EarthlingX":28f5gxqm said:White skinned under sun-tanned blue eyed blonde disgusted over attempt to approach Muslim world, after all the crap flying during Dubya .. Discussion interruptions, drawing conclusions on partial information, or only conjectures, yada, yada .. I go watch Comedy Central a bit later, probably better information ..
Wow! A bit racist are we??? No one here nor any of the media reports(of which FOX seems to be the only one reporting) brought race into any of this. But, you did. Funny how you leftists are the first to jump to conclusions of some sort of racial motive when there is none and when you have nothing logical to contribute and you know you've lost the argument. First off, Muslim is not a race. Second, reaching out to the Muslim world is not the responsibility of NASA, but is the responsibility of the State Department. Third, and most importantly Bolden mentions this is the FOREMOST mission for NASA.
If Bolden/Obama had stated that NASA would like to see more involvment in space from the Muslim world, that would have been perfectly fine, but to state it as the foremost mission of NASA, a year ago when Bolden mentioned NASA would transform into a more Earth sciences agency shows how far our once proud space program and nation as a whole has fallen, and by the way...I was not happy with the direction under Dubya either...or Clinton, Bush 1, Carter, Ford(notice I skipped Reagan). NASA and its projects and accomplishments should be something our nation can be proud of...every time I see our shuttle blast off, I feel a sense of national pride. What about the US flag burning, America hating, bowing to dictator, re-distributionists? If Dubya had visited a white Christian church and made the same comment, then you would have been up in arms?
I dont care about religion, race, or national origin of any individual...I care about advancing into space, new technology, cooperating with democratic nations or any nation that has something to offer, and national pride in our great accomplishments. NASA and space exploration to me is far more important than social welfare/entitlement spending and any so called "stimulus".
If you care about space science and advancing the human race, wise up.