Origins and Big Bang

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I think the biggest problem is thinking of the big bang as the universe.
Throw away that idea and think of the universe as a foggy bubble of quantum fluctuation and the big bang as just an event in that bubble then the reality comes into focus.

Quantum fluctuation a property caused by void space, matter a property of unbalanced quantum fluctuation at the start, big bang a property of gravity/time compression disturbance.

Everything could be that simple and the begging is just a void space potential energy property.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
On page 2 I posted this (in fact it was my very first post here):

"I am rather concerned when referring to the Big Bang as space-time seems to be forgotten and all the talk is about BEFORE this and INTO that as if referring to the SPACE and TIME we have previously viewed separately.

A related point is that I understand (maybe wrongly) that the idea of the BB arose by extrapolating backwards (in time) the expansion of the Universe (forwards in time). Why is it assumed that this extrapolating must be linear all the way to zero 'time' i.e. the BB. Is our physics so solid that it cannot change near the BB to 'smooth' into a curved approach near 'zero time'? Of course this might allow a smoothing out 'on the other side' linking to the known idea that a black hole in one 'system' might lead to a Big Bang in another. I use the word 'system' to avoid confusion with the word 'Universe'."

Cat ➡ 🌈
Oct 26, 2019
Quantum Entanglement is the concept that leads to the “spooky action at a distance” that was dismissed by Einstein . If all the particles in the universe were entangled right at the start of the universe then they all could still have an effect on every other particle in the universe. This looks like gravity. Every particle of matter has an effect on all the others. Move a matchstick
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Quantum Entanglement is the concept that leads to the “spooky action at a distance” that was dismissed by Einstein . If all the particles in the universe were entangled right at the start of the universe then they all could still have an effect on every other particle in the universe. This looks like gravity. Every particle of matter has an effect on all the others. Move a matchstick
I see gravity as a compression of quantum fluctuation or decrease of quantum fluctuation.
As the space in a black hole decreases so does quantum fluctuation so gravity is self regulated by the compression of time/space.
No singularity or infinite mass.

Entanglement i think you are totally correct at some point everything was entangled.
I also believe spooky action at a distance is gravity entanglement.
Gravity either no interaction with quantum fluctuation, travels through the void space between fluctuation,
Or gravity just a compression with no real force or wave.
Both can be instant speed.

Either way spooky action at a distance as gravity entangled particles is much easier to answer.

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