The_Id<br /><br />Physics escapes me. And in any case, to the human mind, alien experiences do not even fit very well into our physics. It's not so much that our concepts of physics are wrong, but just too short to include such advanced technologies and concepts. Our concepts of physics, as far as I know, do not include spirituality or human consciousness yet and this is the biggest obstacle to defining personal contact. I can only share my point of view from what I learn from experience with alien life, not from physics. <br /><br />I have been wrong in my understanding a few times, and have misspoken what I meant to say a few times too. It happens to everyone. I am as careful as I can be, and I write everything down. I have the security that I will be corrected when necessary if my mistake is serious enough. My husband and I are almost always together for meetings with our alien contacts so I do not carry the burden alone.<br /><br />Calli contributed some great ideas to the lost thread and she and others raised other possibilities about what can make a planet go off its orbit. I do not recall well enough to repeat them but I think there were a few good ones including the gravity of other planets.<br /><br />The evidence of alien life on Mars and visiting Earth is not openly forthcoming yet for many reasons on all parts. I was not referring directly to the aliens hiding evidence of themselves, but more to humans hiding it. It is not difficult for humans to lead their own to believe things do not exist, or to believe that they are something else or mean something else. The proof of that is all through our history and will continue. To measure the degree of this possibility, look more at how naive the humans are than at how great the evidence of alien life is.<br /><br />What I have been told is that the poles of the little planet were shifting. I suspect that this may have changed the influence that other planets had on it, or it had on others as they each continued their ro