You may be 100% correct here. Maybe that's why they were authorised for release. But I would say that would I not? The Tic Tac, or was it Tik Tok (not familiar with American sweets) is not so easy to explain away. If it were then we should worry about aviators' competence. Wow I have underestimated US pilots and their machines; let's see, they fly at a speed of --- without a stall and can shadow a duck for a lengthy period with targeting equipment. How far away would they need to be to hold that lock before passing a duck. I haven't done the maths but it sounds a bit iffy to me. Was it a long way from shore?In this case, as embarrassing as it is, those pilots showed they don't understand parallax and don't know how infrared cameras work. The most famous video released by the Navy clearly shows an object overflown by the plane that actually flies much more slowly (also see NASA analysis) and the more recent, ridiculously long but definite Pentagon re-analysis), and its speed, flight height and IR appearance is consistent with those of a duck.
The US Gov explicitly rules out reports where obvious explanations exist ( in their request for data). This to avoid reams of nonsense obscuring and distracting. You demean Western Pilots and should retract that statement and apologise perhaps. I assume you wrote this in the heat of the moment. They (the anomalies) are a category unto themselves; at least that is the intention.In your second paragraph, you don't understand your own point. Yes, unidentified aeial phenomena do exist. But they aren't a category unto themselves, they are only marked by being unidentified. And most of them can be identified upon closer inspection. Usually with something mundane like a plane, a planet or a lens reflection. Not what you wish for. Avoid wishful thinking.
It will be interesting to see what effect recent changes will have ( To Government and DoD staffing). Anyway I hope I have managed to address your 'points' I missed earlier. Please can you offer more substance to your claim that the officer Luis Elizondo is a crank