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This is just an observation for now, but this thread is degenerating into typical rock and hard place political head butting, so is likely to be moved, or at the very least split into one discussing space and another yelling match in politics.

Proceed at your own risk.

Moderator Meteor Wayne


Why is it bad to reach out to other cultures? Nixon reached out to the soviets(apollo soyuz, planned under Nixon) and chinese(ping pong diplomacy) and he got praised for that. However Bolden is doing a bad job as head of NASA and thats why he is reciving so much critisism.


kk434":1a0kzb88 said:
Why is it bad to reach out to other cultures?

It isn't, it's just (very obviously) not NASA's foremost mission.


tanstaafl76":gqsnyxik said:
kk434":gqsnyxik said:
Why is it bad to reach out to other cultures?

It isn't, it's just (very obviously) not NASA's foremost mission.
You are absolutely right. Also, the Russians and Chinese are/were powerful, while the Muslim countries don't have much to offer. And as Bolden said, it is about making them "feel good" about their math and science contributions that they made like, 1,000 years ago. I don't see how that benefits the US at all, much less NASA! They honestly should feel bad, because they haven't contributed anything to technological world at all really. At least not that I can think of (If there are examples, I would be happy to hear them).


You are all right, he is suposed to lead a space program and not engage in international politics. But muslim "rocket scientists" in Gaza are building very cheap quassam rockets!


tanstaafl76":2x5qctdj said:

I don't really know what to say...

But it's sad.

We have no shortage of diplomats. Why can't we let the scientists be scientists?

I'm not intending to be racist nor any other label leftists want to accuse me of to block free speech but what do the arabs and Muslims have to be proud of. Their greatest days were 900 years ago. Today they have squandered their wealth, are controlled by violence/hatred, and treat women like cattle.

There has only been one Muslim Nobel Peace prize in science. It was in chemistry. Overall there have only been four Nobel Peace prizes awarded to Muslims.

They are at least 20% of the worlds population.

Meanwhile there have been 129 jewish nobel peace prizes, with many of them coming in physics, medicine, etc.

Jews compose .02% of the population.

Thats a ratio of 129,000 prizes to 4 if you equalize the populations.

Why do I mention this? Because Muslims hate the Jews and consider them inferior, and want to exterminate them, and much of the west is willing to go along with this.

Yet the hilarious thing is Israel is one of the only parts of the middle-east without oil. So the Jews have achieved all this despite intense persecution and without oil which the Muslims have had.

I say these things to say this, we should not be patting them on the back, we should be shunning them. We should be praising the achievements of the Jewish race despite adversity. In a very dark area ( the middle East ). Israel is a beacon of light, freedom, and science. Their human rights record may not be perfect but they have enemies on all sides who teach their children that jews have tails.

I believe Muslims and Arabs have much to offer, the arab mind, and the persian mind are great when they are not controlled by hatred and violence.

It is sad that an area that was once the center of the world and science has fallen so far, and even worse that self-gratifying humanists like Obama would applaud them, knowingly continuing their pattern of behaviour.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Case and point... oh wait, that is assuming Obama is a good man.

NASA's mission should be to send a permanent deep-space space craft to Mars to establish a colony, or a series of one-way trips. Colonizing the moon would also be acceptable. If they arn't doing either of those (investing in one big mission) then they should be cut down to $2 billion or so.

Here are some great quotes, summarizing what I am saying:

The Jews are not promoting brain washing the children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non Muslims.

The Jews don't hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics.
The Jews don't traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.

Perhaps the world's Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems.

Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel's part, the following two sentences really say it all:

If the Muslim Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.


neutrino78x":1mhz0gaf said:
From Obama Space Plan is Conservative:

a guy in the tea party":1mhz0gaf said:
Just to get it out of the way early: I’m a conservative leaning libertarian with the street cred to prove it. I helped organize the first Tea Parties in Atlanta. I helped Harry Browne around Atlanta during his Libertarian Party campaign for president and was even one of his electors for Georgia. I left the Libertarian Party after 9/11. I’m not sure how involved in the GOP I want to be but that seems to be a general issue with all conservatives these days.

The point of all that is to say this:

President Obama’s new policy for NASA is the most fiscally conservative and downright capitalist policy to come along since the agency was founded.

(bold and italics = his)


I was almost ready to applaud NASA, then I realized, his government spending is only for those in his power base, democratic groups, unions, special interests, the stimulus is being used to expand the democratic power base. Apparently Obama did not have enough allies at NASA.

Sadly one of the things socialism does is bring everyone in a society down, it also brings the society itself down. Instead of using the stimulus money to fund a mission to Mars or achieve something, or even rebuild our infrastructure like FDR did, Obama is talking about how America is no longer great, how we are weak, and how he needs more money.

More money to enrich his allies and buy votes.


Floridian":2pygc13j said:
I was almost ready to applaud NASA, then I realized, his government spending is only for those in his power base, democratic groups, unions, special interests, the stimulus is being used to expand the democratic power base. Apparently Obama did not have enough allies at NASA.
Actually, it was the states that weren't on his bandwagon he was targeting. The ones with major NASA facilities have been lukewarn to his policies (and election) at best, Texas for one.


Floridian":17zvdlb4 said:
I'm not intending to be racist nor any other label leftists want to accuse me of to block free speech but what do the arabs and Muslims have to be proud of. Their greatest days were 900 years ago. Today they have squandered their wealth, are controlled by violence/hatred, and treat women like cattle.

There has only been one Muslim Nobel Peace prize in science. It was in chemistry. Overall there have only been four Nobel Peace prizes awarded to Muslims.

They are at least 20% of the worlds population.

Meanwhile there have been 129 jewish nobel peace prizes, with many of them coming in physics, medicine, etc.

Jews compose .02% of the population.

Thats a ratio of 129,000 prizes to 4 if you equalize the populations.

Why do I mention this? Because Muslims hate the Jews and consider them inferior, and want to exterminate them, and much of the west is willing to go along with this.

Yet the hilarious thing is Israel is one of the only parts of the middle-east without oil. So the Jews have achieved all this despite intense persecution and without oil which the Muslims have had.

I say these things to say this, we should not be patting them on the back, we should be shunning them. We should be praising the achievements of the Jewish race despite adversity. In a very dark area ( the middle East ). Israel is a beacon of light, freedom, and science. Their human rights record may not be perfect but they have enemies on all sides who teach their children that jews have tails.

I believe Muslims and Arabs have much to offer, the arab mind, and the persian mind are great when they are not controlled by hatred and violence.

It is sad that an area that was once the center of the world and science has fallen so far, and even worse that self-gratifying humanists like Obama would applaud them, knowingly continuing their pattern of behaviour.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Case and point... oh wait, that is assuming Obama is a good man.

NASA's mission should be to send a permanent deep-space space craft to Mars to establish a colony, or a series of one-way trips. Colonizing the moon would also be acceptable. If they arn't doing either of those (investing in one big mission) then they should be cut down to $2 billion or so.

Here are some great quotes, summarizing what I am saying:

The Jews are not promoting brain washing the children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non Muslims.

The Jews don't hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics.
The Jews don't traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.

Perhaps the world's Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems.

Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel's part, the following two sentences really say it all:

If the Muslim Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.
Could not have possibly said it better myself.


Sounds like someone who doesn't know much if anything about the Muslim world. A lot like those in that world who don't have much if any real world experience of Americans.


nimbus":11pw952f said:
Sounds like someone who doesn't know much if anything about the Muslim world. A lot like those in that world who don't have much if any real world experience of Americans.
Yes, and using words like 'race' instead of 'nation' or 'country'. I never heard of a 'Jewish race' before.

If you seed hatred you can not expect peace to grow from it. People who so much need to be identified as a member of 'superior race' lack their own self esteem, and they need to be part of something else, to feel important. It is more like something to cure with a shrink than allow to talk in public.

It is also rather obvious, that for some people anything that is not on their side is communist, and they don't know there is a difference between socialism and communism - a big one, big enough for people to die for.

A herd of loud sheep, but if you believe in supernatural, you can believe anything, if announced by a 'proper' authority.


Valcan":37vgh08q said:
vulture4":37vgh08q said:
Did any of you actually watch the full interview which is available on the Aljazeera website, or just the Faux News commentary? First, Bolden made clear that the task of reaching out to Moslem countries was one Obama had asked of him personally before he became NASA administrator. He did not suggest it was a NASA mission, as the topic of this thread incorrectly implies. Second, although Aljazeera is directed largely at the Muslim audience, it is a secular organization, not an Islamic one. Second, the commentator was quite well informed and the inter view covered everything from Bolden's Navy career to the role of the ISS as a focus for cooperation between former adversaries, to the question of extraterrestrial intelligence. The interview compared quite well to the usual simplistic Faux News propaganda. And it compares quite well to Mike Griffin callously insulting China when he was there.

Vulture secular and the muslim world dont coexist. Atleast not media. I've watch PLENTY of aljazzera. Its as biased as any other. Wana see something crazy? Find videos of muslim leaders speaking on tv- look at what they say to american or foreign audiences then look at what they say to there own people....the devil has two tounges.

If you're interested in a fairly unbiased account of Aljazeera, here's one: ... a_sas.html
On the other hand, if you're just interested in calling anyone from a different tribe a devil, then you probably would have been happier in ancient times.

Please define "plenty". Does that mean watching a few exerpts with commentary on Faux? If you define those of a particular race or faith as "devils" you are ... a_sas.html


vulture4":1jg2vzae said:
Valcan":1jg2vzae said:
vulture4":1jg2vzae said:
LOL i see im immediatly a neo barb now lol.
No i saw a bunch of em a long time ago (2-3 yrs ago) no it wasnt on the FOX it was on a arabs blog cant remember which one no sorry.
I always find it interesting how people who hate fox have held there tounge on other channels. The point of a station like fox is to get money. Its called a buisness.
Aljazzera writes and reports from a arab stand point. Let them but saying that they are big into free press in the middleast is just foolish.
Though there is one place.....this tiny little country called Israel.
Heck i even remember watching a episode on the travel channel or pbs or something about syria they completely lied and the people were astounded who went there about how they lied about what they said.
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