mkofron <br /><br />The alien races are real. Most of what you hear about them is not real.<br /> <br />Tin hats do not stop alien people from understanding your thoughts or communicating their thoughts to you.<br /> <br />The advanced races may give you ideas, but they can't make you do anything any more than if a human gave you a suggestion to do something. Some people might jump off a bridge if you suggested they do it. And some people might imagine that you suggested it. By default, some of those people naturally have alien experiences, but the aliens are very selective about who among their related humans they will try to work with.<br /> <br />If you have the opportunity for contact on a physical level, or for awareness of your contact on a physical level, and you do not want it or "think" you do not want it, whatever you do to communicate that to the aliens on a physical level, may cause them to have to stop the contact, or more usually just your awareness of it.<br /> <br />Instinctual fear of the unknown is the largest factor in our refusal to participate in contact. Things we have heard and imagined fuel that fire. On one hand, with a part of ourselves that knows and understands the aliens very well, we want to proceed and keep trying to. On the other hand, physically we have so little understanding or knowledge that we do not want to or cannot proceed. The conflict is between our states of consciousness.<br /> <br />Most alien contact goes on without our physical awareness of it because of this. When we suddenly discover it by one memory of one event or a few, we naturally assume that it just suddenly happened or started, but our relationship is truly natural and lifelong.<br /> <br />You could be out of body in a meeting with your alien contacts one night, discussing with them your own ideas about how best to approach you on a physical level. The next day when the aliens come to see you, they find you sitting huddled on your sofa wearing a tin foil hat.<br /> <br />The