I have a certain amount of skepticism myself. But what makes you and others like you always say such things anyway? Do you have some kind of magic crystal ball that no one else has? If it is legitimate and not just anti NASA feelings, then why make such general statements without any evidence at all?<br /><br />If NASA is to give up manned space flight as you and others seem to think, just how long do you think it is going to take private (for profit) efforts in human space flight for tourism sakes to even get us into LEO again? No less an expert than Burt Rutan himself (quite probably the only person to even have a real chance at this kind of effort at this time) estimates that it is going to take such efforts at least another decade. And that, like NASA's own efforts, if only with relative perfection!<br /><br />If you think that NASA can be set back far by an accident, then wait until such a thing happens with for profit operations ( and knowing the probabilities, it will happen at some point)! This is why it is going to take such operations far more time to get into LEO than it ever did governmental efforts back in the 1960's.<br /><br />So you are either even more against the manned efforts of space than askold ever was, or you just don't understand the problems involved?<br /><br />I am not trying to be nasty here, I would just like some of the negativists to realize what they are saying. <br /><br />While having some degree of relativistic skepticism myself, I will always prefer to be optimistic in this activity! After all, in the long run it IS the future of humanity on THIS planet (our Earth bound resources are NOT unlimited) that is at stake here! <br />