UFO whistleblower tells Congress the US government is hiding evidence of 'non-human intelligence'

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Mar 31, 2020
On July the 26th, two credible whistleblowers had sightings of UAP's that were both misdirected and classified. The information was hidden to the public till a congressional hearing presented the evidence.
David Fravor presented evidence of the 'Tic Tac' UAP sighting. Graves an F-18 pilot reported an object that was a black cube inside a clear sphere. Further, it was stated that UAP sightings are common and it would be wise for any member of the military to NOT report any sightings.
Representatives of Congress were clearly angry as they are also unable to get answers to important questions regarding sightings or information.
You would never know we live in a free society, when it comes to this topic. The 'we are alone" crowd supports the misdirection and the cover up. They have stuck their heels in the sand, turning a blind eye to mountains of evidence and testimonials. For the whistleblowers, flight safety was their main concern. Spacecrafts or ships that have highly advanced technology are simply doing what they wish. Still, we all have our opinions. We can agree to disagree. In a free society, it is paramount.
I don't have a problem believing that pilots are seeing unexplained phenomena. Given sensor glitches, other nations' spoofing technologies, natural phenomena that we don't completely understand (e.g., "ball lightning"), oxygen deprivation, high G effects, etc., there are a lot of reasons for people to see things that don't seem to make sense as we understand the underlying physics.

On the other hand, I do have a lot of problems believing the conspiracy theorists, who seem to think that the "Men in Black" movies are documentaries. It would be really hard to maintain such an effective coverup of so many alien crashes for so long, given how much other material has been leaked by whistle blowers and just plain disgruntled people with security clearances.

But, the conspiracy theorists can just keep pushing their claims and reveling in the celebrity (and, sometimes, even profits), without fear of being proven to be actually untruthful, because it is not possible to completely prove the negative. EIther the government releases info that proves the conspiracy folks are correct, or it does not, and they keep demanding the the government stop "covering up", even if the government really doesn't have anything to cover up.

So, I just wonder how an alien species that can get here and can stay hidden here so well for so long could also have crashed and died here so often as the conspiracy theorist claim. Seems fishy to me.
Mar 31, 2020
There is no conspiracy theory. These are simply the facts. On July the 26th two whistleblowers testified at a hearing in congress that they saw highly advanced spacecraft.
This technology does not exist on earth. There is no reason not to believe them. They know exactly what they saw, with their own two eyes. Thousands of credible witnesses have come forth. For the military (and these men) the concern is flight safety. These situations occur far too often. Most sightings go unreported.
Intelligent lifeforms operating these craft simply do as they wish. They are not hostile. They wish not to be discovered. They do not wish to contact us.
Simply the facts. Nothing more.

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