Nuclear fusion reactor in South Korea runs at 100 million degrees C for a record-breaking 48 seconds

Apr 14, 2024
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The experimental fusion reactor sustained temperatures of 180 million degrees Fahrenheit for a record-breaking 48 seconds.

Nuclear fusion reactor in South Korea runs at 100 million degrees C for a record-breaking 48 seconds : Read more
Thing is Key, when Hydrogen is consumed and in the Core Star......Helium start to Fuse in Diamond (Iron&Oxigen under pressure)...."Usually", what We dont know, when happends... Such Stars can expands in diameter of cca Asteroid Belt with "Low " surface temperature (consuming first 3 Planet).... Also, is situation, what We dont know, is That Star - after Consumed Everything,,,, will going into the Black Hole or Supernova.....
Mar 3, 2020
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In 3 years they went from 31 seconds to 48 seconds at 100 million degrees C. They hope to achieve 300 seconds at 180 million degrees C within the next two years. Need to pick up the pace.
Look how long it took to go from general research to now at 48 seconds. Time will tell how things go in the future. I envisioned back in '88 that the best method for a reactor would be in space; less energy to hold the plasma and a vacuum already exists. Trick is beaming power back down to Earth. Now my thoughts go to a small reactor for a space station to operate with. It would eliminate the need for a bunch of batteries. Trick is the resupply of hydrogen.
Jul 5, 2023
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Can anyone tell me... how much fusion happened in these 48 seconds?

How much energy went into creating this 48 seconds?

How close was this to break even? 10%?

I'm surprised journalists don't ask these questions, but maybe some of you physicists out here can take some guesses.
Going by the latest results here in the US, they achieved break even on the ratio of output to input at the device but the ratio of output power to electricity coming into the site was only 1%. So, I don't know, it could be about the same in this case.
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We don't need 150 million degrees for power generation, all we need is super heated water.

That's far, far too much overhead.

Even if you could sustain those temps, fusion will never pay off. We have no clue how atoms and particles behave, and no clue as to how fusion happens. Solving the temperature condition is only the first step of your quest, and no one acknowledges this. Temperature and containment doesn't magically produce fusion.

You will need a new "standard" model before you can fuse He.

Those high temps are only useful for disassociation and destruction dynamics. Blowing things up and making holes in barriers. Vaporizing media.

One would have much better luck at fusion with cryo temps.
We don't need 150 million degrees for power generation, all we need is super heated water.

That's far, far too much overhead.

Even if you could sustain those temps, fusion will never pay off. We have no clue how atoms and particles behave, and no clue as to how fusion happens. Solving the temperature condition is only the first step of your quest, and no one acknowledges this. Temperature and containment doesn't magically produce fusion.

You will need a new "standard" model before you can fuse He.

Those high temps are only useful for disassociation and destruction dynamics. Blowing things up and making holes in barriers. Vaporizing media.

One would have much better luck at fusion with cryo temps.
There are so many errors in this post that I wouldn't know where to start.. Well maybe.

- Cold fusion isn't real.
- Humans first achieved controlled nuclear fusion in the 1960's with so called Fusor reactors. They work but are useless for power generation.
- Humans do understand atoms, protons, neutrons, nuclear chemistry and physics.
- Temperature and containment are not separate problems they are parts of the same problem.
- If fusion could occur at cryogenic temperatures then everything would explode.
- The only things that fusion reactors need cryogenic cooling for are the superconducting magnets.. If they use them.

Now for my speculation..
- If the world had properly funded fusion research and had run it efficiently we would probably have had working power reactors for over ten years now.
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Time will tell, just like it has so far. Who said anything about cold fusion? Don't paint my house and then tell me how bad it looks.

As for knowledge of particles, we only have a mathematical description. Not a physical one and no mention of structure or substance. Or motion, except an obtuse spin term.

We know very little. And what we do know is based on little. Consensus is the product of politics and institutions, not education. The purpose of education is to independent the mind, not bind it.

If you are a fusion buff, what was the last un-expected discovery? It was particle contraction. It surprised everybody. And it took them awhile to figure it out......that it was contracting.

I was saying such 10 years ago and was promptly told i didn't know what I was talking about.

Even when I paint my own house, no one likes it.