Video footage of UFO over New York

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The best clue to its CGI origins is to look at the interface between the UFO (CGI) and the building (real) it first peeks around from behind. <br /><br />Of course, there is also the fact it was used as a TV commercial by its purchaser, the Sci-Fi Channel. I'm sure the Sci-Fi Channel was delighted that some folks actually bought it and you can count on additional TV ads like that.


<font color="yellow">imrippinit-Kill it like Roswell or Kecksburg? Not everyone bailed. Poorly produced? That was the most ridiculous thing I have heard. <br /><br />Why would you expect a home movie to be produced well? That's kind of the point actually. How would something produced so poorly have such excellent special effects? **ad hominem deleted** </font><br /><br />One conspiracy at a time please.<br /><br />The actress' name is Barbara Sicuranza. The film was done for the Sci-Fi channel as a promo-spot. Her husband addresses the issue directly, below, on his website: (fansite for the band "Blondie")<br /><br /><i>... ok, rather than going away my wife Barbara's ufo tv spot that was done for SCI-FI TV here is still pulling in comment and e-mails... the main reason being that the thing was shot using the world trade center in new york as a location... now we've gotten to a place in the culture wherein my denial of the 'reality' of the thing will undoubtedly convince various people of its viability but even though i personally wish that indeed it had been evil aliens who destroyed the trade center, the blame is unfortunately a lot closer to home and the now famous tv spot is just that: a tv spot with a fake photoshop (or whatever) ufo etc etc etc so once again the sci-fi tv spot with the ufo at the world trade center is not a 'real' film of a 'real' ufo, barbara is the person in the helicopter but she was just pointing at empty sky and the ufo images were put in later, neither she nor i have had any alien encounters, been abducted by space. or other aliens, and we are currently not hanging out with any space aliens and to the best of my knowledge have nevr met any creatures from outer space, have never been on a flying saucer etc etc etc</i><br /><br />In a previous thread, somewhere on the board, you can find where I also posted her <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Give it up. All he'll do is expand the conspiracy to include Barb and her hubby. And you and me too, if necessary.


FYI...imrippinit will not be responding. See this thread. (Updated) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


The thread ends in January 2006. An update says imrippinit was reinstated November 8, 2006. This tells me....? C'mon, I ain't gonna read all 8 pages...


Check here. (Second post in the thread. It's updated regularly.)<br /><br />And read that again - it's not a list of "reinstatements." <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


meh, oh well... I hate responding to someone only to find out they've been banned and are unable to rebut or reply. <br /><br />So, imrippinit, I apologize for posting in a situation where you are unable to post a reply. Consider the matter closed.<br /><br />I've been away from the boards too long.. I don't know who half the posters are. /sigh I just dropped into Phenomena to get my daily dose of wuwu-hijinks. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Good to see you back, A_L_P. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


I'm actually already past caring, I'm just curious as to what I'm supposed to see when I follow the link. It's a ban list I realize, but the latest entry concerning imrippinit that I can see is:<br /><br />"11/08/06 - User veyger banned; returned member imrippinit"<br /><br />Returned, reinstated, whatever....<br />


User veyger was banned because they were, in fact, a banned member (imrippinit) returning with a different user name. I edited the update in S&A to make it clearer. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>
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