NEWS@SKY - unusual space news site

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Guest<br /><br />The main idea of the NEWS@SKY (Space&Science) project is to make it possible for users to glance into an Internet article without wasting the time on visiting the website this article is published on. In the window of the NEWS@SKY (Space&Science) Internet site, a user can browse hundreds of scientific and popular science websites all at once. Each website is linked to a star from the real celestial chart. When the mouse cursor moves over a star, a user can see the latest headlines published on the linked scientific website. Then, in most cases, it is simple for this user to understand how valuable new articles are and is it worth spending time on actually reading them. Thus, by simply moving a mouse over a screen, without a single mouse click, within a matter of minutes, a user has the opportunity to briefly review the contents of tens, if not hundreds of scientific and popular scientific online publications. If in the course of this quick survey, a material suddenly draws our attention, a right click on this material's linked star allows us immediately go directly either to this useful article, or on its web site’s home page.


its left click LOL, just looked and it looks awsome great idea<br /><br />there are some 'people' icons moving over space map too, clicking them allows you to send somebody a message but no idea who those skywalkers are supposed to be, perhaps site mods or webmasters or what, why would I want to send them message?<br /><br />it also works like star map without the links to articles in 'scientific mode', definitely site worth exploring, thx for bringing it up<br /><br />vanDivX <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


We are working on these 'people icons' and soon it will be comfortable chat and all 'people icons' will be recognizable. Thanks a lot for your note.


thanks kostya, that's a cool site <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="2" color="#ff0000"><em><strong>I'm a recovering optimist - things could be better.</strong></em></font> </p> </div>


yeah nice web site m8 i shall be using it often <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />
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