The US Congress is holding UFO hearings this week. What might we learn?

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Mar 31, 2020
We can certainly agree to disagree. Like it or not humankind is going down a road that ends sooner than later. That road leads to an official announcement. Intelligent life beyond earth has been found and we are making contact. True formal contact with these intelligent lifeforms may take a very long time.
Jul 30, 2023
We can certainly agree to disagree. Like it or not humankind is going down a road that ends sooner than later. That road leads to an official announcement. Intelligent life beyond earth has been found and we are making contact. True formal contact with these intelligent lifeforms may take a very long time.
Well you are probably right that the human race will run it’s course. I’m not sure who would make any official announcement.. it will not be the UN that’s for certain. Donald Trump perhaps…
I don’t think extraterrestrial life has been found just yet and some would argue that there’s a lack of intelligent life on earth.

As for making contact; i’m sorry but it simply is not true. Radio transmissions travelling at light speed take years to reach the nearest star outside our solar system, and assuming the life forms on the nearest habitable planet have invented radios… it would be years before we received a response, let alone one we could interpret! 20 years between messages is a really dull WhatsApp exchange!


Aug 14, 2020
There are many dead languages we can't figure out. There are very few Rosetta stones. We have not figured out any animal language. I doubt we'd have any better luck with ET.
Depends upon your E. T., how they appear among us, what they do among us, and how they come here and go away without most people realizing who or what they are. Remember, we are apparently a backwater, fly over country, rural planet without much about it or us that would interest your usual multi-universe, multi-species, mainstream traveler. One day we might join the fray as a minor planet of life among too many too far spread to bother with. Among so many that do not even bother with origins since many probably can't remember theirs and deal only in time honored, now fictional, legends of their pasts.

I have no doubt there is life out there, just as complex and varied as ours, their top rungs just as imaginative, complex, varied and thus chaotic ("infinity of mind") as Mankind is. But that means the tyrant, the savage intelligent raptor as well as the Han Solo sort. What bothers me is the sweet little movie "E. T." or the supposedly ultra-civilized, ultra-powerful (power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely), Gestapo-like policeman and robocop of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" would prove to be far more insidiously dangerous to us than the outright predators of the "Predator" and "Alien" kind. The species that take their more [independent than not] place among the more civilized, yet prove they are almost too dangerous to mess with will be the species that "live long and prosper," as the saying goes.
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There are undoubtedly many, many civilizations out there. Problem is the large distances. If, for example, we assumed there were a trillion intelligent systems in the universe, then the average distance between them would be about 2.7 million light years. There is just not an affordable space ship on the market with decent gas mileage and the ability to go 20 million light years on a set of spark plugs.

Universe volume is 4/3 pi radius cubed.
Vol= 1e31 cubic light years
Divide by a trillion and each civilization has 1e19 cubic light years to themselves. Each of their cubes is 2.7e6 LY on an edge.
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Mar 31, 2020
Intelligent life beyond earth is right here in 'earth space' observing us. Contact with them has no doubt been attempted. Achieving contact would be phenomenal.
A bipartisan hearing at congress occurred on July the 26th. It was both historic and headline news. This is only the beginning these hearings have the potential to be the story of the millennia.
Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. As to the reasons they are doing so, it is speculative. Are we at some type of risk for our survival? It would appear their intention is to help us? Do we owe them a debt of gratitude?
Are the geometric patterns a message? if so can they be deciphered?
If all they are here to do, is help us. Then we owe them our thanks. What we should be doing, is exactly what they are doing. Observing. This is how we can learn what they want.


Aug 14, 2020
Intelligent life beyond earth is right here in 'earth space' observing us. Contact with them has no doubt been attempted. Achieving contact would be phenomenal.
A bipartisan hearing at congress occurred on July the 26th. It was both historic and headline news. This is only the beginning these hearings have the potential to be the story of the millennia.
Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. As to the reasons they are doing so, it is speculative. Are we at some type of risk for our survival? It would appear their intention is to help us? Do we owe them a debt of gratitude?
Are the geometric patterns a message? if so can they be deciphered?
If all they are here to do, is help us. Then we owe them our thanks. What we should be doing, is exactly what they are doing. Observing. This is how we can learn what they want.
We might owe individuals here and there something, but in general, obviously over such a time, we owe alien visitors (if any) nothing whatsoever. If we make it out among them, that will okay, as I see things. If we go mass extinct from spinning our wheels of entropic time ever faster and faster going nowhere shooting for some impossible monolith of Utopia on Earth and ending in internal fractures, divisions and dystopias and ever more violent and catastrophic results, rather than external Genesis and Exodus to branching divisions, revolutions and evolutions, just as okay. Undoubtedly, if there are long-lived species and organizations, they will have seen both ways so many times before and their own vast universes of countless deserts, jungles, dealings and cares, the Abyss of the broader and deeper, will probably be far too vast to even notice much less bother with.
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Mar 31, 2020
Sending out thanks to Space. com and all of you out there participating in the comments. These conversations are fascinating to say the least. This is a very important event right now in our history.

As the human race we should never discount or make light of anything we do.
If a man falls overboard on a boat does not everyone else do everything they can to save him? Of course they will . It is the human thing to do.
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Aug 5, 2023
You gotta' start somewhere. At least on duty bipartisan congress-people are hearing amazing stories, given by honest-sounding individuals who don't have much to gain from their courageous presence. I imagined the hostile and friendly witnesses who are "hands on" players in this story, who know where the (alien) bodies are, would be subpoena'd next. Given the endemic US "need to know" secrecy on this particular topic, apparently backed up by intimidatory "goon" squads, It may be a long while before young children are educated in primary school about UFOs (as in Uruguay), and there are Disney tours of saucer exhibits at the "area 51/S4 museum".


Aug 14, 2020
Come to think of it, there might be aliens out there interested in keeping Earthlife from breaking out from the Earth, as a laboratory experiment in systematic isolation and closed systemic isolation's degradation of system and life. If Mankind implosively deforms from looking and working inward in world and life, so much the better for the science of the experiment.
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