Scientists create 5 new isotopes to learn if neutron star collisions really forge gold

I think man is making these heavy isotopes the hard way. I don't believe that the heavy isotopes were forged, I think they were cracked.

Kinda hard to believe isn't it? Where and how would huge atoms be formed to where all of our heavy isotopes are cracked from?

More science fiction? No, just a physical way of looking at matter. Electrons and protons are ring shaped. The protons are small rings and the electrons are larger rings. One of the functions of the sun is to make neutrons. It does this by a huge flux of particle accelerations. A portion of those are such that a proton is place in the center of the electron. They are now co-planar in their rotation. It's a dipole that is closed and locked. It can not vibrate, it wobbles. The E fields are neutralized but the M field is superpositioned. Locked.

A heavy flux of neutrons is all that is needed to form very large nuclei. Heavy atoms don't have one nucleus, they have multiple nuclei. They are plate like structures. The largest plates has 10 P 10 E and 10 N. The largest plates are on the outside of atomic structure, the smaller plates inside.

Inside neutron flux, very large atoms could be formed with gravity. The fields are neutralized. Of which all the heavy atoms can be cracked from. A portion of the neutrons are unlocked and the familiar nuclei we see are there.

From some kind of neutron flux source. Ponder ponder.

Heavy atoms weren't welded, they were cracked.
Feb 14, 2020
Dear Classical Motion

Are you suggesting that these rings are based on string theory or on observations?

The former is more plausible and gravitation playing a part when both of these have masses is probable and likely, but the same can not be said about the massless quanta.

The nucleus does not have to be constrained to wobble only, even when it has spin, it can vibrate (more precisely its constituents n, p, outside e, and photon which can be - inside as Gamma and outside as Xray or other frequencies).

Regarding isotopes and isobars and new elements there is lot of confusion because we need to talk about decay lifetimes. We are happy to stand on this solid earth made possible by outer shell of nucleus and atom around it, with long decay lifetime of proton.

Short decay life transuranic elements were transients and many synthesized at Lawrence Berkeley Labs, hence such many combinations are possible in Solar fusion region as well as in colliding neutron stars. It is more about their decay life?

What do you mean by "Heavy atoms weren't welded, they were cracked." are you implying a super-nucleus?
(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSEB Apollo
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect
SAE Fuel Cell Tech Committee voting member for 20 years.
No. That's one of the problems I have explaining this model. The model I use had it's start with Parson's Magneton 1915. But there are so many alternate theories now, it's hard to keep separate.

These new alternate matter and gravity theories try new ways to explain our measurements.

My model is a physical model and must be explained physically. This model shows physical cause for all particle properties. It shows the structure and the motion that ratios these properties.

This model shows the error in our measurements. And the error in our narratives. And what particle properties truly are.

It replaces the standard model with a much simpler explanation for mass and matter.

I was explaining the wobble of the neutron, not the nucleus. That wobble is the cause of decay. The neutron is the only composite particle.

Electrons and protons never decay. But they can be dis-integrated.

And yes that's what I mean by cracked. From a super nucleus.

But my model is a lot different than any other. It probably doesn't make too much sense without a diagram.

I apologize. I can explain further if interested.
Feb 14, 2020
Dear Classical Motion
For now I am able to understand what you are proposing, and as the name suggests, it is a classical approach. Is it consistent with MOND?
We need to pick this thread again later but will your theory not accept that both n, p, and (according to me) e are all composite particles.
(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSEB Apollo
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect
SAE Fuel Cell Tech Committee voting member for 20 years.


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