I'll be 61 on Christmas Day, and I guess that might mean I'm old and set in my ways...I love my Science Fiction (Heinlein, Asimov, Simak, Davidson, Tenn, Van Vogt, Lem etc.) and I love my Fantasy (Tolkien, Lewis, Stewart, Donaldson etc.) What I DON'T like at all is to see them MIXED. When I read SF, I want to see it based in some minimal degree on hard science. When I read Fantasy, I don't want any nonsense about laser guns, etc. in it and that space opera junk. Actually I read much less SF today than when I was younger because most of it so badly disappoints me precisely be cause it does mix the genres into a (to me) distasteful mishmash. I think of the above guys I listed as SF authors being part of the golden age of the genre. IMO, about the time guys like Silverberg started selling books, I think SF began to stink pretty badly.<br /><br />The last SF I read that IMO really qualified as genuine SF was Robinson's Mars trilogy. I loved the details about how Mars might be colonized and terraformed, but the characters were so densely drawn and boring that eventually I gave up on that one too, about 1/2 of the way through the last book. The characters simply weren't very damned inrteresting. Mars had stopped being the main character in favor of some dull and pedantic soap opera that just happened to take place on Mars.<br /><br />No offense, but can't stand Niven, Bova, and ESPECIALLY not Norton, who couldn't IMO write her way out of a wet paper bag. Herbert? I thought the DUNE series was pure irredeemable trash. I couldn't BELIEVE how many people made a cult of it!<br /><br />Anyway, fire away.<br /><br />I do like Horror, too. Big Lovecraft, King, and Koontz fan. <br /><br />Also, I'm not usually into that kind of thing, but I LOVE the Special Agent Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Pendergast is one of the most interesting characters I've come upon in a long time. First book I read was "A Cabinet of Curiosities" and the most recent was "Relic".