From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Antimatter (yet again):

I've always thought that matter and antimatter mutually attract. A sudden revelation (revolutionary thought) for me, they actually mutually repel (naturally repel) whether individually or in mass. It is only by circumstantial force -- circumstantial means -- that they, because they repel at all scales, will ever come into contact!
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Aug 14, 2020
Antimatter (yet again) continuing:

Naturally "mutually repelling" matter and antimatter can exist side by side without making contact in an expansive arena. Quantum physics has shown that to be quite possible and probable.
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Aug 14, 2020
More Antimatter:

There is positive curvature to universe and there is simultaneously negative curvature to universe . . . and, again simultaneously, a trojan third, the 'asymptotic', the flat universe "Flatland."
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Aug 14, 2020
More reminding thoughts pursuant to my favorite of all cosmic subjects, 'infinity':

(Infinity (non-local / non-locality))

1.) Infinite (infinitesimal).
2.) Infinitesimal (infinite)
3.) infinity (infinities)
4.) Infinite zero ('0')
1.) '0' (null unity)
2.) Horizon (0-point)
3.) 0-point (Horizon)
4.) Time (spontaneous)
1.) Finite (local)
2.) Local (finite)
3.) '1' (unity)
4.) Quantum ('1')
5.) Discreet quanta (2+)
1.) Infinite potential (2+)
2.) Space (fractal zoom
3.) Universe structure
4.) Set and reset)
5.) Infinite potential (2+)
1.) Infinite (infinitesimal)
2.) Infinitesimal (infinite)

(Infinity (non-local / non-locality))

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other." -- A. Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
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Aug 14, 2020
I did some editing to my above #229 as I somehow skipped 'Time', its spontaneousness, and Space's instantaneity of 'fractal zoom structure of universe, set and reset'.

While I am at it, I look closer and more closely at the holography of time past running from a simulacrum singularity of spontaneous instantaneity of time that is no continuum of time . . . that can't possibly be a continuum of time. The collapsed cosmological constant of infinities into MULTIVERSE Horizon there and relative finite local here is a quantum entanglement of the spontaneous.

An endless beginning must be time spontaneous. And endless universe has to be time spontaneous. I speak of histories past and future and that is exactly what the pasts and futures -- from 0-point -- are, "histories."

It is a magnificent setup. Life's destiny, a life's destiny, is not on a planned time table . . . or rather it is on a probability and possibility spacetime table infinite in universe crossroads . . . all of them locally covered in the filament branches to infinity (just as Einstein and Hawking said, an incapability of running amok). The infinite mass density of the thing a vacuum, a hole, or 0-point portal (EWF), into and out to nothing but multiverse's complex multi-dimensional simulation (total mass-energy of an infinite mass density's point singularity equals exactly zero).

From an Atlantic or a Niagara, a logician (particularly an alien logician) could infer the possibility of a drop of water without having seen or heard of a drop of water.
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Aug 14, 2020
The closer we get to quantum computing and artificial intelligence without a frontier of space, the surer I am of the inevitable existence and persistence of the top-of-the-heap's stupidity. The natural law of stupidity. Utopian complexity's constant build to stone seizure and collapse into chaos. It . . . endless offsets of endless cycling to endless beginning in chaos . . . doesn't only happen to universes.

And what we always think of as one universe, isn't one universe but countless many universes (countless many worlds (Heisenberg and Schrodinger writ large))!
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Aug 14, 2020
Had to post this here in Cosmology (and physics (particularly geometry)) as belonging . . . as well as Astronomy:


"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other." -- A. Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.

From an Atlantic or a Niagara, a logician (particularly an alien logician) could infer the possibility of a drop of water without having seen or heard of a drop of water.


So many astronomers and physicists still don't get it, you can't observe SPACE . . . and TIME is spontaneous real time moment. SPACETIME is the universe, via hologram emission simulation, dealing in photo-frames / photons pathing crossroads' coordinate points omni-directionally:

The illustration appearing above and in this above article is how they are looking up and out macrocosmically into SPACETIME and down and in microcosmically to the Planck Horizon from the Hubble and James Webb, and Euclid, telescoping (beyond a certain point) microscopes. They even often describe that naked singularity of distant point-Horizon as if it were two separate horizon universes (one the so-called Big Bang) when they are one and the same Horizon spaceless and timeless if you realize what you are looking at (distantly down and in toward and to the Planck Horizon), perfectly illustrated by the macrocosm curve-back and into the micro-microcosm of the "Klein bottle."

The three scopes are resolving the "quantum" so close to the Planck Horizon (so distant inside the atoms inside us, too), so to speak.

I wonder when they will get it, when it will hit them, what is right before their eyes, in the eyes of their scopes, to observe and their detection equipment to detect.

The "Klein bottle" illustration and geometry illustrates the entangling unification of a supposed two horizons at opposite ends of the universe to be, in fact, one and the same Horizon in two places at once . . . but Schrodinger-like, IS NOT in two places at once (like any horizon, it "is" and "is not").
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Aug 14, 2020
As the 'Klein bottle' geometry demonstrates, we are always at the dawn of TIME . . . the spontaneous "REAL TIME" instant moment.

Something else regarding SPACE I've often described in my own way of describing things cosmologically (warp bubble / warp bubbles / bubbles within and without bubbles . . . merging, dividing, crossing through / warp bubble universes . . . fractal zoom universe structure, set and reset) is back in spades, just described a little different in its picturing by its professional mathematical physicist pursuers.

The total mass and energy (mass-energy) of the universe, and universes, is exactly zero. Considering the infinities, including infinitesimal, an infinite zero. Everythingness, in Horizon, is Nothingness. An infinite density being an infinite hole, an infinite vacuum or void, infinite zero ('0' (null unity)) absolute. Thus, the Horizon of all horizon universes. Think about it, an awfully lot of power in absolute Nothingness (infinite zero). An awfully Big Bang (the Horizon of Everythingness and Nothingness).

Being summoned. Got to go. To be continued, maybe.


Aug 14, 2020
"To be continued," continued:

Remember the diagrams you may have seen of positive curvature (say convex curvature inclusive of convex wave curvature), and negative curvature (say concave curvature inclusive of concave wave curvature), and the straight line or "flatland" (the asymptote) between that will never make contact with either curvature. One possible reach to matter and antimatter, too, and the third, the trojan, as well, using geometry. An awful lot of power in a Horizon where the total mass and energy (the total mass-energy) totals exactly zero . . . or totals infinite zero (nonlocal infinite '0' (null unity) versus local finite '1' (unity)).


Aug 14, 2020
One definition of "distance" is how far away in the holographic SPACETIME simulations of macrocosmic universes from the observer measurer something appears to be. Another definition of distance is how deeply buried in microcosmic quantum layering -- toward the ultimate in primordial soup heat (aka the smoothed-out layer (versus the chunky coarse grainy layer) of Chaos Theory's fractal zooms universe structure) of the collapsed cosmological constant of the Planck Horizon of the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe -- something is.
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Aug 14, 2020
Stephen Hawking once said he had difficulty thinking in two-dimensions at once, much less three or more. I enjoy seamlessly reaching into . . . thinking into . . . the higher dimensions of multiverse multi-dimensionality though I know that to some around here who read me it seems to them I am often contradictory or tying strings of physics together that seemingly shouldn't tie together. The spheres as pointed to in #233, warp bubble solitons and essentially cold universes present like drops of water in a sea of essentially primordial hot soup, and converting it to fractal zooms universe structure's countless levels of a base (reductionist) two-leveling, "set and reset" (where I figure out Hawking's space and time bridges bridging between the chunky coarse grain levels (also dimensionally warp bubbles in another incarnation of multiverse multi-dimensionality) which he called an eternal migration of life through series of seamless life zones of universe endlessly escaping early and late, beginning and end, universe).

Again I summoned! To be continued regarding the dimensions of infinite, infinitesimal, and finite.


Aug 14, 2020
Holographical simulation:

Any finite dimension in relationship to infinite dimensionality is an infinitesimal dimension. Any finite dimension in relationship to infinitesimal dimensionality is an infinite dimension. There is no real difference in dimensionalities between the three except finite is local relative and variable while infinite and infinitesimal are nonlocal relative and invariable. More simply put yet more complex, and indefinitely reductionist (to infinite zero . . . infinitely variably mobile zero), this higher dimensionality of finite, infinity and/or cancelable infinities:

1.) Infinite (infinitesimal).
2.) Infinitesimal (infinite).
3.) Finite (infinitesimal).
4.) Finite (infinite).
5.) Finite (infinite potential)
Built into total mass and energy (total mass-energy) equals zero:
6.) +1 (-1) = (0).
7.) -1 (+1) = (0).

Result: Holographical simulation(s) ('Alice in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass' 'Wonderland' stuff).
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Aug 14, 2020
As General George Patton said, "Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction."

It gets so tiresome coming across the dragging slows of relative SPACETIME so often in my reading.

One day with a vehicle capable of powering at constant accelerations we will be able to travel the set and reset fractal zooms universe structure at a pace that Earthbound physicists with their heads stuck glued into relative observability refuse to conceive exists. Not traveling along in SPACETIME but in the spontaneous REAL TIME (instant moment) where we actually exist . . . where we actually live . . . anywhere and everywhere in SPACE we exist (we live).

I've said it again and again, and over again, we cannot observe the universe of SPACE for a very good reason. A very, very, good reason! It is current / concurrent universe (paralleling universe (paralleling universes), virtually . . . in fact . . . future universe if you must insist upon some relative SPACETIME) . . . thus a spontaneous REAL TIME universe and not an observed, observable, relative relativistic SPACETIME universe! As I said (again and over again), it is the universe in which we actually exist . . . in which we actually live . . . which we actually travel while always leaving behind us trying to catch up at the dragging slow speed of light for observers, and other relativists, some past history SPACETIME universe of holographic simulations!
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Aug 14, 2020
Once more, there is such a physic as "time reversal" and the main observation of it lies in the very existence and observations of SPACETIME. The timeless (yes, timeless!) -- or all time -- reality of it resides in the physic of "entropy." The constant of universes' time turning reversal toward the primal constant of the Planck heat and energy (or fractal smooth (Chaos Theory)) state of universe.

I don't know why I wanted to repeat the above while pursuing (just playing around with) a matter of missing matter from the universe:

(1 atom) minus (2 atoms inclusive of the one) equals (1 antiatom (-) having all the energy in its singularity of antimatter (-) of the two atoms (+)).
Matter and energy are interconvertible.
If the universe(s) were one-third matter and two-thirds energy, the cosmological constant (to infinity) is one-third matter and two-thirds energy for all time, I repeat, "matter and energy are interconvertible."
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You are correct, time cannot possibly reverse or we would not be here. Reversal of time would allow heat to move from cooler areas to hotter areas. The end result is all heat in the universe would end up at the same spot. Sounds like a Big Bang situation to me.
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Aug 14, 2020
You are correct, time cannot possibly reverse or we would not be here. Reversal of time would allow heat to move from cooler areas to hotter areas. The end result is all heat in the universe would end up at the same spot. Sounds like a Big Bang situation to me.
Going back to the wilderness frontier, the perfect but energy-less lawns going back to wild forest high energy weeds, the greater order of things so many thinks is the ultimate in disorder, is what the universes and life always do. What entropy is, including the collapse of complexity, and where it tends, the Planck heat and energy constant -- among others -- Horizon. Several times I've doubled it as the Big Bang Horizon and more, though, in fact, it is the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of the Planck Horizon. I get tired of 'El Ponderosa'. I'm correct in the way of always going "back to the future."

The constant of the Planck Horizon; The constant turnaround to the Planck Horizon, the relentless and inevitable return in heat and energy to the primal Horizon of all the discreet quanta spheres macro and micro, is the nature of things. The universe doesn't lose or dissipate, or gain, things, not anything, including its heat and energy.

Refer to #237 in this thread.

An endless infinity of 0-point centers to universes have an endless infinity of collapsed horizons "at a distance" creating an infinity of horizon universes (fractal zooms universe structure). An infinity of "infinite potentials" in expanding universes infinitely fulfilled (those asymptotic straight lines of expansionism never do meet curvature). And, to borrow slightly from J. R. R. Tolkien, one Horizon (the Planck Horizon) to rule them all.

So, in effect, you are right, the end result is all heat in the universe ends up at the same spot, the same longitudinal point in the end. a constant Big Little Bang, or Little Big Bang, situation. An eternal fire is more like it. Since heat and energy relentlessly radiate from that Horizon as well as relentlessly, inevitably, tending back to it (in and as "entropy").

The Infinite MULTIVERSE (infinitely multi-dimensional) Universe. Same base throughout though. As Stephen Hawking said, the dice "they're loaded!"
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Aug 14, 2020
I apologize for this but because of arguments above I think it belongs in two separate places (Astronomy and Cosmology) at the same time:

In other threads I have not made a mistake talking a dimension of "asymptote" between curvatures of the universe. It is what astrophysicist astronomers think of -- when they think at all -- of the astronomy of the observable universe they look to when looking into and through their scopes.

But it's a multi-dimensional universe, folks, with multi-dimensional curvatures to it. I describe a line of "asymptote" in one dimensionality that is in fact a titanic curvature that astronomers are looking into now that they are missing very badly. Once more the geometry of the "Klein bottle" to illustrate it and give astronomers, cosmologists, and astrophysicists a clue about what they are in fact looking at:

Astronomers are looking up and out into a titanic dimension (titanic geometry) of curvature of universe that curves up, up, and out until it curves down, down, and in toward the Planck Horizon of the universe inside the very detectable microcosmic physics. arrived at their scopes. It is an asymptotic curvature they are trying so very hard not to see or understand. Not two points of horizon at a distance out apart but two points of horizon at a distance in-depth apart (apart within) occupying the same 0-point-center at once . . . every 0-point-center of an infinity of 0-point centers at once (at one and the same time, toward and nearing the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of the Planck Horizon).

You can look at the cone (the curvature) from the big end to the small end of the cone (the curvature) or from the small end to the big end of the cone (the curvature), ending up always, inevitably, at / in the same 0-point center of the universe(s).


Aug 14, 2020
You are correct, time cannot possibly reverse or we would not be here. Reversal of time would allow heat to move from cooler areas to hotter areas. The end result is all heat in the universe would end up at the same spot. Sounds like a Big Bang situation to me.
I've fleshed it out and I've fleshed it out some more, but it is time to do a simple Schrodinger-like split screen on your reply above. In a multi-dimensional multiverse universe TIME can reverse and we are here. Reversal of TIME allows heat to move from cooler areas to hotter areas since there are no losses of information, of heat and energy, heat energy, in the universe. The end result is all heat and energy in the universe ends up, in a constant of [end / beginning], at the same spot. "Sounds like a Big Bang situation to me," too ("spontaneous REALTIME (universal instant moment), aka universal Planck Big Bang 'dipole' singularity of moment and situation (as illustrated by the grid geometry of the "Klein bottle" in posts), aka cosmological constant leading edge (DAWN) of TIME's frontier, aka "RIGHT NOW!" everywhere and nowhere at all!

SPACETIME exists solely in two histories, past and future (past-future) histories. Spontaneous REALTIME relates to relative SPACETIME solely regarding relative SPACETIME's future universe(s). "The FUTURE is NOW!" The future at large (curving from and to "t=0" as I've diagrammed a few times before), that is. Current / concurrent horizon universe(s) (SPACE). Fractal zooms universe(s), set and reset (SPACE). a constant of bridged / filamented -- chunky coarse grained -- cooler warp bubble universe(s) / spheres, in a constant of hotter smoother primordial ocean-sea....

Not so simple after all, I guess, except to me (re: post #237).
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Thank you!
The Arrow of Time has many interesting aspects.
Think of it this way, if time was reversed, cats would willingly gather themselves into herds.
In this case there would be no cats to push things off the edge of a flat Earth.
Thus: Flat Earth can only exist when the arrow of time reverses.
Class, discuss quietly, while I go to the teacher's lounge for a smoke.


Aug 14, 2020
Thank you!
The Arrow of Time has many interesting aspects.
Think of it this way, if time was reversed, cats would willingly gather themselves into herds.
In this case there would be no cats to push things off the edge of a flat Earth.
Thus: Flat Earth can only exist when the arrow of time reverses.
Class, discuss quietly, while I go to the teacher's lounge for a smoke.
Flatland flat universe(s) (Sierpinski carpet(s)) / warp bubble sphere(s) (Menger sponges) / holographical simulation(s) (1-d string-cones / 2-d macrocosmic photo--frame(s) / 0-d microcosmic photon wave-particle(s) / Coordinate triangulation(s) (where mistakenly only one line-side of a triangle is observable (the hol-sim), observed, and measured) / spin (reverse spin). "For every action (convexity) there is an equal but opposite reaction (concavity) . . . and third, trojan, asymptote."

The Earth is round!
The Earth is equatorially grid-latitudinally flat, latitudinally asymptotic!
Flatness is found in velocity and acceleration of object velocity. Centrifugal. Centripetal. And third and trojan, asymptotically free (the riding, rising, fastball, though not quite warp or wormhole straight in the universe (flat straight in a curved arcing universe / or, arcing curvature in a flat straight universe / in either case, needing to lead a target or destination in a universe of no nonlocal stops . . . no nonlocal relativity).

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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Aug 14, 2020
#246, important add: "In either case, needing to lead a target or destination in a universe of no nonlocal stops . . . no nonlocal relativity." Where eventually the expanding nonlocal differences, the expansions in nonlocal curvatures, will go infinitely beyond the speed of light in expansions! Yet, an asymptotic line of lead (powered, accelerative, lead), given enough lead, thus warp or wormhole (whatever), could possibly do away with the infinity. of any difference between (s=0 / t=0).

Stephen Hawking saw the possibility in his "Grand Central Station" of Universe with its centrally located one digit only, one hand only, clock.
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Aug 14, 2020
From a drop (re: #237) of cosmic microwave background radiation (or whatever), a logician could infer an entire universe of energy.

It might not take much base at all (again, re: #237 . . . and a dab of #242 (again whatever)) to energize the universe(s), constant for all time.


Aug 14, 2020
Defined as I see it (#249), ".... or dealing in position" (relative SPACETIME coordinate 'point')?
To go off on a tangent, maybe:
If you can dismiss what telescopic observation tells you about the SPACETIME rigidity of the nonlocal universe in view, you suddenly realize that the unobserved and unobservable macrocosm of current / concurrent universe at large is even more quanta physically disorientated and disorientating than is the microcosm of quantum physics. That the mind-bending weirdness of the microcosm in small is really the very modeling of the expanded non-relative real macrocosm in large.
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