Men In Black to everyone that has an interest in space or space flight? Seriously, tell us how it's done. Then explain how Fox or you HBers are immune from such a vast suppression and disinformation machine.


quantum":3bbv2r4u said:
Okay, any of you clowns want to try and convince us that thin aluminum walls were sufficient shielding for the Apollonots?

Sure Bozo! They weren't in space long enough to get over exposed. They went through the van allen belt quickly and did not get over exposed.

My favorite line from the article is:
"Any mission to Mars using current technology would take three years, van Hoften said. That long in space would subject astronauts to too much radiation."

So first you post the link that doesn't work and then the actual link does not support your contention - unless you think it took 3 years in space to get to the moon. Maybe the astronauts used a row boat. :lol: You're quite the kidder!

As for the exists...that's where the NAZI Von Braun went to get all those priceless moon rocks you love so much!

Prove to me Antarctica exists. ;) And do you really think Von Braun went to antarctica, why wouldn't he send some hitler nazi youths to collect them? There is no way you are serious about this - I ain't buying it, just to absurd!


Just a note; Quantum11 no longer frequents the SDC boards.

So make your final points, go easy on bashing the defensless, and let's move on.



And ask any geologist if rocks from Anarctica are as old as moon rocks.

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