Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report

Jan 13, 2023
The ODNI's report shows that the U.S. government appears to be taking UFOs and airspace safety issues seriously.

Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report : Read more
I reviewed the report summary today. Though what I held onto for several years was verified by an experienced photographer for possible tampering at the the Tampa Free Press, by my insisting it, and was found 100 percent valid, it never hit the world news wires; no surprise to me. But it is only the tip of my discoveries to date. See the article and photos published September 2 2022 here>
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All I see are some blurry pictures. Could be anything, airplanes, planets, stars, whatever.
No testimony or photograph will ever prove ET visitation.
Only a physical sample that can be subjected to isotopic analysis will convince scientists.
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Oct 25, 2019
All I see are some blurry pictures. Could be anything, airplanes, planets, stars, whatever.
No testimony or photograph will ever prove ET visitation.
Only a physical sample that can be subjected to isotopic analysis will convince scientists.
A flesh and blood species that can navigate between star systems may not be impossible, but IMO very unlikely. I think it’s more likely another species may have evolved locally to some advanced staged, but even that sound crazy? We ourselves are rocket building primates but I highly doubt we physically will ever leave the solar system, our machines will be the explorers? Maybe advanced drones have been sent here from some distant place?
If another species had evolved to our level of sophistication we would find their trash dumps and soap operas everywhere so I sort of doubt it.

Our species nor any species will never travel to the next star system and return within current human lifetimes, the laws of physics pretty much rule it out. Even the use of antimatter would not do it. Too much energy is required. For example, if you elected to take a 20 gram fountain pen with you on the trip, the energy budget would have to increase by the same amount of energy a Saturn V rocket used to orbit the lunar module.

It is entirely possible that advanced drones have been sent to the Solar System. Drones don't care about transit time and energy budgets. They could well be all over the place spying on us.
Dec 12, 2022
Now we have a "Director of National Intelligence" and he has an Office? That shouldn't sound so ludicrous, but it does. I just had to laugh. "Od-knee" Watch they don't direct this intelligence toward the idea of hostile aliens and a big spending spree.

As far as potential collisions, money would be wiser spent getting rid of the threat of collisions at sea with overboard shipping containers. Smaller vessels can be sunk by running into those things.
Jan 13, 2023
All I see are some blurry pictures. Could be anything, airplanes, planets, stars, whatever.
No testimony or photograph will ever prove ET visitation.
Only a physical sample that can be subjected to isotopic analysis will convince scientists.
Well you did not test them the publisher and an experienced photographer did and found no alteration of the originals. You would need a closer inspection which can be arraigned.
No amount of inspection can determine if the pictures are real. No amount of "realness" can prove they are ET. Only a tangible piece of an ET craft that one can hold in their hand and measure with equipment is convincing.
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Jan 13, 2023
I can only base my assumptions on observations and what I have filmed by video and photos which defy my own understanding as an aviator with hundreds of flight hours and as a Flight Instructor; flying through the Atmosphere. As to whether we are alone in the Universe I find it highly unlikely that our mere spec of a planet, based on universal numerical odds, that we are all alone. I liken the earth as a grain of sand where all the sand of earth is a representation of the Universe.
"UFO or UAP means exactly what is indicated....unknown. Never said it was ET please get it right sir." - Phillip Davis

Please forgive me for being confused:

Post #2 in this thread alluded to ET visitation. Your post #3 was made in light of that.

Here are two places in your writings where you allude to ET visitation.

1) Third in Series: Orbs Photographed in the Skies Over Florida - Phillip Davis, Aug 28, 2022
"Also, many may not know that NASA has an Astrobiology section that travels in and out of the nation and is no doubt seeks alien biological life forms."

2) Seventh in Series: Orbs Photographed in the Skies Over Florida - Phillip Davis, Sept 22, 2022
"There is an ancient text that speaks of close encounters not of this world it is in the Holy Bible."

Here is where you appear to claim evidence of ET:

Part 10 In Series: Unidentified Objects Over The Florida Skies
Phillip Davis, October 13, 2022
"NASA is testing equipment in various areas to be used on off-world sample collections for microorganisms for extraterrestrial life. However, what I have discovered and located in my collection efforts, are far and above microorganisms and apparently alive."

Do you, or do you not, claim to have documented ET visitation?
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Jan 13, 2023
I reviewed the report summary today. Though what I held onto for several years was verified by an experienced photographer for possible tampering at the the Tampa Free Press, by my insisting it, and was found 100 percent valid, it never hit the world news wires; no surprise to me. But it is only the tip of my discoveries to date. See the article and photos published September 2 2022 here>
Looks suspiciously like you discovered Sirius. A journalist and a photographer could easily miss that the video and images are of a star. I've no doubt that the images are real. It's just that the subject is almost definitely Sirius or another bright object outside of our solar system (due to the "twinkling").
Jan 13, 2023
Looks suspiciously like you discovered Sirius. A journalist and a photographer could easily miss that the video and images are of a star. I've no doubt that the images are real. It's just that the subject is almost definitely Sirius or another bright object outside of our solar system (due to the "twinkling").
The photos are not large enough to see. I requested a gallery so that they might be easily seen. I don't control the publishing.
Jan 13, 2023
"UFO or UAP means exactly what is indicated....unknown. Never said it was ET please get it right sir." - Phillip Davis

Please forgive me for being confused:

Post #2 in this thread alluded to ET visitation. Your post #3 was made in light of that.

Here are two places in your writings where you allude to ET visitation.

1) Third in Series: Orbs Photographed in the Skies Over Florida - Phillip Davis, Aug 28, 2022
"Also, many may not know that NASA has an Astrobiology section that travels in and out of the nation and is no doubt seeks alien biological life forms."

2) Seventh in Series: Orbs Photographed in the Skies Over Florida - Phillip Davis, Sept 22, 2022
"There is an ancient text that speaks of close encounters not of this world it is in the Holy Bible."

Here is where you appear to claim evidence of ET:

Part 10 In Series: Unidentified Objects Over The Florida Skies
Phillip Davis, October 13, 2022
"NASA is testing equipment in various areas to be used on off-world sample collections for microorganisms for extraterrestrial life. However, what I have discovered and located in my collection efforts, are far and above microorganisms and apparently alive."

Do you, or do you not, claim to have documented ET visitation?
Alluding to is a guess not a fact. The fact is the objects that I released do not fit any known manmade objects that I am aware of making them UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). I have only a theory based on my observations leading up to present day. It is too bad I can't post photos here in a larger format for people to review or even my aerial videos as late as January 12 2023. I'm sure you can find your way to my videos which are not published at the Press.


Apr 3, 2020
Upload images to a site like and then post a link here.

A picture does not make a fact, either. Just stating the obvious for the sake of argument.
The article says, "UAP events continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity," ODNI states in the report, adding that the agency continues "to assess that this may result from a collection bias due to the number of active aircraft and sensors, combined with focused attention and guidance to report anomalies." In other words, military aviators in controlled airspace may be reporting more UAP/UFOs in these areas because there are naturally more sensors scanning the skies around military facilities and training ranges."

The article also states clearly, "In all, the report(opens in new tab) covers some 510 cataloged UAP reports gathered from agencies involved in the report and the branches of the United States military. The document notes that the majority of these were gathered from U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force personnel who reported them through official channels. Ultimately, the unclassified report concludes that, while UAP "continue to represent a hazard to flight safety and pose a possible adversary collection threat," many of the reports "lack enough detailed data to enable attribution of UAP with high certainty."

This appears to be a problem with many UFO/UAP sighting reports (*lack enough detailed data*). Another problem, where are all the reports from the amateur astronomy community, who stargaze regularly with many, using excellent telescopes and equipment? I use a 90-mm refractor telescope, 10-inch Newtonian, and 10x50 binoculars. Since Jan-2021 through 10-Jan-2023, my log shows 74 day/nights outside observing and 107 hours at the eyepiece. My log goes back many years now, more than 20 years. No strange lights in the night sky at my end, and no strange objects buzzing around during the day while I track sunspots too using a good solar filter. It seems the UFO/UAPs appear to selective groups or folks.
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Jan 13, 2023
Upload images to a site like and then post a link here.

A picture does not make a fact, either. Just stating the obvious for the sake of argument.
First I will answer the Orb question. I called those round objects that because they are round and I have also heard people call them that. As to the photos in general, they show what they show, an unknown and it is up to each individual to make up their own mind. The original photos that I have taken have not been altered in anyway. Based on a couple of people here even photos don't satisfy. I have decided not to post the photos here, instead I will be glad to have them tested in a controlled environment with witnesses and certification, they pay for it. Bottom line photos and videos can be tested and fraud can be found and again as to the objects because that is what they are each person must make their own decision.


Apr 3, 2020
First I will answer the Orb question. I called those round objects that because they are round and I have also heard people call them that. As to the photos in general, they show what they show, an unknown and it is up to each individual to make up their own mind. The original photos that I have taken have not been altered in anyway. Based on a couple of people here even photos don't satisfy. I have decided not to post the photos here, instead I will be glad to have them tested in a controlled environment with witnesses and certification, they pay for it. Bottom line photos and videos can be tested and fraud can be found and again as to the objects because that is what they are each person must make their own decision.
Sure, photos and videos can be checked for tampering. But that won't definitively establish the origin of said "object". The vast majority of "sightings" are naturally occurring things that appear unusual from the perspective of the viewer.

Given the use of drones, globally, it should come as no surprise that those are being used anywhere.
Mar 31, 2020
There are those of us who do believe that humankind will one day achieve star travel. We will find intelligent lifeforms beyond earth. And yes, most of us do believe that. It is okay to say it, because it is a true statement. If this species is less advanced we will bare the burden of responsibility as far as contact. We will look back at ourselves to this time, today. A time like now. We are a warlike species, and we will make the decision to not contact them. We will observe only and we will not give them that smoking gun. Since, we will achieve this. it makes sense that others would do the same. We are not alone. The earth is proof that there is life and intelligent life in the Milky Way galaxy. There are people who would want you to believe that we are the only oasis in the desert. We are not.
Drake believed there were thousands of habitable worlds in our galaxy alone. That it is filled with intelligent life. I see no reason to disprove his theory. Earth's twin will be found soon enough. We have barely scratched the surface of exoplanet discovery.
The problem is the lack of mainstream scientists who study the UFO or UAP phenomena. What we get instead are answers from military reps who give us the usual "That is classified answer."
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Jan 13, 2023
Indeed that is so as you have stated. I do not have degrees a mile long down my arm, in fact no degree at all, however it does not mean one is not smart enough to figure things out, reminds me of the Indian who spouted out mathematics with no education behind him to do so, some of it is used for Black Holes today. There is no doubt much we humans do not understand or can even comprehend as to other life forms unseen or even craft unknown to us.
As for myself I never believed in UFO's or UAP's for that matter, I had to see for myself and that day did come during 2019. Many have gotten the mindset that a UFO must be an alien vessel etc., but I don't know that without close hands on inspection and it is best to stay focused on facts one may encounter personally when it is unknown. As to others who may see my work it is entirely up to them to accept something as to what they "see" or not "see", logic is the best guide.
From a personal perspectivel I have had two encounters of the third kind, in two different homes when I was a child before school age, fully awake and scared to death and again in August of 2022, no fear there but that is just my word and I have no proof to offer. I will say that the objects I am capturing seem to be available for my camera and I know when to fly, this is as far as I will explain this. I will say Florida MUFON is certainly following my work on Twitter and I am not part of their group.
Not doing any of this for attention and I am not paid for it, it's free to the world to decide and it is up to those who view my work to make up their own minds.
Dec 12, 2022
I thought those military photographs were classified because they didn't want to admit that their cameras were so darn bad. How far away from the UAP were they? Anyway they were UAPs, we all know what a UFO is don't we?

I've seen a UAP. It was way up high in the sky, it was coming right at me as bright as a star it was. Suddenly it made an impossible looking turn and streaked off to the west. I was too stoned to say anything. Those were the days.

I had a friend she had a metallic silver object following and flying beside her car going down a semi deserted part of the freeway, it was bigger than a Harley motorcycle but smaller than a car. About five minutes. It was on her left. She was an honest person. Sorry no pictures. That was a UFO. Wheather there was any one aboard it is just a guess.

Something we should keep in mind about classified material. Just because it was classified doesn't make it true. They (the classifiers) can classify some unbelievable junk.
Jan 13, 2023
Saw a tweet today where a reporter asked a question to a general who was brifing about their report on UAP. I didn't listen to the audio but read the tweet where the General evaded the question.
Jan 13, 2023
The ODNI's report shows that the U.S. government appears to be taking UFOs and airspace safety issues seriously.

Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report : Read more
NASA is still working on their report, I suppose from a team of 16 people they assembled. Which reminds me of something that I am in receipt of from back in 2019. I will not go into too much detail except to say an individual I know who works at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University spent 6 years digging through NASA archives containing photos. I had a chance back then to run the labled photo description as assigned by NASA and it came back as "Image cannot be displayed" so I am 90% onboard at least as valid findings. Since that time NASA has shut down the website and transferred their images to an educational institution; I don't remember the name. I have several of those images that were supposedly taken by NASA satellites and the images are near the sun and most definitely fit the UFO label. Now those images I don't mind showing sometime.

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