To EarthSister: What happened to Mars?

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Thank you, Mental_Avenger.<br /><br />Ok, so if the planet was “moved” from its orbit, the source of the energy that did so was external to that planet. My next question would be, what was the source of that energy?<br /><br />Of course let’s not hold up the discussion until that question is answered as it may never be answered.<br />


Beat you to which part, crazyeddie?<br /><br />Yes the business of volcanism acting as a rocket was something I rather doubted but was not 100% sure on. Just in case, I wanted to get it excluded as a possibility. I’m trying to imagine what external source could possibly move a planet. So far I’m coming up blank.<br /><br />Please understand, I am willing to give EarthSister the benefit of the doubt unless and until her claims can be mathematically disproven. By the same token, I will also not accept them unless and until they can be mathematically proven.<br /><br />No I do not believe she is lying. Though I would also not wish “delusional” upon anyone. Nor would I criticize someone for being delusional. Being dissociative to the degree of delusion is usually the result of events that are not of the person’s choosing.<br />


The_Id<br /><br />Physics escapes me. And in any case, to the human mind, alien experiences do not even fit very well into our physics. It's not so much that our concepts of physics are wrong, but just too short to include such advanced technologies and concepts. Our concepts of physics, as far as I know, do not include spirituality or human consciousness yet and this is the biggest obstacle to defining personal contact. I can only share my point of view from what I learn from experience with alien life, not from physics. <br /><br />I have been wrong in my understanding a few times, and have misspoken what I meant to say a few times too. It happens to everyone. I am as careful as I can be, and I write everything down. I have the security that I will be corrected when necessary if my mistake is serious enough. My husband and I are almost always together for meetings with our alien contacts so I do not carry the burden alone.<br /><br />Calli contributed some great ideas to the lost thread and she and others raised other possibilities about what can make a planet go off its orbit. I do not recall well enough to repeat them but I think there were a few good ones including the gravity of other planets.<br /><br />The evidence of alien life on Mars and visiting Earth is not openly forthcoming yet for many reasons on all parts. I was not referring directly to the aliens hiding evidence of themselves, but more to humans hiding it. It is not difficult for humans to lead their own to believe things do not exist, or to believe that they are something else or mean something else. The proof of that is all through our history and will continue. To measure the degree of this possibility, look more at how naive the humans are than at how great the evidence of alien life is.<br /><br />What I have been told is that the poles of the little planet were shifting. I suspect that this may have changed the influence that other planets had on it, or it had on others as they each continued their ro


EarthSister, I do not expect you to know physics. I’m far from an expert myself. I am asking you to tell what you believe. From there, I and others will examine what is being described and determine (to the best of OUR understanding) whether or not it’s possible.<br /><br />As for the incompleteness of human physics (compared to the aliens), I doubt anyone on this board thinks that humans have figured out everything there is to know about the physical universe. Of course current physics is incomplete. That’s why research continues. And no, physics does not include spirituality as that is by (human) definition not a part of the PHYSICAL universe.<br /><br />Now I can well understand how an alien technology might embrace some part of physics that humanity has not yet come to understand. This however does not change those parts of physics that we do understand. For example, regardless how these aliens might propel themselves about the cosmos, I would go so far as to state as fact that they are not accelerating to (much less beyond) the speed of light.<br /> <br />I don't know that you've ever suggested that they were. I'm merely using that as an example of what I'm talking about.


It can clearly be seen in the photograph, in Petepan’s post above, that Mars looked quite different at the time of the impact than it does today. This historic photograph was probably taken by the Marians who escaped Mars before the impact with the smaller planet. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I think it is possible that there are extraterrestrial beings on Mars right now. However, I think it is not possible for martian ecosystem to have developed "on its own." There are many necessary systems that are needed to regulate life on a planet, especialy one that covers a significant portion of the planet. I do not believe that Martians evolved from Mars, but, if there have been beings on Mars, they are simply beings from other world. Same goes with a supposed Lunarian base on the Dark Side of the Moon. (Elohim).


EarthSister, why would you not give details about dimensional technologies?


Sorry crazyeddie, the question was meant for Earthsister. <br /><br />Cheers<br />Peter


petepan<br /><br /><font color="orange">If the planet on the left is Mars (for arguments sake) how big was this 'little planet'. Bigger or smaller than this representation? <br />I am certain we can run the numbers on it.</font><br /><br />The size of the little planet--I have no idea. I was originally told it was very small. I asked what size it was recently, and what I was told carefully at length is that the Martians originally thought that the planet was larger than it was because of the strength of impact and because of the great deal of debris produced from it. And that since then, the Martians have come to believe that the planet was smaller than originally thought, because they have found that a great deal of the debris is from Mars as well. The incident happened a half million years ago. Their sciences are that much greater now than they were then and they still don't know.<br /><br />I take their careful answers to mean that they cannot now know for certain how large the little planet was. If they do not know, I don't think we can figure it out ahead of them.<br /><br />I wonder why the Martians did not know the size of the planet prior to the collision, especially since they already had ability to travel and to know that the little planet was shifting. I don't know how advanced they were just because they could escape the collision by going into space. I did not have the opportunity to ask further.<br /><br />I do not get unlimited time to ask relatively frivolous questions, not that our questions are frivolous to us, and unless there is a very good reason to give particular answers, they just decline on the run. Often my off-topic questions are for things that would have to be researched and they do not have extra time to do unnecessary things. It may not be obvious to all of us, or even a thought, that each of the individuals who work in their crews at Earth are occupied by their professions at all times. Nobody is ever hanging around with nothing to do


EarthSister,<br /><br />I can appreciate that you don’t know about dimensional technology. Fair enough. Can you answer this – what do the aliens want?<br />


The_Id<br /><br /><font color="orange">EarthSister, why would you not give details about dimensional technologies?</font><br /><br />I am willing to share all I know, which can fit in a thimble.


The_Id<br /><br /><font color="orange">what do the aliens want?</font><br /><br />They want to build a diplomatic relationship with our world.<br /><br />Their main task right now is to bring humans to "true" awareness of alien life. Nothing less will do.


<font color="yellow"> They want to build a diplomatic relationship with our world. <br /><br />Their main task right now is to bring humans to "true" awareness of alien life. Nothing less will do. </font><br /><br />Why not be overt about it?<br />


<b><i>Why do ExtraTerrestrials need an Embassy?</i></b><br /><br />There is at present no way that an extra-terrestrial race can officially enter into contact with humanity without breaking local or international laws, without being perceived as a threat or without appearing to support the politics and morals of that territory. To overcome all these obstacles they need an embassy. Clearly an extra-terrestrial civilisation that has achieved the technology to make interstellar travel possible is aware of the possible destructive effects their appearance on Earth might have on the fabric of our present society, if the contacts are handled insensitively.<br /><br />If they were to land anywhere on Earth at present, extra-terrestrials would first of all be invading airspace. Their uninvited presence would trigger automatic defence systems targeted at other countries. The panic both among the military and the public might paralyse continents. Also the political kudos obtained by the host country from such an important presence might unfairly be perceived by the world community as tacit approval of that country. So the economic, social and political consequences of such a contact cannot be left to chance. These consequences need to be thought through with extreme care. Any benevolent extra-terrestrial civilisation deserves the chance to initiate contact with us in a gentle and non invasive manner. The only solution that will ensure this is an official embassy for extra-terrestrials located in internationally neutral territory that guarantees the appropriate provisions of security and mutual respect.<br /><br />Whatever probability you assign to the existence of extra-terrestrials, without an embassy the chances of making successful, beneficial contact reduces to nil.<br /><br />


Tell them to land here. Tell them to beam me up! Tell them to show themselves.


The leading govts are not allowing it.<br /><br />The alien races have been increasing sightings and personal contact steadily. You can see the evidence of that.<br /><br />Most often, evidence is used counterproductively and only contributes to confusion, to have to then be undone.<br /><br />Giving individual humans particular information makes them targets if they speak publicly, but a lot of work is being done that most do not see happening. There are people being put in place and taught what they need to know in all professions.<br /><br />This will reach a point when "overt" will actually help achieve what the aliens want it to achieve, but not without a lot of difficulties among humans.<br /><br />The organization of alien races is preparing to make first open contact with a nation of Earth. The more true information shared and people in place by that time, the more productive it will be for our world.


Overt demonstration of their existence could be achieved without entering Earth’s atmosphere. Especially for a technologically advanced species, this should be no problem. I can think of a number of ways it could be achieved.<br /><br />Why not get to within half an AU of Earth and transmit a signal directly into SETI’s equipment?<br />


Better yet, why not transmit their message such that every signal receiver on the planet receives it? That would include TVs, radios – it could even be piped into the Internet in such a method. I am inclined to think it would be a mistake for them to pick any one nation and use it as their contact. And I would agree, suddenly approaching all nations would likely be perceived as an attack.<br /><br />If indeed these aliens believe it best that all humanity, not just our governments know of them, then why worry about dealing with governments? Bypass the middleman and speak to the people.<br />


How about writing coded messages into our fields for all humans to be able to see? That way no particular human group could actually copy, conceal or control the information contained in them.


<font color="orange">Better yet, why not transmit their message such that every signal receiver on the planet receives it?</font><br /><br />Then somebody else could send another one that said, oops, strike that. Nobody here but us chickens.


<font color="orange">Bypass the middleman and speak to the people.</font><br /><br />They do. Some of those people are working in govt. But they cannot come between a govt and its people. We are one humanity. They can help us achieve the things we need to, but they can't take over.<br /><br />All races have systems of leadership.<br />


<font color="yellow"> How about writing coded messages into our fields for all humans to be able to see? That way no particular human group could actually copy, conceal or control that information. </font><br /><br />For the very reason that it’s not working. Given the entire population of Earth, the number of people that take crop circles as serious evidence of an alien presence is insignificant.


Well I’m not wanting them to take over. And yes, as a species we are one people. But with regard to government, we are not one.<br /><br />If the governments are being this obstructional, it’s time to bypass the governments. Also, consider all of the divisiveness between governments and “their people” at present. That is, consider how nationalistic thinking is behind so many problems. Now think of how quickly those imaginary boundaries would dissolve upon discovering we are not alone.<br />


averygoodspirit said: "It can clearly be seen in the photograph, in Petepan’s post above, that Mars looked quite different at the time of the impact than it does today. This historic photograph was probably taken by the Marians who escaped Mars before the impact with the smaller planet."<br /><br /><br />I am starting to think that this guy is too good to be true. Now come on guys... Is anyone here using a second ID to mock the rest of us? Not nice...<br /><br /><br />arit <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999;font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999"><font face="Times New Roman"><strong><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><p> </p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'">"We will either find a way, or make one!" - Hannibal<br /> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><br /></span></strong></p></span></strong></strong></font></span></span> </div>
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