To EarthSister: What happened to Mars?

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<font color="yellow"> I have many questions too.... I believe what we understand about science and physics may not be enough to dis prove her claims. </font><br /><br />Actually, what we know about science and physics is quite sufficient to disprove many of her claims, and have already done so.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;margin-right:0in" class="MsoNormal"><font face="Times New Roman" size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Our Solar System must be passing through a Non Sequitur area of space.</strong></font></p> </div>


<font color="yellow"> Also I find that I too admire her for sticking to her guns, especially given that she trying to communicate to a predominately hostile audience. </font><br /><br />So how long have you been tuned in to these discussions? The current “hostility” of the audience is directly proportional to the absurdity of her claims, and inversely proportional to the proof she has provided.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;margin-right:0in" class="MsoNormal"><font face="Times New Roman" size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Our Solar System must be passing through a Non Sequitur area of space.</strong></font></p> </div>


<font color="yellow"> That's true, but I can think of a few things that could cause a planet to alter its orbit around its star. </font><br /><br />Some of those you listed could not increase the orbit of a planet, and most of the rest could not increase the orbit by some 25 million miles in four months. In any case, ES claims there was no outside force. What internal mechanisms are you aware of the could accomplish that?<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;margin-right:0in" class="MsoNormal"><font face="Times New Roman" size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Our Solar System must be passing through a Non Sequitur area of space.</strong></font></p> </div>


<font color="yellow"> So how long have you been tuned in to these discussions? The current “hostility” of the audience is directly proportional to the absurdity of her claims, and inversely proportional to the proof she has provided. </font><br /><br />Well I first read them the night the board crashed. In fact that was my first post about it, but the board crashed as I was posting it. Hope I didn’t cause the crash – lol.<br /><br />I had not seen or at least don’t recall her saying the planet that moved did so due to no external force. Hmmm. That does seem most unlikely. And yes, the “possibilities” presented by averygoodspirit if they were of sufficient magnitude to move a planet would more likely have destroyed it outright as well as any others close enough to be effected.<br /><br />Still, I’m curious as to why she believes these things so strongly. As I’ve said, I do not believe she is lying or making it up – only that she believes these things to be true (whether they are or not). And this belief seems too persistent to me to be the result of mere denial.<br /><br />As for admiring her for sticking to her guns, well I explained that. I see no need to be rude or condescending to anyone unless it can be demonstrated that he is deliberately attempting to be deceiving. And again, I do not believe she is.<br /><br />At the same time I realize it is understandable to be irritated by one’s detractors. Nor do I think it reasonable to expect one to not be irritated. From what I’ve read thus far, I would have to apply that to those on both sides.<br /><br />My goal here is to determine what she is actually talking about.<br />


lowendfreq<br /><br /><font color="orange">ES, how have your immediate family & friends accepted your experiences?<br /><br />Generally we are all the sum of our friends and family and without this - support, it would be a hard task to stay sane. </font><br /><br />You are right. This is a main reason why most humans are either completely unable, or decline when presented with the opportunity to take on a physically active role with their alien contacts. It is always each person's choice to take the risks, and going forward in any way is never easy. We can change our minds at any time we want, and many give up. Many refuse any contact at all or keep their contact completely secret from others. Without the support of family and friends, we are left mentally and emotionally vulnerable to all the rest of the inevitable ramifications from peers and society. The alien people help as much as they can, but humans need humans. Often those in higher social or professional standings have too much to lose to be the brave first people to cut the public path, but there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone who wants to can have their own part and nobody can do everything. It is often not necessary or wise for experiencers to tell anybody else, or other than immediate family, and their specific work with alien life goes on better without any need for public knowledge of it.<br /><br />My husband Jack and I and our five children have experiences together. Our children's experiences are not pervasive, as it should be, but the children are much more aware and understanding of their alien contacts than Jack or I were when we were children, which is mainly due to Jack's and my support. Our youngest children accepted the alien beings most naturally when the aliens made themselves openly known to each of them 14 years ago. Our older children have had more mixed feelings and felt more uncomfortable with how it made them seem different from other children.<br /><br />Each of our child


<font color="orange">If this business with the aliens is for real, they're not giving her the whole story.</font><br /><br />True. I do what I do. Other people in other roles handle the other things to be done.


yubu<br /><br /><font color="orange">-What do the aliens you contact look like?</font><br /><br />They look like people, but all different race to race. We mostly have different dna and our bodies have evolved from our beginnings to fit our unique worlds and atmospheres. Our bodies are made of the stuff of our own planets and do not operate under alien conditions. Some of my drawings are on my website.<br /><br /><font color="orange">-Are we being visited by different species of aliens? <br />If so, how many?</font><br /><br />218 and they all work together now, as of April 2000.<br /><br /><font color="orange">-What is the sound of the name of the alien species? Can you spell out the sound of it.</font><br /><br />I do not know any true name of an alien species. Almost all of the names humans have given different races are made up by humans and are derogatory in the context they are used and repeated in. The aliens do not openly share the race names we will eventually be using respectfully for them. The one race name I know of is the acceptable nickname for the race humans call The Greys. Their race name here on Earth is The Ancient Ones. We cannot pronounce most of their actual race names or personal names.


Mental_Avenger:<br /><br />I was referring to an alteration of a planet's orbit, not an increase in the planet's orbit. <br /><br />I know of no force emanating from within a planet that could increase an entire planet's orbit. <br /><br />A massive internal explosion, emanating from the planet's core, could possibly cause a large piece of a planet to be ejected into a higher orbit around its star, but I don't know what could cause such an event in the absence of an outside force.<br /><br />The only thing I can imagine (theoretically) that could cause such an event would be the use of will power of an intelligent civilization, but even that is an outside force. The will power of God would be both an outside and an inside force since, according to my beliefs, God is everything. This would be equivalent to a divine intervention.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


avery<br /><br />I think I was misunderstood by others earlier, prolly my fault. I will see if I can clear up what I meant to say just in case.<br /><br /><font color="orange">A massive internal explosion, emanating from the planet's core, could possibly cause a large piece of a planet to be ejected into a higher orbit around its star, but I don't know what could cause such an event in the absence of an outside force.</font><br /><br />I didn't mean to say (if I said) that no outside force affected the little planet at all.<br /><br />What I was told is that nothing struck the little planet to cause it to go off its orbit, that it was the planet's poles that shifted that started the reaction that in some time made the little planet change its orbital path, onto a collision course with Mars.<br /><br />I suspect that once the planet shifted on its own, other outside forces contributed to its changing its path. I can only guess one thing, which is the gravity of other planets.<br /><br />I think your idea that volcanic activity could have shifted the planet's poles in the first place is very likely, but I am not qualified to judge the possibility.<br /><br />That is the way I understand it. I wish I knew and understood more. In any case, I am sure that someday, somehow humans will have as good of an idea of what happened to Mars as the Martians do.


yubu<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Are there any races of aliens that your friends consider bad?</font><br /><br />That depends on what you mean by "bad." The worst race I know of is us, and we are just learning to define the things that make us "bad." There were a few races who were visiting Earth who were not working for or within the high standards of the organization of visiting races and they were dismissed from visiting our planet by the organization. They were not bad like we are bad. There is nobody who is "out to get us" in any way, or they would have got us easily by now.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Does the Cydonia region on Mars actualy give us hints of there being?</font><br /><br />Yes.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do they believe in afterlife?</font><br /><br />Yes. They also have a broader view of continuum from the beginning of life before body and through lifetimes. Their spiritual advancement gives them a greater awareness of life, other aspects of life, than we normally have yet.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Is there a base on the dark side of the moon?</font><br /><br />No. There is only a dock off the back side of the moon. I do not know if any hardware is actually visible to humans.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do you have an aproxomat date for when they'll make them selves known in Japan?</font><br /><br />No, except they told me "soon" which means "before much changes" and that it's close enough to start telling people about it. I have tried to guess when, but my guess might be as good as yours. My understanding is that the aliens do not even know exactly when because they are working on and waiting for a few more things to fall into place. The timing is critical to particular success of the outcome.<br /><br />The aliens can make everyone aware in a heartbeat, but it is going to be entirely up to humanity to work out how to understand it, and how to proceed among ourselves with it. T


yubu<br /><br /><font color="orange">- What i meant by "bad" is races with opposite views from your friends.</font><br /><br />If you mean anything like evil vs holy, no.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do they tie in with the Egyptians and if so, how?</font><br /><br />I believe so, but I do not recall anything directly about that from the aliens. (I recall my husband and I asking some things about it. If they told us anything, I have it written down, but it is not significant in my mind. I only recall being declined answers as we talked about the possibilities.)<br /><br /><font color="orange">- When they say soon... can we expect within 20 years?</font><br /><br />I personally think so, certainly hope so, but I don't know.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Did they bring life to earth, or did we natrualy evolve and they found us?</font><br /><br />I asked them how we humans got on Earth. They said they can't talk to me specifically about that at that time, but that there are only two ways that people, actually dna particles, can get onto a planet -- either by accident or on purpose. One is by dna material having been attached to a piece of rock which then flies off its planet and sails through space and lands on another planet, and the other way is if some developed people put the dna material there. That is what I was told. I pushed a little bit and they apologized and said they have to decline at that time. (Information is never given lightly, even though it may seem to us an insignificant thing to just let us have it.)<br /><br />Either way, the dna must begin and develop and evolve on its own to turn into people that perfectly match the elements and can sustain life in a place. We humans came from one other race of humans who is one of the alien races that visits Earth now. There are "a few" other races of humans in the Universe also. I do not know where, how many or how developed the others are.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- What</font>


EarthSister,<br /><br />Good evening. Good to "see" you again. I have just a few questions right now.<br /><br />Can you describe your <b><i>first contact</i></b> experience in some detail? In particular I am interested in:<br /><br />1 How old were you at the time?<br />2 How did they achieve contact (telepathy, phone call, landed on the lawn, etc.)?<br />3 What did they tell you about why they contacted you?<br />4 How did you feel about this experience during and afterwards?<br /><br /><br />Also, is this your web site or someone else’s? <b></b><br /><br />Since they seem willing to work with any willing human, how would I go about becoming an experiencer?<br />


<font color="yellow"> there are only two ways that people, actually dna particles, can get onto a planet -- either by accident or on purpose. One is by dna material having been attached to a piece of rock which then flies off its planet and sails through space and lands on another planet, and the other way is if some developed people put the dna material there. </font><br /><br />Well, in an attempt to “sound” knowledgeable, ES has decided to provide us with yet another statement which can not only be scientifically proven to be false, but is also false on its face.<br /><br />That is false on its face because, if it were true, then there would be no life anywhere in the Universe. For DNA to exist, it would have had to evolve somewhere first.<br /><br />Secondly, it is clear that life on Earth evolved here from its own beginnings, and not from off-world material. All of the evidence points to that.<br /><br /><font color="yellow"> We humans came from one other race of humans who is one of the alien races that visits Earth now. </font><br /><br />That statement is the easiest to prove false. Our DNA is clearly related, and evolved from, lower forms of life on this planet. If human DNA was brought to the Earth intact, we would not have commonalities with all other life on Earth. If DNA for the simplest life forms was brought here, there is no reason it would have developed into humans just because “humans” brought it. In addition, the time frames for the various related forms of life on Earth is not compatible with such claimed alien intervention.<br /><br />Bottom line, there is no way to reconcile the observed pattern of evolution on the Earth with the claim made by ES. <br />ES’s claim is a lie.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;margin-right:0in" class="MsoNormal"><font face="Times New Roman" size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Our Solar System must be passing through a Non Sequitur area of space.</strong></font></p> </div>


The_Id<br /><br />Chapter one of my journals is on my website. Yes, that is my site. I made everything on it and put it together myself. It answers a lot of how our alien contacts made themselves openly known to my husband Jack and me in May 1990. I will be having my journals published eventually.<br /><br />I have had spiritual experiences of all kinds, all my life, from as early as I can remember. Strange things happened often enough throughout the years for me to always know that "supernatural" is really natural -- just beyond what we understand yet, and to be aware of a spiritual existence parallel to the physical one. Not too much of it was "too far" different from things I heard about happening to some other people, so I was not alarmed, but intrigued.<br /><br />While I was growing up and in my 20's I was more aware spiritually of things around me than Jack was as he grew up, but we both witnessed some "impossible" things that would later help us understand what was going to happen to us. The beings and the abilities that Jack and I experienced the first part of our lives were usually considerately subtle, right up until the day the beings turned our lives upside down and changed the way we think of "everything" forever. Until that day, we just did not know that some of the beings we have been having spiritual experiences with all our lives are people from other worlds. Neither of us had ever given any thought to "aliens."<br /><br />Jack's natural abilities make him much more able to handle greater degrees of activities, emotion and communication during our advanced encounters, as well as physical recall of the content of our encounters than most other experiencers can, including me. This is very important to know if you are honestly trying to figure out the nature of personal contact between races. Please don't assume that just because it happens to us, that Jack or I fully understand how it happens, but we can help explain as much as we do.<br /><br />My journals ar


Ok, well I will get what details I can from your web site.<br /><br />So I guess you can’t get me signed up for an “experience”. Talk with you later. <br />


<font color="yellow">Asking for solid evidence always ruins such claims. And shows us they have no basis other than some kind of psychological event. <br /><br />LOL. </font><br /><br />stevehw33,<br /><br />Do you really feel such an emotional trauma as you describe would be something to laugh out loud over?<br />


yubu<br /><br /><font color="orange">- What do you have to say about people claiming they were rectaly probed?</font><br /><br />It is largely a cliché now, practically synonymous to "abduction." Alien experiencers' medical exams are periodic (approximately 14-16 mos.) and thorough, but no longer need rely on poking and prodding methods. Now that all the races here work together and the most advanced methods are used by all, our exams do not include rectal probing. Butt, if there was a particular reason or need for it, they would do it.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- What do they think of jesus and the bible?</font><br /><br />Jesus the man on Earth was human by body and God by spirit. "The Son of God" has been to many worlds. Not all races needed God to live inside their race with them in order to teach them. Some God could just talk to.<br /><br />The Bible is a history book of books about man's spiritual teachings. It is written by man and suffers the faults of man who brought it to us as it is today. <br /><br /><font color="orange">- What kind of food do they eat? Do they eat animals from there planets?</font><br /><br />They eat the foods natural to their own worlds, as in vegetation, fruites/vegetables. They do not eat their animals.<br /><br />Not all worlds of intelligent life have animals. On those that do, the animals are as equivalently advanced and evolved as the people and communicate with the people and each other. <br /><br /><font color="orange">- Have you ever been shown a picture from there planet... telepathicaly?</font><br /><br />I have viewed what some other worlds look like and I have traveled with alien life to three other worlds. I do not have completely clear memories of these or of the entire events of traveling or being there. My husband's awareness and memories of these events are much clearer than mine, and if I did not see and know my alien contacts physically here, and if Jack and I did not recall the exact


Kalter_Rauch<br /><br />I did not say there isn't more to the story, and I did not say I know the whole story.<br /><br />I have said that the leaders of the organization of our visiting races have recently dismissed particular races from visiting our world, and that now the set standards are encompassing. And also that the US had trade agreements with particular races visiting Earth, that came up against what was appropriate or allowable by the organization once it was completed.<br /><br />I have also said that I have asked questions about animal mutilations and I have been told that I cannot have that information. I understand very well some of the reasons why I cannot be told some of the things I ask. I also understand that there were things going on "by some races" that were indeed serious violations, and that they did not stand for all visiting races. I also understand that these things have been exaggerated to seem worse and more widespread than they ever were, and that they are no longer happening.<br /><br />I am not completely naive. Fine alien races have offered assistance to Earth leaders from the beginning of our awareness of them. Our leaders have been making their own private choices for our world.


Remember, Nancy has had 14 years to edit and refine her stories. That is why she has an answer (albeit evasive) to everything. Still, she has made many technical mistakes that cannot be attributed to a “source”, but rather to her own misunderstanding of science and physics. Although it is obvious that she is fabricating this fantasy world she talks about, those scientific blunders are the proof.<br /><br />After 14 years, Nancy cannot ever retract her claims, she can only make excuses.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;margin-right:0in" class="MsoNormal"><font face="Times New Roman" size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Our Solar System must be passing through a Non Sequitur area of space.</strong></font></p> </div>


yubu<br /><br />You ask great questions.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do all races have some form of intercourse to reproduce? Do they do the deed for the fun of it?</font><br /><br />Yes. Yes. There are variations to cultures, but "basically" this is the same.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Why don't they just wait till we're evolved enough to go find them?</font><br /><br />Because by then we would be doing there what we do here. <br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do the have any forms of drugs... to help them relax?</font><br /><br />The advanced races have medicine, but do not use drugs recreationally in the sense humans do. I can't answer about all recreational use of substances, or for all other races who are more like us. I can say certainly that advanced races do not have opportunity for harmful substances to be available the way we have them for our own people.<br /><br /><font color="orange">- Do they have many laws on their home world... or just a few simple ones?</font><br /><br />I have been told that every race's leadership systems are different, more or less complex according to the needs of the race. Advanced races all have "very" good organization. People are free and there is adequate prevention in place for the kinds of problems we humans need numerous laws to control. For instance, simple examples are that children never learn to steal, no people need to rob others for money for food or to support drug addiction, nobody is homeless, nobody is without medicine, nobody can lie, etc. The kinds of daily strife most humans live in that create the kinds of problems we need laws for is nonexistent in their cultures. This is not to say that they are perfect or better than we are, it is because of their experience and true solutions and preventions. Each of their races has worked toward where they are now. Some of them had similar atrocities to ours in their own early evolution, such as war, famine and rampant diseases. T


"The longest evolved race that visits Earth is over 6 billion years. The longest evolved race in our union of five galaxies is 16 billion years. Nobody knows how long evolved is the longest evolved race in all of the Universes"<br /><br />Whoops.<br /><br />Yubu - call this a reason for doubt alert.<br /><br />


bowlofpetunias<br /><br />Yes, I know. I have been told here that it's impossible. I am not going to change it for any reason. I checked carefully, and have been told point blank clearly. I did not receive the numbers wrong. That's it.
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