Space Predictions for 2006

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New Horizons will launch to Pluto. Another probe will arrive at Mars. The Shuttle will fly at least once more. 2 more expeditions will go to the ISS... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


A few more suckers will invest in the "new" Loral stock and get hosed while Bernie Schwartz continues to rake in the cash for himself!


ESA will launch COROT space telescope.<br />Venus Express will start studying Venus<br /><br />China will launch Change #1 to lunar orbit.<br /><br />RSA will launch 2 expeditions to ISS.<br /><br />SpaceX will launch the Falcon<br />DeltaIV-Heavy will have its second flight.<br /><br />Stardust will return to earth.<br />New Horizons will launch to Pluto<br />MESSENGER does its first Venus Flyby.<br />STEREO space telescope will be launched.<br />MRO will start studying Mars.<br />Calipso and CloudSat will be launched to study Earth.<br />Themis will launch to study Earths magnetic field.<br />A few other small space science missions.<br />STS-121 will complete the shuttles return to flight<br />STS-115 will finally attach p3 & p4 solar panels.<br /><br /><br />That’s all that will officially happen. I think Change and COROT will be delayed till next year. STS-115 is going to be cutting it close so probably won’t be till 07. <br />I think Russia is going to show that they are serious about expanding their space program. That’s means continuing work on Angara and Clipper.<br />


(slightly rhetorically and with a snort of frustration).<br /><br />I doubt the grass is greener in orreryland, just as it isn't in gaetoland.<br /><br /><br /><br />What's worthless about sending people into space, especially the ISS? Shuttle & Soyuz & Shenzhou is ALL there is in 2006, in case you hadn't noticed.<br /><br />Read: Piers Bizony's "Island In The Sky" and then watch "IMAX Space Station". Not only might you learn something, you might get a sense of magnificence, adventure and SOUL back into your life. Also, go try and watch a rocket launch, especially a Shuttle launch and visit the ISS hardware still to go up. You'll learn something. <br /><br />Otherwise, why would you be hanging around spacesites and blogging them?<br /><br />Do you come here to cause yourself stress through the endless b1tching and sniping about LEO space stations and the ISS in particular?<br /><br />Have you an alternative and constructive option to offer for the established mainstream?<br /><br />Do you have billions to invest in viable alternatives?<br /><br />Or do you subscribe to wacky, Altspace paper-spaceship alternatives or a sci-fi outlook? There is NO such person as Zephram Cochrane!! But there ARE such people as Mike Griffin, Elon Musk, Burt & Dick Rutan, Richard Branson and Robert Bigelow.<br /><br />**Repeat after me -- ISS: Took to long to accomplish for too much money, with possibly the wrong design.<br /><br />BUT. ULTIMATELY WORTH. DOING!!!<br /><br />There, that didn't hurt did it? <br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


I agree- any spaceflight is worth doing. ANY gap in ops. is a TRUE threat. That's when the Mondales and Nixons begin to worm their way into the public mind selling the thought that all spaceflight is a waste of money or robots good-man evil. Not building the ISS would've left a massive gap. You gotta keep flying to keep the anti-space clods in check.<br /><br />My Predictions... STS 121 will fly, then the news media will cover- in mass- the drama of the most risky and danger filled EVA EVER!!!! Which will likey be the clearing of a bug spatter on the orbiter window. Of course that will all be garnished with reporters getting every fact about spaceflight wrong. Next we'll be fed more and more details about the SDLVs. <br /><br />And... of course, the fins will return to The Stick.<br /><br />It's gonna be a good year.


I'm gonna see your Shuttle mission, and raise you one. I think we'll see two of the Orbiters doing laps of Planet Earth this year. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>


I have some corrections about some lauches<br />In 2006<br />NO Chinese Luner orbiter SE-1<br />NO any Shenzhou mission<br />both of the above missions will go to 2007 according to<br />official press release from CNSA<br />*********************************************<br />Besides, isn't that Bigelow Aerospace will launch its first inflatable test module<br /> on a converted SS-18 ICBM(Dnepr rocket)?


When is Scaled Composites estimating that it will roll out the first "SpaceShipTwo"?


<font color="yellow">Besides, isn't that Bigelow Aerospace will launch its first inflatable test module on a converted SS-18 ICBM(Dnepr rocket)?</font><br /><br />Prediction: yet another really cool space project will meet its end when its converted Russian ICBM launcher fails.


maybe not as bad as you think.........<br />Dnepr rocket has conducted 5 launches and the same model of ICBM has conducted 160 launches<br />So far NO Dnepr rocket has been destroyed.<br />The overall realibility of SS-18 ICBM is 97%<br />not bad at all, even though the realibilities of Soyuz and Delta II are even higher.


Ah geez, orrery, are you off your meds again? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Remember when we had a nice rational debate on ISS? You seemed to come to understand that those who disagree with you are not naïve propagandists and idiots. But here you are calling people names again. You made your points about ISS on that thread, – namely that no one can demonstrate cost-effectiveness with regard to ISS. Here, you’re back to the weaker parts of your argument.<br /><br />You did not in any way address mattblack’s reasons for why it is ultimately worth doing. Dude, you are losing this debate badly. (BTW, calling a guy known for being a voice of reason around here an idiot is a big mistake.) You start with your anti-UN dogma and end up with an alternate proposal from fantasy land. You’re saying that we can snap our fingers, throw ISS money at it, and CEV will become operational in 2006? <br /><br />You continue to use the fallacy of reallocation of STS/ISS funds. That’s just ignorant of the real-world situation with NASA’s budget right now. Remember the budget reality thing that Griffin did? He told Congress that NASA is going to build CEV as fast as they can, nothing is more important than developing CEV, and that Congress needs to allocate more funds for STS/ISS. Absorb that for a second, why doncha? <br /><br />Indeed, the choice is on the table to cancel ISS. BUT CEV IS ALREADY FULLY FUNDED. So even if Congress makes the incredibly brave move of actually shutting down ISS – which WILL NOT HAPPEN – to make a difference in the CEV program they would then have to allocate more money to NASA right after they cancelled ISS. Those congresscritters may not understand the technical stuff, but they know a losing political proposition when they see it. They would find it impossible to explain to their constituents. <br /><br />You claim that ISS will bankrupt other programs. You are living in the past. That is the hidden ugly legacy of ISS to date, but Dr. Griffin is the new <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


And who, pray tell, are the "ISS promoters and propagandists" you are referring to?


<font color="yellow">"May all ISS promoters and propagandists die a long and terrible death."</font><br /><br />Utterly tasteless comment <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" />


"here's a safe prediction for manned space exploration: nothing interesting or worthy of the money spent on it. "<br /><br />Didn't I see you on one of those Apollo 11 doc.s saying the same exact thing in 1969? Ya' know with flowers in your hair, a peace sign on the VW bus and moths flitting all around. Memo: the 60s are gone and the hippies who openly boo'd the Apollo 11 landing at the pop-fest. because "it was not worth it" are way out of fashion. My added prediction for 2006- less and less people will be listening or buying into the the "It isn't worth it." lie. Do you by any chance know Bob Park... see'n him on TV or somethin'?<br /><br />


HA HA HA HA HA HA-HAAAA!!!!<br /><br />(Enough capitals for ya?). Dude, don't get so angry. Go to KSC and JSC and/or visit the hardware and talk to the people. Can't? No money or you're agoraphobic? That's no shame: So's my Mum! I don't have the cash, either. But I might be going to KSC in 2007.<br /><br />Oh by the way; I KNOW ISS has little to do with ESAS Moon & Mars other than some zero-g medical research. To make a simplistic notion that even you could understand; if mankind didn't spend so much on war and drugs and spent more on spaceflight there'd be money enough for everything -- Space stations, Moon & Marsbases, Lagrange point stations etcetera.<br /><br />But that's not going to happen immediately, because I don't live in la-la land, nor do you, I suspect (mostly).<br /><br />I DID ask; do you have or subscribe to a viable alternative, or are you just gonna complain & criticize and b1tch and complain and...<br /><br />No? Nothing?!<br /><br />Thought not.<br /><br />Nevermind, let's not butt horns. What's it going to prove if you'll learn less than I will.<br /><br />(attached pic: Matt on ISS?!) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


Matt on Shuttle flightdeck?! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


Here's Matt in one of my F4-B ant spacesuits aboard one of my model rockets waiting for launch! It's taken from my live in the nosecone cam... Matt sure gets around.<br /><br />Just funnin' Matt- I could not resist.


(giggle) Good one!! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


Well, space allegedly isn't a race, but China is still flying Mercury-level capsules, with wooden heat shields, to boot, while we've got a big space station, an almost retired failure of an RLV, two partial RLVs in development. I'm not too concerned about China at the moment. I will be concerned if, by 2018, the SLV program has been whittled down by Social Security budget stealing to another plant the flag and leave project, with Mars once again cancelled...


OOH! OOH! [insert Huntz Hall voice] I've been inspired here to make another prediction.... Everyone who hates the ISS will remain unconvinced in 2006 that there is anything worth while about it and anyone who likes the ISS will remain equally unswayed from their point of view that the ISS is worth the effort and NASA plans will not change one bit from arguments made here and the actual waste will only be... server memory space used to make these pointless arguments. Come to think of it... even this post is pointless... see what happens on evenings when I don't have a cartoon deadline.<br /><br />"can't we all just get along?" Rodney King... answer... What're ya', kidding?


Anti human in space crowd will be spewing the same crap over and over again.
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