Only One Person Alive

Dec 12, 2020
You can either be a follower or a leader... you can learn from someone else or figure it out on your own.

If you were the only person alive on the planet you would have to invent everything you take for granted like language and science by yourself... if you wanted something you would have to make it yourself... if you wanted to know science you would have to research and figure it out on your own for there would be no science books to learn from...

A true leader figures out all the facts and knowledge's of life on their own, they don't let someone else tell them how life works, or how science of life is...

if you want to be a great like Einstein. pretend you are the only person alive and figure out everything on your own.. invent your own language, and invent your own sciences.

Ever since i was little i did this and i was the most popular kid in my grade at school all through school


Apr 3, 2020
If you are the only person alive, with whom do you share your "own" science, language, etc? If you can't share these things, nor pass them along, what purpose do they serve?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

"If you can't share these things, nor pass them along, what purpose do they serve? "

I won't repeat what I have posted elsewhere. My learning Italian with ZERO prospect of using it (even in the local Italian restaurant) is to utilise parts of my brain which others of my age might let go into rot.

I am here, and I am alive, and I am going to keep making you youngsters keep on your toes as far as I am able. Let's have some intelligent and thought provoking discussions and keep this forum buzzing!

Cat :)


Apr 3, 2020

"If you can't share these things, nor pass them along, what purpose do they serve? "

I won't repeat what I have posted elsewhere. My learning Italian with ZERO prospect of using it (even in the local Italian restaurant) is to utilise parts of my brain which others of my age might let go into rot.

I am here, and I am alive, and I am going to keep making you youngsters keep on your toes as far as I am able. Let's have some intelligent and thought provoking discussions and keep this forum buzzing!

Cat :)
Agreed, 100%. I see the original question as a philosophical one and hope the discussion will continue.

Wrapping one's brain around hypothetical questions is certainly a worthwhile endeavor.
Dec 12, 2020
If you are the only person alive, with whom do you share your "own" science, language, etc? If you can't share these things, nor pass them along, what purpose do they serve?
Well the point is that you have your own unique ideas that define who your are instead of being a copy of someone else