who says light has to be a constant?

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WHO SAYS THE CONSTANT HAS TO BE LIGHT.<font color="red"><br /><br />this is really just a spin off another thread on this forum, but can't there be another constant other than light. I heard someone say that gravity could be a constant. Think of it...<br />1)Gravity is every where at all times...<br />2)Gravity affects all other matter instintaneously...not even light can escape its pull<br />3)no object can move faster than it so far as to exscape feeling its pull.<br /><br />What do you think..?<br />(Either I'm on to something or I'm terribly mistaken)</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


Gravity is far from being constant. The force of gravity between two objects on earth and the sun and the earth has a huge gap between them.<br /><br />The force of gravity can be calculated by the equation:<br /><br />F(gravity)=((G)(m1)(m2))/d^2<br /><br />Where G is the universal constant of gravitation (6.67x10^-11), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects you are comparing, and d is the distance between their centres of gravity. <br /><br />So you see, the force of gravity is never constant as it purely depends on the mass of two objects and distance. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<font color="red">I'm not talking about the rate that gravity attracts, simply the speed in which gravity affects all things around it.<br />...Not the force between objects ,but the speed in which these objects begin interacting.</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>




Dear why06;<br /><br />Michelson and Morley say the speed of light is constant:<br /><br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson-Morley_experiment<br /><br />This was one of the all time greatest experiments in physics.<br /><br />Michelson and Morley started out convinced that the speed of light was different in different directions. That was because, like nearly every physicist of the day, they believed in the "ether", a fluid in which light was waves. They believed that the Earth moved through this fluid, so they devised an ingenious (and cheap!) experiment to see what the speed of the Earth was through the ether.<br /><br />To their dumbfounded astonishment, the speed of light was the same in all directions! They repeated their experiments over and over, but got the same results. Since that time, the experiment has been repeated in several different ways, but the result is always the same.<br /><br />Albert Einstein accepted the result of this experiment and decided to see what the basic laws of nature would be if c was constant. This is why he is considered such a great genius.<br /><br />Oh, yeah...the red highlights?<br /><br />I got a real kick out of those because I used this technique to make fun of a post saying Al-Zawahiri was dead:<br /><br /> http://uplink.space.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=freespace&Number=425946&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=1#Post426083<br /><br />This kind of rumor keeps popping up constantly and Zawahiri keeps popping up on TV. Same with bin Laden. Oh, well, go to the link, the forum there is for political opinions.<br /><br />The point is, your posts are hard on the eyes. I hope you can see this. Hint: yellow and orange are the only colors which show


Most people always imagine light to be analogist to a spaceship that moves away from them at a certain speed, and if they are clever enough might somehow catch up with it. This is rubbish. The speed of light is a matter of perspective and is more analogist to a horizon surrounding an ocean. Everybody has there own perspective of the horizon, and it always maintains its distance away from you, no matter how fast you move or wherever you move to. Light is the horizon limit of perspective. <br /><br /><br />


The <b>measurement</b> of the speed of light was the same in all directions. It doesn't mean we can't move through light just we have only one way of noticing it i.e. Doppler shift.<br />This fable means we're stuck with the 'changing time & distance' idea to explain it. <br />I think I wrote the comment to which this topic refers.<br />Gravity appears to be everywhere & maybe a trait of space, like permittivity & permeability & not of mass, isn't this what Einstein meant by inventing space-time.<br />Just as waves can't go faster than allowed by E<sub>0</sub> x u<sub>0</sub> perhaps mass can't go faster than allowed by G<sub>0</sub><br />Edit<br />Oh well got HTML right this time<br /><br />


"Michelson and Morley say the speed of light is constant"<br />There is serous doubt about theirs measurements.<br />Miler experiment found some irregularities. They were lower than some hyphotesis expected, so this experiment wasn't proof of that hypothesis. However he found some irregularities where Enstein theory didn't expected any. This was reason why Einstein didn't received nobel price for theory of relativity. (Some people were angry at Miler for that.)<br />Miler experiments are often dissmised, wrongly, as a thermal error.


Good morning, rahgarA2;<br /><br /><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>There is serous doubt about theirs measurements.<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br />That's why they did them over again. They're still doing them over today. LIGO can and does do those experiments. They keep getting better.<br /><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>...this experiment wasn't proof of that hypothesis. However he found some irregularities where Enstein theory didn't expected any. This was reason why Einstein didn't received nobel price for theory of relativity. (Some people were angry at Miler for that.) This was reason why Einstein didn't received nobel price for theory of relativity. (Some people were angry at Miler for that.) Miler experiments are often dissmised, wrongly, as a thermal error. <p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br />Einstein got the Nobel Prize for the study of Brownian motion. You are correct that there is a bit of a personality cult surrounding Einstein and it's somewhat unfortunate. But at least they haven't made a religion around it.<br /><br />Michelson and Morely did not get the results they expected. They found the truth instead.<br /><br />Miler was one of many people doing these experiments. Each new generation knows what to avoid and how to do them better.<br /><br />Some concepts go beyond any Nobel prize. Relativity was one of them. <br /><br /><br /><br />


But as long as there is doubt there can always be a new theory, Right? It's not that I'm interested in proving Einstien wrong... it just is kind of deppressing knowing that we can never exceed the speed of light you know..<br />It kind of sets a brake on science. And why does speed have to be constant can't it be something else.. maybe even in the fourth demension... or did I miss something.<br /><br />Oh, and as you can see I have no red high light on... that's strange though it doesn't bother me... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


<font color="yellow"> You are correct that there is a bit of a personality cult surrounding Einstein and it's somewhat unfortunate. But at least they haven't made a religion around it. </font><br /><br />milkman, think again <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />
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