Official SDC Bug Report Thread

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doublehelix":1ooyxibo said:
This is the last time I'm going to say this: file uploading has been disabled in forums. Remember: once bitten, twice shy. We had some problems in the past with abuse of image uploading and are not interested in experiencing this again.


Your choice, but that severely limits the capability to have discussions regarding hard science and will force such discussions to other venues. For instance the sort of discussions that Saiph started regarding simple physics problems and tutorials required capability to show graphs and detailed mathematical calculations, uploads of scans of hand-written mathematics for instance.


I had a few days where after I logged in. It would show me logged in but when i went to post something it asked me to login agian and would never let me do anything.


danhezee":21rrcp70 said:
I had a few days where after I logged in. It would show me logged in but when i went to post something it asked me to login agian and would never let me do anything.

It just did that to me.

I've also got one avatar at the top and another in posts. I've tried to fix it twice, but no joy.


This is seriously wierd. I just posted about my dual avatars, backed up a couple of pages and suddenly I'm back to one avatar. :eek:


I've noticed a few glitchy things like that at times today. Andrew had one post that the header didn't show so it looked like I posted it a few months ago.

A reload seems to fix it.
I have noted that even when it looks like the page has finished loading with the posts, 10 or 15 seconds later something else will happen. What seems most common is that sometimes the background color doesn't cover a whole last post I am reading, then about 15 seconds later it will fill in, while showing no internet traffic.

Little minor glitches I can live with :)


MeteorWayne":3fvtrbcb said:
What seems most common is that sometimes the background color doesn't cover a whole last post I am reading, then about 15 seconds later it will fill in, while showing no internet traffic.

I've seen this as well. Thought it was just me.


doublehelix":13jkehrj said:
This is the last time I'm going to say this: file uploading has been disabled in forums. Remember: once bitten, twice shy. We had some problems in the past with abuse of image uploading and are not interested in experiencing this again.


Arrogant responses like this do more to damage your image than you realize.

imaginova dev

We fixed a whole bunch of stuff yesterday and today. Most of what I see talked about in this thread.


imaginova dev":12d090uq said:
We fixed a whole bunch of stuff yesterday and today. Most of what I see talked about in this thread.

Thanks for fixing all the stuff you've fixed so far and sorry, I guess I should have put it in this thread, but there seems to be a problem sometimes with double posts. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=16709



The_Chef":1qbr0fbl said:
doublehelix":1qbr0fbl said:
This is the last time I'm going to say this: file uploading has been disabled in forums. Remember: once bitten, twice shy. We had some problems in the past with abuse of image uploading and are not interested in experiencing this again.


Arrogant responses like this do more to damage your image than you realize.
I don't see what's arrogant about it. They're in charge, the buck stops at their desk. It's their decision.

DrRocket":1qbr0fbl said:
Your choice, but that severely limits the capability to have discussions regarding hard science and will force such discussions to other venues. For instance the sort of discussions that Saiph started regarding simple physics problems and tutorials required capability to show graphs and detailed mathematical calculations, uploads of scans of hand-written mathematics for instance.
Doc, you can host images yourself at a variety of free online hosts, some of which offer unlimited hosting if you're willing to pay a bit. Something like 25 bucks for a year with Flickr.

Once the pics are hosted, get their URL, and put it between image tags like :


doublehelix":1c40yzyw said:
... Some legit avatar images (correct file format, small enough) are still not able to be uploaded
Avatars sometimes don't load ...

I just changed my avatar and I at first I thought I had the problem above, because the old image still displays in my account profile as the "current image" but when I checked my posts it shows as having changed.

Old avatar was ...


New avatar is ...


So the bug here us that the old image still displays in the account profile, even when the new image has successfully loaded and displays in the posts.


Update to above.

I just checked my account profile and the new image is now displayed. When I first changed it though, it defintely did not display, even when the page was refreshed and remained like that for at least a couple of hours.

So has the bug been fixed since I posted, or is there still a delay problem?

I'm not sure ... :geek: :p


nimbus":1c99pot3 said:
DrRocket":1c99pot3 said:
Your choice, but that severely limits the capability to have discussions regarding hard science and will force such discussions to other venues. For instance the sort of discussions that Saiph started regarding simple physics problems and tutorials required capability to show graphs and detailed mathematical calculations, uploads of scans of hand-written mathematics for instance.
Doc, you can host images yourself at a variety of free online hosts, some of which offer unlimited hosting if you're willing to pay a bit. Something like 25 bucks for a year with Flickr.

Once the pics are hosted, get their URL, and put it between image tags like :

Yep, I can. But I won't.


So most members here been able to login to their original accounts, Correct? I'm a little unsure. I still can't even login to my account by putting the username in place of E-mail.


I'd like to report that I'm not bugged by anything at SDC anymore. I look forward to resuming my involvement in the Space forums, and more importantly the SDC personals! thank you thank you thank you!!!


The old/new post icon on for each forum on the forum index page doesn't seem to ever work on my end.


Well I've got a new oddness to report. It would appear that I am simulataneously both logged in and logged out. Upon return to SDC after having previously logged in and having checked the "keep me logged in box", I see my avatar and nic in the upper right hand corner (Welcome ...) indicating that I am still logged in. However I can't see the FreeSpace forum nor do the last unread post icons appear ... indicating I am not logged in. Logging out and then logging back in resolves the issue and after this process everything is working. Now this has happened on my home PC (I don't recall having seen it on my work PC) twice. This first time I was logged in before all the login fixes (and nic login feature) and so I wrote it off as some incompatibility twix old loggin and new features. Then it happened again today. This is on an XP home and IE7 machine. I'll see if it happens on my other home machine and check again at work tomorrow. No big deal as it seems I have no problems getting (re)logged in but odd behavior nonetheless.


imaginova dev":2lhn5hn1 said:
We fixed a whole bunch of stuff yesterday and today. Most of what I see talked about in this thread.

Still if I try to change the date format the new setting is not saved. Time zone setting works, but not the date format. Once you fix this, please add a couple of date formats for us european users:

Ready date syntax 1: date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $tstamp)
example date: 01.03.2009 14:50:32

Ready date syntax 2: date("j.n.Y H:i:s", $tstamp)
Example date: 1.3.2009 14:50:32


I have noticed that in the Live Science fora, the new posts are not working. Don't get the blue circle on the left, and when I go to the forum, there's no indication there are new posts. I forgot to check to see if the rollover indicates new posts, I'll do that next chance.



MeteorWayne":1x5b2u9h said:
I have noticed that in the Live Science fora, the new posts are not working. Don't get the blue circle on the left, and when I go to the forum, there's no indication there are new posts. I forgot to check to see if the rollover indicates new posts, I'll do that next chance.


I can confirm that the new post thing in Live Science is totally hosed. The rollover indicated "No New Posts" when there were new posts.

imaginova dev

Smersh":8zt4whjb said:
Update to above.

I just checked my account profile and the new image is now displayed. When I first changed it though, it defintely did not display, even when the page was refreshed and remained like that for at least a couple of hours.

So has the bug been fixed since I posted, or is there still a delay problem?

I'm not sure ... :geek: :p

The avatar location is stored in a cookie. If you change it, everyone will see it but you. You will see it in the forums.

Easy way to solve this is log out and then back in. Ill put it in as a bug.


MeteorWayne":p5tnnv87 said:
MeteorWayne":p5tnnv87 said:
I have noticed that in the Live Science fora, the new posts are not working. Don't get the blue circle on the left, and when I go to the forum, there's no indication there are new posts. I forgot to check to see if the rollover indicates new posts, I'll do that next chance.


I can confirm that the new post thing in Live Science is totally hosed. The rollover indicated "No New Posts" when there were new posts.

Hmmm, apparently my interpretation was incorrect. While I showed as logged in at the top of the Live Science page, apparently I was not logged in. I logged in again on the Live Science page and the new post function showed up. Also I noticed that my user settings (which had been set in SDC) did not tranfer over to my Live Science user. I had to reselect the right time zone, DST, and the other settings.
So apparently, there is no linkage between SDC and LS users, despite what it says at the top of the page.



The_Chef":9eorjex8 said:
doublehelix":9eorjex8 said:
This is the last time I'm going to say this: file uploading has been disabled in forums. Remember: once bitten, twice shy. We had some problems in the past with abuse of image uploading and are not interested in experiencing this again.


Arrogant responses like this do more to damage your image than you realize.

Then I apologize to you and the rest of the community for my brusque approach. My original intent was to be clear and direct, not nasty. Apparently it didn't come off that way, and I'm sorry for that. I will attempt to respond with a softer edge in the future. :)



There seems to be a problem with pm's.

PM's cannot be previewed before being sent, apparently.

A draft can be saved before sending, but when viewed all I see is the header and not the body of the text.

Sometimes when a link is placed in the pm it comes out funny and can't be clicked on.

I sent a pm earlier to Jim48 and he said he got it 6 times, even though I only sent it once ... :shock:

(I'm using Opera btw, haven't tried it in Firefox or IE yet.)

Btw dh, I just sent you a pm but don't know if you can read it as only the header shows in my outbox (not seen that problem before.) I still have it saved in a notepad file so I haven't lost it.


Am I the only one that has to login every time I come here? :?

Is this "feature" :geek: permanent?

Just curious :cool:
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