"But, there is undeniable evidence that the nations space program is a hoax"<br /><br />Can you link me to this undeniable evidence?<br /><br />"Orbiting the Earth is one thing, going million of miles into space is something compltly else"<br /><br />SO we are to believe that the Pioneer, Voyager, Apollo, Mariner, Venera, Galileo, Magellan, Viking, Cassini and half a dozen other programs were all hoaxes?<br /><br />And if not, Which ones were hoaxes? And if any were not a hoax, what premise is there that ANY were a hoax?<br /><br /><br />"i don't think that the people over at nasa, who can't even pick the right day to launch a shuttle could send deep impact into tempel 1"<br /><br />I'll disregard the blatant disrespect that you show your betters and refer back to Newton and Kepler on this one.<br /><br />Kepler proved (note that they cal them LAWS and not Theories) along with Newton (again, LAWS) that not only can you predict where any body will be at a specific time, but that you can figure out a trajectory to it.<br /><br />I think I remember you stating that you're in the 8th grade or something. I want you to do something. I want you to save this post to a floppy or CD, learn the math and physics, and then re-read this in 10 years. You'll feel pretty silly.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>