Can't Unify Gravity to Other Three Forces? Blame N-Gravity (Anti-Matter to Matter), Zero-G (Push-G)?

There seems to me to be only one possible way that there is a nature, a physic, of g='0', and that would be via cancellation. There would have to be a nature of negative (-) gravity (n-gravity) (mirror anti-matter-side-twin regarding QM particle objectivity) to positive (+) gravity (mirror matter-side-twin regarding QM particle objectivity).

Infinity is always non-local background, yet I've found to my satisfaction it always has local foreground representation in some shape, form or potential, relatively speaking.

?) g = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant).
?) g = (+g/-g (+m/-m)) ('perturbation') ('uncertainty').
?) g = '0' (thus defining a 'Push' constant).
So much for smooth perfection!

It's a Multiverse Universe.
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g = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant (concavity)).
t = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant).
g = (+g/-g (+m/-m)) ('perturbation') ('uncertainty') ('event horizon(s)').
t = (past(s) (-) - future(s) (+)) (a particle will take / has taken every path (every decision point) possible to it).
g = '0' (thus defining a 'Push' constant (convexity)).
t = '0' (averaging all foreground infinities of universes (u) to a foreground constant of 'Now' ('0')).
So much for smooth perfection!

Infinite / infinitesimal (being two only in regard to local foreground relativistic finite) cannot mean crushed to infinity since the speed of light is a place (exact center point ('c') of the infinite Universe) as well as a relative constant of speed locked to any and all possible positions and velocities ((sic) exact center point ('c') of the infinite Universe). The ancient Greeks, as practical as they were, placed the entire Universe inside the entity of light. I might as well place it inside c^2 (c = c (c^2 = c . . . squaring! ((E = M x C^2) (M = E / C^2) (Mass and Energy are equivalents (mass-energy))))). There is a limit to the (Planck) Big Crunch (M), it being the (Planck) Big Bang (E) -- the fact they are equivalents within the purview of the Big Vacuum (C . . . squaring).

C = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant).
C = (+/-)186,000mps ((+/-)300,000kps).
C = '0' ('uncertainty').
As I see it, the warp of c^2 (c . . . squaring!), the warp (sic), ties it to 'g'.

Infinity ('1') is background, always background. The Planck horizon ('1') is background constant. It doesn't define anything like an infinite crushing of mass. It is elastic space-time "warp." To use the traveler again, you move toward a background point-horizon, any of an infinity of them, you move toward an opening horizon (any of an infinity of opening horizons), not a closing horizon ("closed systemic" is local and relativistic foreground). The look of system closing to tornadic curvature and point horizons is a rearward look, while opening from the same is a forward look and horizon. Gravity's bouts with its own background infinity dictates horizons of swirl and/or event horizons. The center, always either an opening to be shot through, hopefully not to any abrupt end . . . or a closing. In warp manipulation, space and time, space-time ((past(s) (-) > future(s) (+)) (future(s) (+) > past(s) (-))) proves to be gravitationally elastic,

Again, any geometric contraction to the background infinitesimal is ultimately geometric contraction to the background infinite (any geometric expansion to the background infinite is ultimately geometric expansion to the background infinitesimal (any an infinity of infinitesimal point horizons -- choose your direction, choose your horizon of opening)). The pop out is relative, the local foreground finite (any finite), an infinite 'potential'. (Schrodinger's cat: (foreground) the potential / (background) the potential fulfilled!)

Multi-dimensionality actually isn't as complex as it seems if you can put together the seemingly unrelated or irrelevant that is in fact not unrelated or irrelevant. Try this on for size, returning from structural domestication to the wild, the wild frontier, so to speak, is a return from the entropic to the energetic. Thus, all created, formed, structure -- whether ours or the universe's -- is production of entropy from mass-energy, the entropic, and all erosion and breakdown is return from it to the primordial wild it came from: is return to mass-energy; a return to the mass-energetic. Always in production, and always returning.

It's a Multiverse Universe.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So, all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it...." -- Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet, by A. Canon Doyle.
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Dec 3, 2021
g = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant (concavity)).
t = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant).
g = (+g/-g (+m/-m)) ('perturbation') ('uncertainty') ('event horizon(s)').
t = (past(s) (-) - future(s) (+)) (a particle will take / has taken every path (every decision point) possible to it).
g = '0' (thus defining a 'Push' constant (convexity)).
t = '0' (averaging all foreground infinities of universes (u) to a foreground constant of 'Now' ('0')).
So much for smooth perfection!

Infinite / infinitesimal (being two only in regard to local foreground relativistic finite) cannot mean crushed to infinity since the speed of light is a place (exact center point ('c') of the infinite Universe) as well as a relative constant of speed locked to any and all possible positions and velocities ((sic) exact center point ('c') of the infinite Universe). The ancient Greeks, as practical as they were, placed the entire Universe inside the entity of light. I might as well place it inside c^2 (c = c (c^2 = c . . . squaring! ((E = M x C^2) (M = E / C^2) (Mass and Energy are equivalents (mass-energy))))). There is a limit to the (Planck) Big Crunch (M), it being the (Planck) Big Bang (E) -- the fact they are equivalents within the purview of the Big Vacuum (C . . . squaring).

C = '1' (background 'Infinity' constant).
C = (+/-)186,000mps ((+/-)300,000kps).
C = '0' ('uncertainty').
As I see it, the warp of c^2 (c . . . squaring!), the warp (sic), ties it to 'g'.

Infinity ('1') is background, always background. The Planck horizon ('1') is background constant. It doesn't define anything like an infinite crushing of mass. It is elastic space-time "warp." To use the traveler again, you move toward a background point-horizon, any of an infinity of them, you move toward an opening horizon (any of an infinity of opening horizons), not a closing horizon ("closed systemic" is local and relativistic foreground). The look of system closing to tornadic curvature and point horizons is a rearward look, while opening from the same is a forward look and horizon. Gravity's bouts with its own background infinity dictates horizons of swirl and/or event horizons. The center, always either an opening to be shot through, hopefully not to any abrupt end . . . or a closing. In warp manipulation, space and time, space-time ((past(s) (-) > future(s) (+)) (future(s) (+) > past(s) (-))) proves to be gravitationally elastic,

Again, any geometric contraction to the background infinitesimal is ultimately geometric contraction to the background infinite (any geometric expansion to the background infinite is ultimately geometric expansion to the background infinitesimal (any an infinity of infinitesimal point horizons -- choose your direction, choose your horizon of opening)). The pop out is relative, the local foreground finite (any finite), an infinite 'potential'. (Schrodinger's cat: (foreground) the potential / (background) the potential fulfilled!)

Multi-dimensionality actually isn't as complex as it seems if you can put together the seemingly unrelated or irrelevant that is in fact not unrelated or irrelevant. Try this on for size, returning from structural domestication to the wild, the wild frontier, so to speak, is a return from the entropic to the energetic. Thus, all created, formed, structure -- whether ours or the universe's -- is production of entropy from mass-energy, the entropic, and all erosion and breakdown is return from it to the primordial wild it came from: is return to mass-energy; a return to the mass-energetic. Always in production, and always returning.

It's a Multiverse Universe.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So, all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it...." -- Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet, by A. Canon Doyle.
I'm gonna pretend to understand that so i feel smarter than i actually am. Looks interesting, but I am not informed enough to understand it.
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