Volcanoes fuel gaseous atmosphere on Jupiter's moon Io

Io is very active moon. Here are some notes based upon earlier reports. "Io's volcanism is so extensive that it gets completely resurfaced about once every million years or so, actually quite fast compared to the 4.5-billion-year age of the solar system. So in order to know more about Io's past, we have to understand its interior structure better, because its surface is too young to record its full history, according to Hamilton.", ref - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/04/130404170227.htm

Other reports "Io has no impact craters; it is the only object in the Solar System where we have not seen any impact craters, testifying to Io's very active volcanic resurfacing," says Williams.", ref - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120319151145.htm

My observation - Io has a young surface and much volcanic activity. Other sources on Io indicate the moon could resurface/recycle its mass about 40x since the birth of the solar system given the present rates of activity seen.