The Dorkest or lamest Space Movie ever!

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I know most of you probably have gone over this before, but I haven't see it in the last couple of months I have visited these posts. We have gone for the best space movies, and old time space movies, but what about the worst, most stupid, or "dorkest" kind of movies you have seen.


Either "Battlefied Earth," or "Ice Pirates." "Krull" would make a good contestant too. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


I actually enjoyed "Ice Pirates". But I think you have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy it; you certainly can't be expecting Star Wars! It's very cheezy, and definintely a B-movie, and requires lowered expectations. (The "space herpies" thing was probably the silliest, stupidest thing in the whole movie.)<br /><br />Dorkest or lamest Space Movie.... Gosh, there are so many worthy contestants! Towards the top of the list would have to be "Space Mutiny". This movie was prominently featured on MST3K, and it's a blatant rip-off of Battlestar Galactica. How blatant, you ask? Well, they actually ripped off a substantial amount of footage -- basically every exterior shot in the entire movie. It's amazing how closely the Southern Sun resembles Battlestar Galactica.... (To their credit, they did remember to cut away every time the camera was about to pan across the ship's name. But it's still pretty obvious.) It's also got some fantastically hammy performances, terrible casting, egregious continuity errors (including the appearance of a character who was brutally murdered in a previous scene), and a fair amount of plain silliness. The "heart-pumping" chase scene on vehicles that look (and move) like industrial-sized floor waxing machines is pretty funny, although I'm fairly confident the filmmakers didn't intend it to be. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


I generally like Stephen Dorff, but what was he thinking when he signed on for Space Truckers? Way more lame than it had to be.<br /><br />Starship Troopers II pretty horrid on all parameters.<br /><br />What was that flick with Richard Thomas and Robert Vaughn saving the universe? Lame-o<br /><br />No one ever saw it (thankfully), but Nightfall (with Meredith Baxter Bierney) will hold its own against the worst movies of any genre. Ironic, what many consider to be the best sci-fi story of all time was turned into the worst sci-fi movie of all time.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


The worst sci-fi movie I think I have ever seen was, MARS ATTACK. I thought it was suppose to be a new version of one of my favorite old time comedies, Mad Mad Mad World. But was I wrong. Now the Martians being killed by old fashioned yodeling was kind of funny, but it was so bad I wouldn't go across the street to see it for FREE.<br /><br />A dorky movie that I enjoyed, only in small amounts of viewing at a time, was Space Balls. It was funny but I couldn't stand it for more then just a few minutes at a time. Also, I think I have seen Dumb and Dumber all the way through, but I haven't seen it all in one sitting though for the same reason.


Oooh, you beat me to Space Truckers. I'll have to think of another.<br /><br />Armegedan is too easy to hate for being lame, you average 3 year old could pick the holes in that.<br /><br />I never really got the point of Lawnmower man. That'll do.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


For lameness?..............'Critters'! Including every sequel that tosh spawned!!Oh and I'd agree with 'Battlefield Earth'.......<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br /><br />


I agree with hraccts, "Mars Attacks" has to be the worst space movie ever made. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I can't believe it!<br /><br />Am I the first to mention the most horrible space/sci-fi movie of all time?<br /><edit /> Doh! Alienhunter beat me to it! Drats! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><end edit><br /><br /> Plan 9 from Outer Space <br /><br /><br />The worst movie I saw in theatres was some Japanese sci-fi flick that had people in it with plants growing out of their heads. Also, one of the first 3-D movies I ever saw was some terrible sci-fi flick that had to do with a flying saucer battle and some guy driving a jeep around. Lot's of "sparklers" taped to the bottom of the flying-saucer models qualified as special effects.<br /><br />Thankfully, my mind has blanked out the names of these movies.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Plan 9 maybe horrible but it's a masterpiece compared to...*drumming*<br /><br />Gay&%$#@!s from Outer Space<br /><br />And don't yell at me because of the name, that's what they call it. You probably don't find this at local video rental, resort to p2p if you want to feast your eyes on this embodiment of tongue-in-cheek 'scifi'.


Lost Packet,<br />I did think about it, and at one time did find and rent it, but after a short while, just could not go on with it. I was waiting to see the space ships with the strings still exposed, as I was told about. I have seen and heard about Ed Wood, and the character he was, and can believe all that I heard about that movie.<br /><br />In speaking of vulvan, (out of thread for a moment, and I almost hit the "c" by accident). Did you ever read the ST book, Spock's World? It spoke of how the Vulcan's evolved from trees looking for water, and just kept on walking. That's why his blood is so green, maybe he is just a very bright personality to keep that clorophil, (that green stuff), still green. No offense intended, but if he did come from plants, why does he only eat plants?<br /><br />Enough of that. Was Ice Pirates the one with Billy Barty and Robert Urich in it? Was that the one where they hopped interdementionally? That is all I can come up with on that one. But even though Black Hole was a black hole of a show, I still like the two robots I think was in it, with the old cowboy one, didn't he speak like Chill Wills or someone like that?


<font color="yellow">hraccts - In speaking of vulvan, (out of thread for a moment, and I almost hit the "c" by accident). Did you ever read the ST book, Spock's World? It spoke of how the Vulcan's evolved from trees looking for water, and just kept on walking. That's why his blood is so green, maybe he is just a very bright personality to keep that clorophil, (that green stuff), still green. No offense intended, but if he did come from plants, why does he only eat plants?</font><br /><br />I remember seeing the book but I never read it. The only Star Trek books I've read were in a boxed set and covered the old "animation" series. I may have read one other that dealt with the Star Trek universe.<br /><br />I've been a fan of Star Trek since ToS. I've just never pursued the books. I do own the original "Star Fleet Technical Manual" and the Blueprints set though. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Hey, you can't be all bad if you own a copy of the spec's. I have two copies, the org. one in a plastic folder container, and an Enterprise D one in the box. I've only looked at them a few times, but the "D" model was very interesting in it's features.<br /><br />I also have a nx. gen tech manual, that explains how the travel coordinates work, and how the holo suites work. Now, that WAS interesting.


<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />The blueprints I have came in a plastic bag that had a snap-cover on it. Sadly, page 1 is missing (a guy in school stole it from me) and the bag has long since broken into it's constituent, plastic, particles.<br /><br />The manual is still nicely preserved in it's original, hardbound, form. I keep it with my.. <geek meter turned on />.. original D&D junk. heh heh.<br /><br />Back to lamest movie ever: I don't know if horror movies count but "Q" was one of the worst I have ever seen. A giant flying reptile that nests in a huge hole in the top of the Chrysler Building and isn't seen by the populace because it only flies when the sun is in their eyes.. = Dumb.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Star Wars is the lamest. Just plain stupid with every cliche in moviedom.<br /><br /> One of the best is also the dorkiest . 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'. It is SO preachy and moralistic. Nothing to do with aliens but 'touchy feely' love your neighbor, all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. (but I liked it)


How about that movie (so bad, I don't remember the name of it), where there are giant, genetically-engineered Cockroaches - who look like guys in hats and overcoats - that go around eating people in the subways? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


There was a movie named THEM! which "starred" giant ants who had mutated due to the 50's nuclear testing.<br /><br />Then another called ANTS. The only good part in this one was Joan Collins gets eaten - she was a real...


Mars Attacks was supposed to be dorky, it was not supposed to be taken seriously in any way! I think it was hilarious...<img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />


1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture<br /><br />2. Event Horizon (I really hated that one)


wvbraun,<br />I went to Mars Attack with my wife when we could have chosen a GOOD show. I thought it was supposed to be a new version of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World. But it was lame, lame, lame. It was TO stupid to be dorky!!!!!!<br />I hated it so much I wouldn't cross the street to see it for free. Dumb and dumber was even better then that, even if I could not sit to watch that one all at one sitting, without changing the cable channel to do it.<br />My apologies for being so outspoken about it, but I just could not sit still about saying anything about that one AGAIN.<br /><br />Someone mentioned a show about cockroaches, and I thought of Damnation Ally, and those armor plated cockroaches in it. Now that was fun and dorky too.


<b>wvbraun</b><br />the movie was actually titled <i>Empire of the Ants</i><br /><br /><b>hraacts</b><br />thank you so much for helping me *finally* find out what that movie was. I have quite few memories of <i>Damnation Alley</i> but could never remember the title. I actually remember seeing the armored vehicle when I visited Hollywood studios, discarded as a prop (ditto for the Jaws animatronic). I wonder if this is one of those movies that gave rise to the cliche "the black guy always dies" <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


Well, I liked it. We have a very different kind of humor it seems.
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