'Quantum time flip' makes light move simultaneously forward and backward in time

Nov 20, 2019
is there someone here still believing to pure non senses as entanglement, time travel, superposition, virtual particles, dark matter and all these math gimnicks, idealistic absurdities?
Apr 27, 2020
Author writes of antimatter " it just behaves as if it is following an opposite arrow of time to normal matter. " without any proof or even logic behind that statement. If it appears like normal matter moving backwards in time in every aspect (and it does), the just maybe that is exactly what it is. Whew!! I resisted the temptation to invoke quacking, waddling ducks....
Apr 27, 2020
The simple "time clock" thought experiment used in virtually every popular science book on relativity clearly demonstrates that anything moving at the speed of light (in a vacuum, of course) moves neither forward nor backward in time. It cannot and still maintain the speed of light. For the photon time is frozen. No time passes from birth to death. So, from its perspective, its speed is infinite and it simultaneously exists at all points in space that it has ever existed.
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Nov 18, 2019
One is reminded of Richard Feynman in QED. While figuring out how a mirror works, he calculated that an electron moved back in time to meet an incoming photon, but then later said that this couldn't possibly be true, so it was "just math" making it appear so.

I'll bet he'd love this experiment!
Apr 27, 2020
One is reminded of Richard Feynman in QED. While figuring out how a mirror works, he calculated that an electron moved back in time to meet an incoming photon, but then later said that this couldn't possibly be true, so it was "just math" making it appear so.

I'll bet he'd love this experiment!
Nevertheless, Feynman Diagrams routinely depict particles travelling backwards in time. And antimatter appears, for all purposes, as matter travelling backwards in time. I heard an interview (a decade or more ago) with a particle physicist on Science Friday who stated quite clearly that physicists are unwilling to face the possible consequences of antimatter moving backwards in time and that is why it is treated as a mathematical convenience rather than reality. IMHO, that's a shame. Without any evidence to the contrary, we should accept what we observe, then look for a solution that fits with the observation rather than writing it off as "just math".
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Nov 20, 2019
Nevertheless, Feynman Diagrams routinely depict particles travelling backwards in time. And antimatter appears, for all purposes, as matter travelling backwards in time. I heard an interview (a decade or more ago) with a particle physicist on Science Friday who stated quite clearly that physicists are unwilling to face the possible consequences of antimatter moving backwards in time and that is why it is treated as a mathematical convenience rather than reality. IMHO, that's a shame. Without any evidence to the contrary, we should accept what we observe, then look for a solution that fits with the observation rather than writing it off as "just math".
according to feynman - an absolute idealist like mach, avenarius, and berkeley, according to whom it is not reality that shapes man's ideas but the idea, the transcendent consciousness that creates matter - a notorious serial sex offender, reality does not exist, is not important, only mathematics exists. See below my reply to jan steinman.
Nov 20, 2019
One is reminded of Richard Feynman in QED. While figuring out how a mirror works, he calculated that an electron moved back in time to meet an incoming photon, but then later said that this couldn't possibly be true, so it was "just math" making it appear so.

I'll bet he'd love this experiment!
according to feynman - an absolute idealist like mach, avenarius, and berkeley, according to whom it is not reality that shapes man's ideas but the idea, the transcendent consciousness that creates matter - a notorious serial sex offender, reality does not exist, is not important, only mathematics exists.

One of the things I like about that book is the claim that heisenberg's uncertainty principle, a genuine scientific scam, is useless. But the little game of clock diagrams is pathetic. On the one hand he writes that light is made of particles and that it is not a wave, on the other hand, he uses these diagrams that in the movement of clocks describe precisely these periodic wave functions; and he erases the opposite vectors, as if they were real physical objects - which he obviously disavows - he adds them up and multiplies them without making any reference to quantum material phenomena that obligatorily must correspond to these operations. It is just a mass of mathematical cheating.


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