From my post #5,
Some may disagree, but I really believe that the words infinity and infinite are inappropriate when applied to "reality". They are mathematical concepts arising, for example, from division by zero. This does not work in the "real" world.
If something were "infinite", there could be no room for anything else (by definition). Hence, in my humble opinion, it has no meaning outside mathematics.
If you want to translate "infinite" into "real" language, use very, very large, or, even, "incredibly large" (not my favourite, but better than infinite). Hope this helps.
As stated, this is just my belief. Many, many words have different meanings, or different shades of meaning. For example, if we take a more complete dictionary reading of one word, we find:
Infinite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
1 of 2
Synonyms of infinite
: extending indefinitely
infinite space
: immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive
infinite patience
: subject to no limitation or external determination
: extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large
infinite number of positive numbers
: extending to
infinite plane surface
: characterized by an infinite number of elements or terms
infinite set
infinite series
infiniteness noun
2 of 2
: something that is infinite (as in extent, duration, or number)
Examples of infinite in a Sentence
Adjective an
infinite series of numbers She has
infinite patience when she's dealing with children. There seemed to be an
infinite number of possibilities .an
infinite variety of choices
Of course, one may choose one meaning only, but one can, then, not say that this is the only meaning. When I put the following I was partly in error by this definition. I should have put
should be inappropriate. My emphasis.
Some may disagree, but I really believe that the words infinity and infinite are inappropriate when applied to "reality". They are mathematical concepts arising, for example, from division by zero. This does not work in the "real" world.
What one must not do is confuse, or mix up, the two cases. In the above, there are both cases: "an
infinite series of numbers" is mathematical, and "She has
infinite patience" is non-mathematical. In my case, I
choose to use infinite only in the mathematical sense. That is because I prefer to use the most accurate choice, where possible, in communication.
In the case of infinity, the noun, the situation is much easier:
the state or quality of being infinite.
"the infinity of space"
a number greater than any assignable quantity or
countable number (symbol ∞).
"the transmission approaches 100% as the frequency
tends to infinity"
I am not sure that the first example does not
imply a mathematical connection. We are not in a position to know whether space is, or is not, infinite – or even whether we are able to understand what this might mean.