<p><font size="2">I found this over at</font> <font size="2">NASA SpaceFlight, it's not new news, but it does answer some of the questions we had last year about the proposed asteroid mission. Of course, nothing is carved in marble yet (it could very well be canceled by a future administration) but the very small size of the target asteroid (40 meters diameter) is a damned interesting choice. This says to me they are planning on attempting to adjust the orbit of one (hopefully for mining purposes) in the foreseeable future. </font></p><font size="2"><p><font size="3">NASA plans for Orion trip to Asteroid 2000SG344</font></p><p><a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/may/07/starsgalaxiesandplanets.spaceexploration" title="NASA plans for Orion trip to Asteroid 2000SG344"></p></a></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#993300"><span class="body"><font size="2" color="#3366ff"><div align="center">. </div><div align="center">Never roll in the mud with a pig. You'll both get dirty & the pig likes it.</div></font></span></font> </div>